[Apr 14 2008]
The Effectiveness of Bodyweight Exercises On Fat Loss
By Jimmy Smith
Bodyweight exercises can be effective for fat loss......
If you do them right
I know this seems like a cop out but I've seen so many bodyweight programs come out in the past 6 months that I have to set the record straight.
You see ...
[Apr 17 2007]
Overtraining, By: Dr. J. Warren Willey Recently, I have had a number of people report to my office with some surprisingly similar complaints: Fatigue, muscle tension and prolonged soreness, decreased appetite, sleep problems, and general feelings of malai...
[Apr 11 2007]
Overtrain If You Don't Want To Gain!
Overtrain If You Don't Want To Gain!, By: Eric Boser We are a society with a "more is better" attitude. More money, more convenience, more luxury and more, more, more! However, when looking to build more muscle, sometimes more is less. One of th...
[Apr 02 2007]
What is the Overtraining Syndrome?
What is the Overtraining Syndrome?, By: Marc David Training beyond the body's ability to repair itself. This can be caused by training the same body parts too frequently so that the body does not have time to recover before the next workout. Workouts that...
[Mar 18 2007]
Lift More Weight...Instantly!
Lift More Weight...Instantly!, By: Jeff Anderson Still straining to get past that personal record on your bench press, lat pull down, bicep curls, or any other exercise? Can't quite seem to squeeze out that last rep without popping a vein in your forehead...
[Mar 05 2007]
Training With Muscle Soreness: Should You Do It?
Training With Muscle Soreness: Should You Do It?, By: Nick Nilsson Muscle soreness is something that every trainer has experienced. The typical advice is to wait until you're not sore to train that muscle again. But what if you can actually get BETTER res...
[Mar 05 2007]
Daily Specialization Training - Transform Your Weakest Bodyparts
Daily Specialization Training - Transform Your Weakest Bodyparts, By: Nick Nilsson Experience the power of extremely targeted, high-frequency training. It literally has the power to turn your weakest bodyparts into your best! Everybody has them but nobody...
[Mar 05 2007]
Negative Training Without A Training Partner
Negative Training Without A Training Partner, By: Nick Nilsson
Negatives are among the most powerful training techniques for rapid strength gains. Learn how to do them effectively without a training partner.
Want to gain strength rapidly? Negative t...
[Mar 05 2007]
Intensity Techniques Make You Stronger
Intensity Techniques Make You Stronger, By: Nick Nilsson Forced reps are great but these incredible techniques will open a whole new world of results for you! Intensity techniques are among the greatest weapons in your arsenal for building a truly astonis...
[Feb 24 2007]
Success with Strength Training
Success with Strength Training, By: Jesse Cannone Strength training is the most effective way to turn your body into a fat burning machine and stay in great shape! It is the most productive form of exercise there is! In order to be successful with strengt...
[Feb 19 2007]
Weight Train for Maximum Muscle Gain
Weight Train for Maximum Muscle Gain, By: Anthony Ellis Exercise machines are a lot like the training side wheels on your first bike. While you're learning, they serve an invaluable purpose. They provide support, and prevent injury. But once you've learnt...
[Feb 16 2007]
How to Reach the Next Level in Your Training
How to Reach the Next Level in Your Training, By: Tom Venuto Evolution. That's the best way I can describe how my training programs have gradually morphed from the simplistic beginner's routines I started using in my parent's garage at age 14 to the advan...
[Feb 04 2007]
Nutrition Or Training - Which Is More Important?
Nutrition Or Training - Which Is More Important?, By: Tom Venuto Legendary bodybuilding trainer Vince, "The Iron Guru" Gironda was famous for saying, "Bodybuilding is 80% nutrition!" But is this really true or is it just another fitnes...
[Feb 02 2007]
Weight Training Fundamentals
Weight Training Fundamentals, By: Doug WalkerBe safe. Lifting weights, whether you do it for fun, training for sports or competition, can cause serious injury or even death. You can lift weights more safely & effectively by following these basic guide...
[Jan 31 2007]
Variable Resistance
Variable Resistance, By: Dave DePewThe conflict of free weights versus machines still battles on. Added to the mix of things is a method of training called variable resistance. Simply put variable resistance is a change in the amount of resistance placed ...
[Jan 31 2007]
The Benefits of Strength Training
The Benefits of Strength Training, By: Doug WalkerPublic health guidelines primarily focus on the promotion of physical activity and steady-state aerobic exercise, which enhance cardiorespiratory fitness and have some impact on body composition. However...
[Jan 28 2007]
Athletes Training with Logs
Athletes Training with Logs, By: Dave DePewNot everyone has access to weights and even if they do the reality is that weight training outdoors in a large group just does not always work when attempting to combine resistance training with a variety of ener...
