[Oct 05 2007]
Marion Jones admits steroid use
Marion Jones has acknowledged using the steroid THG.
[Oct 05 2007]
Torres Tests Positive for Steroids
Anthony Torres is the first mixed martial artist to render a positive result for anabolic steroids.
[Oct 01 2007]
Indiana to Regulate Steroids; Questions Raised
Written by:
James Platz
September 30, 2007
Indiana has become the first state to adopt model rules for regulating use of anabolic steroids in racehorses, but horsemen and others believe the move could be premature.
The Indiana Horse Racing Co...
[Oct 01 2007]
Sugar Shane Mosley Allegedly Used Steroids
Boxer Shane Mosley is accused of using BALCO designer steroids before a 2003 fight against Oscar De La Hoya.
[Sep 24 2007]
No Joke: Steroids testing coming to professional golf
Tim Finchem, the commissioner of the PGA Tour, is expecting to unveil a comprehensive drug policy.
[Sep 17 2007]
NY prosecutors meet with steroids investigators
NY prosecutors meet with steroids investigatorsSept. 14, 2007Albany (N.Y.) County prosecutors met Thursday with representatives from the Mitchell Commission who are investigating the use of performance-enhancing drugs in Major League Baseball.Four days ea...
[Sep 17 2007]
PBF Seeks Dope Free Bodybuilding in Pakistan, says Yahya
PBF Seeks Dope Free Bodybuilding in Pakistan, says YahyaSept 16, 2007ISLAMABAD: In order to stop use of steroid and create awareness about harmful effect of prohibited medicines around the country, Pakistan Bodybuilding Federation (PBF) has announced to t...
[Sep 16 2007]
Time for Glaus and club to come clean on steroids
Time for Glaus and club to come clean on steroids, By: Richard Griffin Sep 15, 2007It was a happy-go-lucky group of Jays that strolled onto the field for batting practice yesterday. No more stressful pressure of a pennant race. No more hovering media loo...
[Sep 16 2007]
Judge denies Hearst Corp. motion for names in baseball steroids case
Judge denies Hearst Corp. motion for names in baseball steroids case Sept. 15, 2007NEW YORK (AP) — A federal judge denied a request by Hearst Corp. to make public the names of baseball players implicated in obtaining steroids.In an eight-page decision F...
[Sep 16 2007]
Judge keeps names of steroid-linked baseball players private
Judge keeps names of steroid-linked baseball players private Sept. 14, 2007NEW YORK (AFP) — A federal judge ruled Friday that the names of up to 23 Major League Baseball players who could be linked to the latest US steroid scandal will remain private.US...