[Dec 25 2006]
Italian Star Borriello Suspended After Positive Test For Steroids
Italian Star Borriello Suspended After Positive Test For Steroids, By: Marc PruittDecember 22, 2006 Rome, Italy (AHN) - The Italian Olympic Committee has suspended AC Milan's Marco Borriello on Friday after a test came back positive for two performance-en...
[Dec 22 2006]
Chargers players part of fraud investigation
Chargers players part of fraud investigation, By: Jay Paris A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement official confirmed Tuesday some Chargers are being investigated for potential fraud, after a scheme was uncovered by the Drug Enforcement Agency. We rec...
[Dec 19 2006]
Steroids commonplace in Nepali sport
Steroids commonplace in Nepali sport, By: PURUSHOTTAM KATTEL December 17, 2006 When Rajendra Bhandari, the double gold winner in the 10th South Asian Games, tested positive for doping it caused a storm in the sports fraternity. After all, athlete Bhandar...
[Dec 19 2006]
Grandma's winner on steroids
Grandma's winner on steroids12/15/06 Duluth, Minnesota - Grandma's Marathon organisers disqualified 2006 women's winner Halina Karnatsevich of Belarus after she tested positive for an anabolic steroid. Karnatsevich, 36, tested positive for a banned su...
[Dec 17 2006]
Ex-Cyclist Thomas Indicted In Federal Steroid Probe
Ex-Cyclist Thomas Indicted In Federal Steroid ProbeDecember 15, 2006Former elite cyclist Tammy Thomas was indicted by a federal grand jury yesterday on charges of hindering the government's steroid investigation.Thomas, 36, is accused of three counts of p...
[Dec 17 2006]
Baseball invited steroids to the home run chase, Hall of Fame debate
Baseball invited steroids to the home run chase, Hall of Fame debate, By: Veto F. Roley Friday, December 15, 2006 Tony Gwinn, one of the best hitters to ever play Major League baseball, and Cal Ripken, Jr., who owns the longest consecutive-games played s...
[Dec 14 2006]
Former elite cyclist Thomas indicted in steroids probe
Former elite cyclist Thomas indicted in steroids probe, By: David Kravets December 14, 2006 Prosecutors sent another clear message Thursday to Barry Bonds and everyone else suspected of misleading the federal steroids investigation: lie to us, and we'll...
[Dec 12 2006]
Roundup: Iraqi bodybuilder is out for steroids
Roundup: Iraqi bodybuilder is out for steroids
December 12, 2006
Asian Games
An Iraqi bodybuilder was disqualified from the Asian Games after performance-enhancing substance were found in his luggage by the authorities at Doha's international air...
[Dec 10 2006]
Saints DT Hollis Thomas Suspended Four Games For Steroid Violation
Saints DT Hollis Thomas Suspended Four Games For Steroid Violation, By: Matthew SmithDecember 6, 2006 New Orleans, LA (AHN) - The Saints have lost Hollis Thomas for the rest of the regular season for violating the league's steroid policy.Thomas, a 335-pou...
[Dec 10 2006]
Athletes' unbeatable foe
Athletes' unbeatable foe, By: Michael A. HiltzikAnti-doping authorities serve as prosecutor, judge and jury. The innocent often pay a high price. December 10, 2006 The worldwide sports anti-doping program, created to fight performanceenhancing drug use in...