[Jan 21 2007]
Circuit Training and Circuit Training Routines
Circuit Training and Circuit Training Routines, By: Brad WalkerAdd circuit training to your weight training routines for a well-rounded exercise program.Circuit training routines are one of my favourite training sessions, whether for myself personally, or...
[Jan 07 2007]
Implementing The Cycling Principle
Implementing The Cycling Principle, By: Hugo Rivera Last week we discussed the merits associated with cycling one's routines and the fact that there is more than one way to cycle your routines. This week I will present how my routine currently looks like ...
[Jan 07 2007]
MASS BLAST BACK ROUTINE, By: Hugo RiveraHUGO'S MASS BLAST #4Who is ready to get a wide, thick and striated back?! I am looking for a few good BACKS to join me for this week's Back Mass Blast. My lats are still cursing me (and my next generations) for it. ...
[Jan 07 2007]
MASS BLAST CHEST #3, By: Hugo RiveraHUGO'S MASS BLAST # 3Here it is everyone! Mass Blast Chest # 3 I am in some serious pain after performing this 30 minute workout for Chest. (My back is very sore too since I work Chest and Back together; the workout for...
[Jan 07 2007]
MASS BLAST SHOULDER ROUTINE, By: Hugo RiveraHUGO'S MASS BLAST SHOULDER ROUTINEIn my opinion, cannonball delts are one of the most beautiful muscles a bodybuilder can have (after abs, of course). Like the back, big, thick well developed delts give an appea...
[Jan 07 2007]
Mass Training Tactics - Part 1!
Mass Training Tactics - Part 1!, By: Hugo RiveraLast month we talked about how to gain muscle and lose fat the natural way. In that article, I discussed how in order to continually make gains, training parameters need to be cycled. This month I will start...
[Jan 07 2007]
Mass Training Tactics - Part 2!,
Mass Training Tactics - Part 2!, By: Hugo RiveraIn my last article we talked about how to properly cycle your training in order to assure continuous gains in muscle size and strength. We discussed the importance of having Active Recovery Phases coupled wi...
[Jan 07 2007]
My Personal Get Ripped in 8 Weeks Program
My Personal Get Ripped in 8 Weeks Program, By: Hugo RiveraHello Everyone.Here is the first four weeks of my proposed 8-week plan (including diet as a bonus):(Week 1)Monday: LegsTriset:Lunges 3 sets of 8-12 reps (no rest)Leg Curls 3 sets of 8-12 reps (no r...
[Jan 07 2007]
My Personal Get Ripped in 8 Weeks Program Part II
My Personal Get Ripped in 8 Weeks Program Part II, By: Hugo RiveraHere is the second four weeks of my proposed 8 week plan (including diet as a bonus):(Weeks 5-8)Monday: LegsModified TrisetLunges 3 sets of 12-8 reps (1 minute rest)Leg Curls 3 sets of 12-8...
[Jan 07 2007]
New York Workouts, Part 1
New York Workouts, Part 1, By: Hugo RiveraAs many of you already know, I went to New York a few weeks ago and did the photo shoots for the exercise descriptions of the upcoming Body Sculpting Bibles. Everything went great but it was alot of hard work! I l...
[Jan 07 2007]
New York Workouts, Part 2
New York Workouts, Part 2, By: Hugo Rivera As I mentioned on the last article, after that crazy leg workout that we had, we headed to a nice steak restaurant. It just so happens, however, that we ended up eating at around 11pm as the restaurant was packed...
[Jan 07 2007]
The Zone-Tone Technique
The Zone-Tone Technique, By: Hugo Rivera and James Villepigue Note: The article below is an excerpt from the upcoming books (The Bodysculpting Bible for Men and The Bodysculpting Bible for Women written by Hugo Rivera and James Villepigue).IntroductionObv...
[Jan 07 2007]
Training Protocols For The Anabolic Diet!
Training Protocols For The Anabolic Diet!, By: Hugo RiveraIn my last article we discussed what I feel is the best way for a bodybuilder to implement a high fat (good fats)/high protein/low carb diet. This week I will discuss the training protocol that I u...
[Jan 07 2007]
Training Recommendations For A Lean Summer Body – Part 2!
Training Recommendations For A Lean Summer Body – Part 2!, By: Hugo RiveraThe Two Ideal Times For Aerobics Another important point is that in order for aerobic exercise to be an optimally effective fat burner it needs to be performed at the appropriate ti...
[Jan 07 2007]
Training Recommendations For A Lean Summer Body!
Training Recommendations For A Lean Summer Body!, By: Hugo RiveraLast month we covered nutrition to develop the lean look. This month let's focus on training. After all, training and nutrition need to go hand in hand in order to get the results that you a...
