[Aug 04 2007]
Jesse Marunde's Death: Troubling Questions About Steroids in World's Strongest Man
Jesse Marunde's Death: Troubling Questions About Steroids in World's Strongest Man, By: Michael David SmithAugust 3, 2007The death of Jesse Marunde, a 27-year-old World’s Strongest Man competitor who collapsed during a workout last month, was tragic to ...
[Aug 04 2007]
Browns lineman gets steroids suspension
Browns lineman gets steroids suspensionAugust 4, 2007Desperate to resume his career, a down and out Ryan Tucker risked his football future by taking steroids. He'll pay for it -- and so will the Browns. Tucker, Cleveland's rock-solid right offensive tac...
[Aug 03 2007]
Gatlin Assisted Investigators in Balco Probe
Gatlin Assisted Investigators in Balco Probe, By: Amy Shipley August 2, 2007 Olympic 100-meter champion Justin Gatlin secretly recorded more than 10 telephone calls with his coach, Trevor Graham, to assist federal investigators in the Balco steroid probe...
[Aug 03 2007]
Congress continues to hunt for WWE steroid records
Congress continues to hunt for WWE steroid records, By: John McMullen August 2, 2007The New York Daily News is reporting that a second congressional committee has requested World Wrestling Entertainment provide documents pertaining to the company’s ste...
[Jul 31 2007]
Gatlin Will Claim Sabotage In Defense of Doping Charges
Gatlin Will Claim Sabotage In Defense of Doping Charges, By: Amy Shipley
July 30, 2007
Facing a possible eight-year ban from track and field for a positive drug test last summer, Olympic 100-meter champion Justin Gatlin plans to allege during a two-d...
[Jul 30 2007]
The mouth that roared – again
The mouth that roared – again, By: Chris DeLuca Unless he can back up his statements, Schilling should just keep quiet July 29, 2007 It seems as though Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling is back on his crusade against steroids in baseball. You mi...
[Jul 28 2007]
Bonds does not deserve to hold homer record
Bonds does not deserve to hold homer recordJuly 28, 2007Being an avid sports fan, baseball in particular, I was pleased to see that your newspaper is soliciting comments on the topic of Barry Bonds and performance-enhancing drugs. I don't think enough att...
[Jul 28 2007]
This Just In: Wrestlers Might Use Steroids
This Just In: Wrestlers Might Use Steroids, By: Tom Shoop July 27, 2007Reps. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., and Tom Davis, R-Va. -- the chairman and ranking member, respectively, of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee -- have had their share of ...
[Jul 27 2007]
WWE News: Former Fox News correspondent pleads guilty to steroid distribution to WWE wrestlers
WWE News: Former Fox News correspondent pleads guilty to steroid distribution to WWE wrestlers, By: James Caldwell July 25, 2007 Former FOX News correspondent Claire Godfrey pled guilty to steroid distribution in Albany (N.Y.) court on Tuesday. To avoid...
[Jul 24 2007]
Steroid Use in Golf?
Steroid Use in Golf? Leading UK sports performance psychology therapist and twice World Powerlifting Champion, Emma James, dismisses claims that professional players are using steroids. July 23, 2007 Recent revelations regarding steroids in Golf in th...