[May 25 2006]
Sepeng won't appeal his ban
Sepeng won't appeal his banMay 24, 2006Hezekiel Sepeng, South Africa's former Olympic 800m silver medallist, says he will not appeal against his ban as it will cost him too much.Athletics South Africa banned Sepeng for two years after he tested positive f...
[May 22 2006]
Steroid mess puts target on anyone
Steroid mess puts target on anyone, By: Kevin RobertsMay 22, 2006No one knows anything anymore, and everybody is guilty until proven innocent -- and even then we're not sure. What David Wells did to Phillies outfielder David Dellucci (and Craig Biggio, by...
[May 22 2006]
Biscuits' coach now a part of Bonds' history
Biscuits' coach now a part of Bonds' history, By A. Stacy LongMay 21, 2006The highlights stared off the newspaper page at Xavier Hernandez, who laughed at the present his players left him.Two years ago, when Barry Bonds cracked his 700th career home run, ...
[May 21 2006]
Locals think Bonds cheated, won't be penalized
Locals think Bonds cheated, won't be penalized, By: Justin RodriguezMay 20, 2006Is Barry Bonds a steroid cheat? Mounting evidence suggests that he is, and the San Francisco Giants slugger appears to be losing in the so-called court of public opinion.Bonds...
[May 21 2006]
Pujols dismisses steroid rumors and talk of age
Pujols dismisses steroid rumors and talk of age, By: Derrick Goold May 21, 2006 Devout in his inspiration for why he plays the game and proud of the perspiration he has put into how he plays the game, Albert Pujols says his record-setting power this sea...
[May 21 2006]
Other Voices: Abuse of Bonds the real embarrassment
Other Voices: Abuse of Bonds the real embarrassment, By Matt PacenzaMay 18, 2006, (N.Y.) TIMES UNIONBarry Bonds isn't O.J. Simpson.But you might conclude that, given the hatred hurled at Bonds by fans and media each time he limps into left field.Let's jus...
[May 21 2006]
Magowan must say no to re-signing Bonds
Magowan must say no to re-signing Bonds, By: Steve Bitker May 19, 2006 WOULD I LIKE to see Barry Bonds pursue Hank Aaron's career home run record in a Giants uniform next season? I would rather undergo root canal. Put another way, why should the Giants ...
[May 18 2006]
NL Beat: Pujols says Bonds deserves respect for achievements
NL Beat: Pujols says Bonds deserves respect for achievements May 18, 2006, The Seattle Times Albert Pujols defended Barry Bonds on Wednesday, saying he respects the accomplishments of the San Francisco Giants' slugger.Pujols was in the St. Louis lineup ...
[May 18 2006]
Steroids might be gone, but home runs aren't
Steroids might be gone, but home runs aren't, By: Sean BaligianPower hitters, led by Thome, Pujols, pick up the pace May 18, 2006, The Detroit News When Major League Baseball decided to get serious about its crackdown on steroids, many felt the power nu...
[May 17 2006]
Steroids trouble clouds the magic
Steroids trouble clouds the magic, By: Guy JunkerMay 15, 2006, TRIBUNE-REVIEWIn a sport where statistical achievement is usually over-hyped, the lack of hype over Barry Bonds' chase of second place on the all-time home run list is remarkable. His own team...