[Jan 07 2007]
Training While You Are Sick
Training While You Are Sick, By: Hugo Rivera Happy New Year to Everyone!!! In an effort to wish you all good health for this year and those to come, I decided to dedicate this week's article to answering questions concerning training while you are sick. A...
[Jan 07 2007]
What Causes Hypertrophy?
What Causes Hypertrophy?, By: Hugo RiveraThe article below was really an answer to a post from my friend John Oneschak in Dave Draper’s Irononline group. I decided to share the questions and the answers with all of you for your benefit as I think these ar...
[Jan 07 2007]
Winter Training
Winter Training, By: Hugo Rivera Winter Growth Spurt Cycle RoutineAre you ready to embark on a Cycle that is guaranteed to pile pounds of muscle in your frame? If so, this is the plan for you. Here I will detail a training routine guaranteed to put pounds...
[Dec 31 2006]
4 Things You Must Do In Your Weight Training Routine
4 Things You Must Do In Your Weight Training RoutineIf you want to achieve more muscle growth from your weight training routine, you'll definitely want to read this article. I once read a definition of insanity that explained it as "doing the same th...
[Dec 31 2006]
For Muscle Gain To Occur, You Must Pay Attention To Details!
For Muscle Gain To Occur, You Must Pay Attention To Details!If you are one of those people who go to the gym dutifully, bang out the same routine, day after day, year after year and make very little muscle gain progress, then this is for you. Very few peo...
[Nov 25 2006]
2004 Exercise Prescription For Abs Of Steel
2004 Exercise Prescription For Abs Of Steel, By: Hugo RiveriaSummer is just around the corner. Along with it comes the time to get in your bathing suits, go to the beach and show off your abs. In this article, I cover what needs to be done in order to ens...
[Nov 25 2006]
Abbreviated Holiday Routines
Abbreviated Holiday Routines, By: Hugo Riveria The Holidays are approaching, Thanksgiving leading the way with Christmas and New Years closely behind. They are a time of joy and happiness. However, unfortunately, it is during this time that most people te...
[Nov 25 2006]
AbSculpting 101, Part I
AbSculpting 101, Part I, By: Hugo Riveria and Marcy PorterIt seems like the most often asked question when it comes to the subject of getting in shape is: “What is the best exercise to get your abs?” Typically, such question may be followed by comments li...
[Nov 25 2006]
Aerobic Training for Fat Loss
Aerobic Training for Fat Loss, By: Hugo Rivera Aerobic training such as walking or running on a stationary bike is a good way to accelerate the fat burning process as long as it is not overdone and as long as it is used only in addition to a good weight t...
[Oct 17 2006]
Kinesiological and Anatomical Approach to the Deadlift
Kinesiological and Anatomical Approach to the Deadlift, By: Francesco Casillo - www.frankcasillo.comThe Deadlift has always been considered a "Mass Building" exercise. This idea, which was first only supported by the pioneers of bodybuilding, ha...
[Aug 26 2006]
LayoffNow let's talk about a new training technique that can help accelerate your muscle mass and strength gains.You might find it extremely difficult to follow this advice. I know I did.The special training advice I'm talking about is... a LAYOFF!That's ...
[Aug 26 2006]
How A Training Journal Can Help You Make More Consistent Gains
How A Training Journal Can Help You Make More Consistent Gains Dear Friend, A great big "muchisimas gracias" to Eddie De La Cruz from New York City. He's one of my subscribers and just spent a wild and crazy week with me here in Latin America. A...
[Aug 18 2006]
THE X-SIZE TRAINING COURSE PART 1, By: Oliver WolterWelcome to your first part of the training course. This course was originally released in German. Every week there are approximately 2000 new participants who join this course. It is proven to be extreme...
[Aug 18 2006]
THE X-SIZE TRAINING COURSE PART 2, By: Oliver WolterToday I want to start with an actual quote about this training plan to help you get motivated. It's taken from a German Discussion Board with the permission of the author.I will translate it for you, it'...
[Aug 13 2006]
Blast Your Back With Triple Drop Pre-Exhaust
Blast Your Back With Triple Drop Pre-ExhaustLet's continue with some more "Triple Drop Pre-Exhaust" ideas like I mentioned in the last issue, but this time for working your back."Pre-exhaust" involves using an isolation exercise immedi...
[Aug 06 2006]
Shocking Shoulder Workout
Shocking Shoulder WorkoutLet's continue with some more "Triple Drop Pre-Exhaust" ideas like I mentioned in the previous two issues, but this time let's talk about blasting your shoulders."Pre-exhaust" involves using an isolation exerci...
[Aug 06 2006]
BREAK OUT OF A TRAINING RUTI had a conversation with a bodybuilding trainer the other day and he told me about a plan that he has had a lot of success with. It goes like this:Choose one compound exercise per body part. For example, bench press for chest...
