[Apr 09 2006]
Editorial: Bad timing by Selig
Editorial: Bad timing by Selig, By: David WolmanApril 6, 2006Take me out to the ballgame. Buy me some peanuts and two syringes. So, let's root, root, root for Bud Selig. If he conducted player steroid testing four years year earlier, it would not have bee...
[Apr 09 2006]
Judge reports Bonds' help for Sheffield
Judge reports Bonds' help for Sheffield April 7, 2006Barry Bonds dispatched weight trainer Greg Anderson to Minneapolis in the summer of 2002 to give emergency help to slumping Gary Sheffield, a federal judge has told Major League Baseball. In correspo...
[Apr 09 2006]
Our View -- Steroid investigation: Past cannot be changed
Our View -- Steroid investigation: Past cannot be changedApril 6, 2006, The Free PressSpitballs, corked bats, tagging up early on a fly ball ... in all these details and more, the ethics of baseball has long been: “It ain’t cheating if you don’t get...
[Apr 09 2006]
The Baseball Column: Missing In Action
The Baseball Column: Missing In Action, By: David ZinglerApril 7, 2006 The Bigger They Are, The Harder They FallThe 2006 baseball season is officially under way and Rafael Palmeiro and Sammy Sosa are nowhere to be seen. They're both on the wrong side of ...
[Apr 09 2006]
Pro: Record book has to be split because of steroid era
Pro: Record book has to be split because of steroid era , By: Jon CataliniApril 9, 2006 I remember watching the fervor surrounding the Mark McGwire-Sammy Sosa home run bonanza in 1998 and thinking, Doesn't anyone see something wrong with this? McGwire a...
[Apr 09 2006]
Adding an asterisk could change the game forever
Adding an asterisk could change the game forever, By: David Whitley April 9, 2006, The Orlando SentinelORLANDO, Fla. - To (ASTERISK) or not to (ASTERISK), that is the question.With all due apologies to William Shakespeare, that is baseball's big question...
[Apr 06 2006]
The Skinny: A big yawn for steroid probe
The Skinny: A big yawn for steroid probe, By: David VantressApril 5, 2006, Star-Times Sports Editor My grandpa, who passed away recently, had a number of sayings he was fond of. One of them was, Winners never cheat, and cheaters never win. Grandpa wasn'...
[Apr 06 2006]
Are Steroids the Answer?
Are Steroids the Answer?, By: Michael CzobitApril 4, 2006Maybe Ryerson's varsity teams are only a cattle's muscle-building hormone away from victory. After a season where most of the Rams failed to make the playoffs, taking a cocktail of steroids, human g...
[Apr 06 2006]
Investigation next step in steroid debate
Investigation next step in steroid debate, By: Dan FarrandApril 5, 2006 The steroid issue is a cancer that has been consuming Major League Baseball since the eruption of the Bay Area Laboratory Cooperative (BALCO) investigation in 2002. In the last four ...
[Apr 05 2006]
Baseball can punish steroid users
Baseball can punish steroid users, By: Bill Madden April 5, 2006, New York Daily NewsNEW YORK - Mind you, we're probably way ahead of ourselves here - by at least two years - but baseball's long-overdue investigation of potentially widespread steroid abu...