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[Sep 04 2007] Report: Documents Tie Couch to Drug Regimens
Report: Documents Tie Couch to Drug Regimens August 29, 2007·                                 Quarterback Tim Couch, the No. 1 pick in the 1999 N.F.L. draft, had doping regimens that called for anabolic steroids and human ...
[Sep 04 2007] NFL members suspended for use of steroids
NFL members suspended for use of steroids9/3/2007 ALBANY, N.Y. -- Two members of the NFL will be sidelined for the start of the upcoming season as a result of Albany County District Attorney David Soares' investigation into a Florida Pharmaceutical ring.T...
[Sep 04 2007] Where Does It All End?
Where Does It All End?Sept. 2, 2007Yesterday the QB Coach for the Cowboys, Wade Wilson, was suspended for 5 games for taking HGH as a coach.  Wait, he took a performance enhancer as a coach and now he is suspended!  You've got to be kidding me!  This i...
[Sep 02 2007] WWE Suspension Update: 11 Wrestlers Now Suspended-Steroids & Drugs
WWE Suspension Update: 11 Wrestlers Now Suspended-Steroids & Drugs Sept. 2, 2007 WWE Suspension Update: After the original announcement on Thursday, that 10 wrestlers had been suspended, WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt confirmed to Newsday, that there ha...
[Sep 02 2007] Harrison suspended: Reportedly took HGH
Harrison suspended: Reportedly took HGHSept. 1, 2007A contrite and remorseful Rodney Harrison last night took full responsibility for using a banned substance, the admission of which forced the NFL to suspend the Patriots safety for the first four games o...
[Sep 02 2007] Chris Benoit death leads to steroid crackdown
Chris Benoit death leads to steroid crackdownSept. 2, 2007WORLD Wrestling Entertainment has suspended 10 of its most popular stars for violations of a policy that tests for steroids and other drugs.WWE said yesterday that it issued suspension notices base...
[Sep 02 2007] The Rock Speaks on WWE’s Steroid Issues, Benoit, More
The Rock Speaks on WWE’s Steroid Issues, Benoit, More  9/1/07Former WWE star speaks out on the steroid problem... Alex Marvez has an interview up with Dwayne The Rock Johnson on Highlights are below.On the steroid issue: Clearly, ther...
[Aug 31 2007] WWE Suspensions 10 Wrestlers: violations of steroids and drugs policy
WWE Suspensions 10 Wrestlers: violations of steroids and drugs policyAugust 31st, 2007According to The Star, there has been 10 WWE Suspensions and these Wrestlers are rumored to be Ken “Mr. Kennedy” Anderson and Chavo Guerrero, Darren “William Regal...
[Aug 31 2007] WWE suspends 10 for Violating Policy that Requires Drug Tests
WWE suspends 10 for Violating Policy that Requires Drug Tests, By: Shaun AssaelWorld Wrestling Entertainment, under fire since one of its top stars was involved in a double-murder suicide, announced the suspension of 10 of its wrestlers on Thursday. They ...
[Aug 31 2007] The Debriefing: On Steroids, Tim Couch, Roller Skating, And Why I Just Don't Care
The Debriefing: On Steroids, Tim Couch, Roller Skating, And Why I Just Don't CareAug 30, 2007If you strip away all the negative connotations that have come to be associated with the term performance-enhancing drugs, and you just worst look at the words ...


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