[Jul 24 2006]
Pyramid Workout
Pyramid WorkoutDear Friend,From my very introduction to the Iron Game over 20 years ago, (geez, that makes me sound old!) all of the literature, books, and courses I've read or followed advocated "pyramiding" your weights on the basic exercises....
[Jul 23 2006]
Slam Training The Abdominals
Slam Training The Abdominals, By: Dennis B. WeisThe "Yukon Hercules"If you are like me, more than likely bodybuilding is an important part of your existing lifestyle. During your training career, for one reason or another, you will find yourself...
[Jul 23 2006]
STATIC REPS, By: Paul BeckerStatic reps are done by holding a weight in a fixed position, usually fully contracted, for an extended period of time. They are typically done for 1 or 2 reps only and the weight should be held for 15-25 seconds, although the ...
[Jul 23 2006]
TRAINING FOR BEST POSSIBLE RESULTS Don't follow other people's routines. You don't know how their bodies work, what they take (supplements/ steroids), how much sleep they get or whether they are telling the truth about their training! If you are a beginne...
[Jul 23 2006]
DON'T OVERTRAINWeight training puts a huge strain not only on your body but also your endocrine system. Adequate rest and recuperation after your workouts is essential. If you consistently overtrain (too much volume and training too frequently), a couple ...
[Jul 23 2006]
HOW NOT PROPERLY TRACKING YOUR RESULTS COULD BE THE ROAD TO NOWHERE, By: Oliver WolterHere is an example of a recent e-mail I got:"Hi Oliver,I just started with my fat loss diet a few weeks ago, but it seems that since 2 weeks I am not losing any fur...
[Jul 19 2006]
Hard Gainer Training
Hard Gainer TrainingA lot of people have been asking what kind of routine a Hard gainer should be following. A good rule of thumb to be successful in any pursuit is to observe what the masses are doing...and do the opposite.I’m not the author or originato...
[Jul 19 2006]
INCREASE YOUR WORKOUT INTENSITY Last Saturday I showed up at the gym at 5:30 PM. They're normally open until 8:00 PM on Saturdays but the guy at the counter informed me that the new management changed it to 6:00 PM for the summer. I only had 30 minutes to...
[Jul 19 2006]
Static Reps
Static Reps Static reps are done by holding a weight in a fixed position, usually fully contracted, for an extended period of time. They are typically done for 1 or 2 reps only and the weight should be held for 15-25 seconds although the actual optimal ti...
[Jul 14 2006]
Circuit Training? = Fat Loss?
Circuit Training? = Fat Loss?, By: Christopher Phelps Years ago the idea of circuit training was the new fad at the local Bally's and other fitness clubs. The idea behind circuit training was that the trainee would move from machine to machine and perform...
[Jul 14 2006]
The Secrets of King Tut – Time Under Tension
The Secrets of King Tut – Time Under Tension, By: Christopher Phelps You probably didn't know that the young king had a few lifting secrets. After all, how much could a 9-year-old know? He was only running the superpower of his timehe had to know somethin...
[Jul 13 2006]
Training, Prayers, and Vitamins!
Training, Prayers, and Vitamins!, By: Christopher Phelps We all know that Hulk Hogan was talking about different vitamins than most of us use on a daily basis. And this article is not about steroids; I'll leave that up to the steroid gurus. However, Hogan...
[Jul 10 2006]
Six Hypertrophy Hints
Six Hypertrophy Hints, By: Eric Broser One of my favorite things about bodybuilding is that it is an "individual" endeavor. Your degree of success or failure is contingent on your own efforts, and not those of a teammate or coach. There is no of...
[Jul 10 2006]
IM’s Bodybuilding Mass Routine II
IM’s Bodybuilding Mass Routine II, By: Eric Broser I have added 30 lbs of muscle over the last two years by utilizing this program. Nothing I have ever done before comes close to the results that this program has produced... Stuck in a rut? Failing to mak...
[Jun 26 2006]
8 Sure-Fire Mental Techniques For Blocking Out Training Discomfort
8 Sure-Fire Mental Techniques For Blocking Out Training DiscomfortLet’s face it; intense weight training is no easy task. It’s no secret that if you want to see dramatic results in both muscle size and strength, you must be willing to push yourself to the...
[Jun 18 2006]
The Hybrid Method, Using Variable Resistance in a 3-Dimensional Plane
The Hybrid Method, Using Variable Resistance in a 3-Dimensional Plane, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS II Important NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in any...
[Jun 18 2006]
Medball Basics, Part One
Medball Basics, Part One, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS II Important NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway anddo not promote or encourage the ...
[Jun 13 2006]
Abdominal Training – Abs
Abdominal Training – Abs, By: Robert Dimaggio Everyone wants a six-pack of abs right? Well, maybe not everyone, but you get the point! Most people think that training their abs will somehow make them appear, as if the fat will suddenly disappear. This myt...
[Jun 08 2006]
Build Muscle and Burn Fat Fast With The 8 x 8 System
Build Muscle and Burn Fat Fast With The 8 x 8 System, By: Gregg GilliesThe 8 x 8 system is a very unique, and highlyproductive training program devised by legendarytrainer Vince Gironda, that will help you quickly build muscle and lost fat without aerobic...
[Jun 04 2006]
Multi-Directional Strength/Power Program
Multi-Directional Strength/Power Program, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS II Important NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway anddo not promote or enco...
[Jun 04 2006]
Shoulder Training For the Throwing Athlete Using the Speed Sled
Shoulder Training For the Throwing Athlete Using the Speed Sled, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS II Important NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway an...
[May 15 2006]
The Muscle Building Power of Singles Exposed!
The Muscle Building Power of Singles Exposed!, By: Gregg GilliesWhat have you heard about single rep training?Does the following sound familiar?"Singles are dangerous and a great way to get injured.""Singles are great for strength but don't...
[May 15 2006]
Massive Shoulders In A Matter of Minutes
Massive Shoulders In A Matter of Minutes, By: Sean NalewanyjIf you’re looking to develop an impressive, muscular physique, well-developed shoulders are an absolute must. Thick, round “cannon ball delts” will make your upper body appear wide and powerful a...
[May 15 2006]
Interval Training Program
Interval Training Program, By: Jayson Hunter This program is designed to challenge the metabolic system and to be able to exercise a greater number of muscle groups in a short amount of time. This program also helps prevent mental and physical boredom wi...
[May 14 2006]
Training Table for Athletes - Eating Right for Maximum Performance!
Training Table for Athletes - Eating Right for Maximum Performance!, Jayson Hunter RD, CSCSFollow these guidelines to make sure you and your athletes are ready for maximum performance! Have you ever wondered how to get all your athletes properly nourished...
[May 05 2006]
Multi-Directional Acclimatization Program
Multi-Directional Acclimatization Program, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS II Important NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway anddo not promote or enc...
[Apr 24 2006]
A Prospectus on Periodization
A Prospectus on Periodization, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS II Important NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway anddo not promote or encourage the u...
[Apr 24 2006]
Advanced Methods in Force Training, Part 1
Advanced Methods in Force Training, Part 1, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS II Important NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway anddo not promote or en...
[Apr 24 2006]
Agility Ladders, Part I
Agility Ladders, Part I, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS II Important NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway anddo not promote or encourage the use of ...
[Apr 18 2006]
How to Improve Your Kicking Power, Part One- Using the Speed Sled
How to Improve Your Kicking Power, Part One- Using the Speed Sled, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS IIImportant NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway a...
[Apr 18 2006]
Developing the Multidimensional Athlete, Elastic Response Drills
Developing the Multidimensional Athlete, Elastic Response Drills, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS II Important NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway a...
[Apr 17 2006]
What Makes Functional Training Functional?
What Makes Functional Training Functional?, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS IIImportant NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway anddo not promote or enc...
[Apr 17 2006]
Shoulder Training for the Throwing Athlete Part II
Shoulder Training for the Throwing Athlete Part II, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS II Important NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway anddo not promo...
[Apr 17 2006]
Shoulder Training for the Throwing Athlete Part III
Shoulder Training for the Throwing Athlete Part III, Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS II Important NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway anddo not promote ...
[Apr 17 2006]
The Big Picture on Training
The Big Picture on Training, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS II Important NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway anddo not promote or encourage the use...
[Apr 10 2006]
Hungry like the Wolf
Hungry like the Wolf, By: Shawn Ray “As the dream becomes reality, the “Hunger Pains” grow more Powerful!” The contest date is closing in and the dieting is almost over, some competitors will question their commitment to the cause, others will dig deeper ...
[Apr 09 2006]
How to Build The Perfect Athlete For Any Sport
How to Build The Perfect Athlete For Any Sport, By: Jason Morgan, CFT The 6 Secrets of Successful Sport-Specific Conditioning Muscleworx Personal Fitness Systems Let me ask you a few questions. How does Tiger Woods consistently play his last hole as stron...
[Apr 09 2006]
ISOMETRICS ON A ROPE: All the burn, WITHOUT THE IRON!, By: Mark Sias, Sports training expert Bionicplyometrics.com Here’s a new method to build functional strength & jumping power fast! You won’t need any ex...
[Apr 09 2006]
Absolute Speed & Power Training for Martial Arts
Absolute Speed & Power Training for Martial Arts, By: Mark Sias, Bionicplyometrics.com It hardly takes much convincing to conclude that having blinding speed of punches or bone-cracking power in kicks are the most desirable assets for Martial Artists ...
[Apr 09 2006]
Cardiovascular Training for Wrestlers Part 1
Cardiovascular Training for Wrestlers Part 1, By: Michael Fry When the whistle blows and the match begins it too late to wonder if you’re cardiovascular training is going to carry you through to the end. Wrestling is a high intensity sport. Thus, conditio...
[Apr 09 2006]
Cardiovascular Training for Wrestlers PT III
Cardiovascular Training for Wrestlers PT III, By: Michael Fry It’s the end of regulation time and you have ended the match in a tie. You’ve left everything you had on the mat in the 3rd period and now only have 30 seconds to get ready for overtime. Your ...
[Apr 09 2006]
Cardiovascular Training for Wrestlers Pt 2
Cardiovascular Training for Wrestlers Pt 2, By: Michael Fry The whistle has blown marking the end of the first period of your match. Your heart is racing and you can hardly breathe. You have been running 2 miles everyday just like your coach and dad told ...
[Apr 05 2006]
The Benefits of Cross Training
The Benefits of Cross Training, By: Brad WalkerHow cross training workouts can improve leanness, increase strength, increase your average workout intensity and make you a better athlete!In keeping with the theme of last months issue on circuit training, I...
[Apr 05 2006]
Circuit Training and Circuit Training Routines
Circuit Training and Circuit Training Routines, By: Brad WalkerAdd circuit training to your weight training routinesfor a well-rounded exercise program.Circuit training routines are one of my favourite training sessions, whether for myself personally, or ...
[Apr 02 2006]
Aquatic Training
Aquatic Training, By: Evan Waters Do you suffer from sore joints and muscles after cardiovascular training? The easy solution to this problem may be to take a joint support supplement with Glucosamine or something of that sort. Most peo...
[Apr 02 2006]
Creatine How Can It Help You
Creatine, How Can It Help You?, By: Evan Waters Creatine is one of the most talked about and most controversial supplements of the past decade. Use of Creatine has become widespread in men, women, teens, and athletes looking for that extr...
[Apr 02 2006]
Stretching - Great For Yoga Not for Sports
Stretching—Great for Yoga, not Sports, By: Evan Waters Nearly every High School training program involves some sort of stretching. We stretch hamstrings, shoulders, calves; everything that we think will be of use during our activities. S...
[Apr 02 2006]
Martial Evans
Martial Arts, By: Evan Waters Many people get bored or tired of doing the same routine. They try staying in shape, but simply find it dull to due the same routine of lifting weights and/or cardiovascular training such as the treadmill, station...
[Apr 02 2006]
Military-Minded Fitness
Military-Minded Fitness, By: Evan Waters The current War on Terror and War in Iraq have provided Americans glimpses into the military and there everyday life. With cameramen and reporters on the scene, we get a unique view of the strenuou...
[Mar 30 2006]
You Ain't Squat 'Till You SQUAT!
You Ain't Squat 'Till You SQUAT!, By: Sean NalewanyjSimply put, squats are the most difficult, intimidating and painful exercise you could possibly have in your arsenal. They require massive amounts of discipline and willpower to perform correctly. After ...
[Mar 30 2006]
4 Harmful Muscle-Building Myths Uncovered
4 Harmful Muscle-Building Myths Uncovered, By: Sean NalewanyjIf you’re serious about making a solid commitment to a muscle-building program, you need to be very careful of who you take advice from. Bodybuilding and fitness is literally a multi-billion dol...
[Mar 30 2006]
8 Proven Strategies For Maximum Muscle Gains
8 Proven Strategies For Maximum Muscle Gains, By: Sean NalewanyjThere is so much conflicting information out there when it comes to the topic of building muscle, and sometimes it can be very difficult to know where to start. If you’re an average beginner ...
[Mar 30 2006]
Are You In A Subconscious Comfort Zone
Are You In A Subconscious Comfort Zone?, By: Sean NalewanyjWhen it all comes down it, how much effort do you truly put into your muscle building program? Can you honestly say that you are working as hard as you possibly can? Are you a true gym warrior?I'm...
[Mar 30 2006]
Gain More Muscle By Training Less Often
Gain More Muscle By Training Less Often, By: Sean NalewanyjThe more work you put into something, the better results you will achieve. This has always been a widely accepted truth that applies to many areas of life. The harder you study, the better grades ...
[Mar 30 2006]
Highly Effective Chest Training
Highly Effective Chest Training, By: Seal NalewanyjAlthough I don't feel that the chest is necessarily the most important muscle group to develop for overall body size, it is the one that I get the most questions about. It is considered one of the "s...
[Mar 30 2006]
How To Build A Massive Pair Of Arms
How To Build A Massive Pair Of Arms, By: Sean NalewanyjIt’s no secret that every serious lifter out there desires an impressive pair of strong, muscular arms. Who wouldn’t be happy with tall, peaking biceps sitting on top of rock-hard, horse-shoe-shaped t...
[Mar 30 2006]
Instantly Increase Your Strength On Every Back Exercise
Instantly Increase Your Strength On Every Back Exercise, By: Sean NalewanyjDo you want a quick, simple and instant way to increase the amount of weight you can lift on virtually every back exercise you perform? Sound too good to be true? I speak the truth...
[Mar 30 2006]
Muscle Building Q & A
Muscle Building Q & A, By: Sean NalewanyjQ. I can't get enough of a pump in the gym. It's starting to frustrate me; I want a huge pump for huge gains! What can I do?A. The first thing you should understand is what a pump really is. Contrary to popular...
[Mar 30 2006]
Skinny Kid With A Dream: My Bodybuilding Journey
Skinny Kid With A Dream: My Bodybuilding Journey, By: Seal NalewanyjIf there was ever one thing I wanted to change about myself, it was my body. At a mere 125 pounds I felt insecure, weak, and would do just about anything to pack some muscle onto my skinn...
[Mar 30 2006]
The King Of All Upper Body Exercises
The King Of All Upper Body Exercises, By: Sean NalewanyjOkay, so you’re looking to pack on some serious muscle mass, right? You want to build a ripped, rock-solid physique that demands respect and turns heads everywhere you go, correct? Good. In this arti...
[Mar 30 2006]
The Most Powerful Muscle-Building Tool Available
The Most Powerful Muscle-Building Tool Available, By: Sean NalewwanyjThe bodybuilding debates will never end. The endless arguments over how an effective muscle-building program should be structured will most likely continue until the end of time. Just sc...
[Mar 30 2006]
The Perfect Rep Range For Building Muscle
The Perfect Rep Range For Building Muscle, By: Sean NalewanyjNo matter what you read or who you talk to, everyone has their own opinion of what the "perfect" rep range should be to allow for maximum muscle stimulation and growth. In th...
[Mar 30 2006]
The Reality Of Strength Training
The Reality Of Strength Training, By: Sean NalewanyjWhen strength training became a popular way of athletic preparation back in the 50's and 60's, everyone was rushing to find the "best" way to train. Back in these early days, very little attent...
[Mar 24 2006]
A Guide To Positive Imaging For Weight Loss
A Guide To Positive Imaging For Weight Loss, By: Gary Matthewshttp://www.maximumfitness.comHave you ever imagined how visualization can play an important part in losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle that keeps it off. Losing weight can be dif...
[Mar 23 2006]
Big Bad Bench Press - Part III
Big Bad Bench Press III-The Push-Up, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS Level II Important NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway anddo not promote o...
[Mar 22 2006]
Instant Strength Training Strategies That Anyone Can Use
Instant Strength Training Strategies That Anyone Can Use, By: Gary Matthewshttp://www.maximumfitness.comEver wondered how over the years there has been a surge of different strength training techniques that have come onto the market and then just faded aw...
[Mar 22 2006]
Biomechanical Strength Part II
Biomechanical Strength, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS IIPart IIDue to the multi-dimensional properties associated with free weights, they have been considered the optimal method for training athletes, yet they are not without fault (Behm, 1988; Garhamm...
[Mar 22 2006]
Biomechanical Strength Part I
Biomechanical Strength, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS IIPart IMany factors contribute to an individual’s ability to exhibit external force. These include: (a) joint angle; (b) muscle length; (c) muscle cross-sectional area; (d) type of lever arran...
[Mar 21 2006]
How To Stretch for Health
How To Stretch for Health, By: Gary Matthewshttp://www.maximumfitness.comBy the time you finish reading this article I’m sure you will find time to stretch every day. The lack of flexibility in people is now seen to be the major cause of general health pr...
[Mar 20 2006]
How To Perform Cardio-Boxing For Super Fitness
How To Perform Cardio-Boxing For Super Fitness, By: Gary Matthewshttp://www.maximumfitness.comEver wondered why most sports scientists agree that cardio-boxing is one of the best forms of exercise, well it is because it conditions the total body and provi...
[Mar 20 2006]
Developing the Multidimensional Athlete
Developing the Multidimensional Athlete, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS IICOD Drills Part ITo improve movement, each coach and/or athlete must have a firm understanding of the function of the kinetic chain and its relationship and interaction with groun...
[Mar 19 2006]
Find Out Why Bodybuilding Supplements May Not Be Necessary
Find Out Why Bodybuilding Supplements May Not Be Necessary To supplement or not to supplement – that is the question on more bodybuilder’s lips than ever before. Are they safe? Have you ever wondered what works and what doesn't? Lets have a look at the ba...
[Mar 19 2006]
Developing the Complete Athlete
Developing the Complete Athlete, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS IIMulti-directional strength training is here in full force. For many individuals the key to athletic development lies in the development of multi-planner strength and power. The ...
[Mar 19 2006]
Big Bad Bench Press - Part II
Big Bad Bench-Part II, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS Level IIImportant NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway anddo not promote or encourage the use ...
[Mar 18 2006]
Instant Weight Loss Strategies That Anyone Can Use
Instant Weight Loss Strategies That Anyone Can Use, By: Gary Matthews
You’ve probably heard it a hundred times before but I will say it again, incidental activity is very important in the p...
[Mar 18 2006]
Easy Steps To Avoiding Gym Rage
Easy Steps To Avoiding Gym Rage, By: Gary Matthewshttp://www.maximumfitness.comHave you heard about this recently? Many of us go through this at our local gym or fitness centre on a regular basis and are become increasingly frustrated. It usually starts a...
[Mar 18 2006]
Big Bad Bench Press - Part I
Big Bad Bench Press-Part One, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS Level IIImportant NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway anddo not promote or encourage t...
[Mar 17 2006]
Muscle Cramp and Spasm
Muscle Cramp and SpasmCauses, Prevention and TreatmentMuscle cramp and spasm are an annoying condition that involves a sudden, involuntary contraction and tightening of a muscle that will not immediately relax.Muscle cramps and spasms can involve part or ...
[Mar 17 2006]
The Cool Down - Recover Faster and Avoid Injury!
The Cool Down - Recover Faster & Avoid Injury!, By: Brad WalkerMany people dismiss the cool down as a waste of time, or simply unimportant. In reality the cool down is just as important as the warm up, and if you want to stay injury free, it's vital. ...
[Mar 17 2006]
The Best Supplement
The Best Supplement, By: Kerry Dulin
For adding serious mass or getting ripped
If you are like 90% of bodybuilders you want to know the best way to pack on the mass. The other 10% are struggling to improve definition while maintainin...
[Mar 17 2006]
Take It Outside!!!-Part I
Take It Outside!!!-Part I, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS Level II Important NoticeTony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associatesand affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway anddo not promote or encourage the...
[Mar 17 2006]
Spring Abs
Spring Abs, By: Kerry DulinAbs are sexy. I know it and you know it. If this were not the case then you would not see well defined abs on the cover of almost all fitness magazines and advertisements. Every one of them is trying to sell you something and ar...
[Mar 17 2006]
Popular Reasons To Choose Fitness Ebooks
Popular Reasons To Choose Fitness Ebooks, By: Gary Mathewshttp://www.maximumfitness.comThere's no doubt that in the last few years, there's been a storm of electronic publications hitting the Internet. These electronic books or eBooks have grown with suc...
[Mar 16 2006]
Unique Muscle Building, Fat Loss Training Technique...Exposed
Unique Muscle Building, Fat Loss Training Technique...Exposed, By: Gregg Gillies Whether you are feeling stale on your current routine or just looking for a way to improve your workouts and start making progress again, unilateral training is a perfec...
[Mar 16 2006]
Translated "Expect Pain"
Translated - "Expect Pain", By: Kerry DulinIts Saturday morning and there’s a new face at the gym. He’s been weight training for about a week and he knows exactly what he wants. He’s had it with being weak. He’s had it with feeling small. H...
[Mar 16 2006]
Total Lat Training
The lats - or latisimus dorsi - is the large, triangular muscles that extend from under the shoulders down to the small of the back - the "wings". The lats are the largest upper body muscles. Their basic function is to pull the shoulders down an...
[Mar 16 2006]
Tips On Fast Weight Loss For Special Occasions
Tips On Fast Weight Loss For Special Occasions, By: Gary Matthewshttp://www.maximumfitness.com If you are like me, you have probably been through all this before, the family wedding is coming up next month and you can’t seem to fit into that suit or dress...
[Mar 16 2006]
The Truth About Weight Loss Myths
The Truth About Weight Loss Myths, By: Gary Matthews
Lets face it every regime has its own supply of useless folklore and half-truths that get passed on down the line from person to person. But I'd put weight loss...
[Mar 16 2006]
The Truth About Bodybuilding Myths
The Truth About Bodybuilding Myths, By: Gary Matthewshttp://www.maximumfitness.com You might disagree, but hear me out on this; the vast majority of myths about weight gain are mostly passed down from "gym talk" and so-called experts who know no...
[Mar 16 2006]
The Three Simple Steps To Fat Loss
The Three Simple Steps To Fat Loss, By: Gary Matthewshttp://www.maximumfitness.comIts unbelievable but being overweight has now moved from a social nuisance and domestic embarrassment to an official disease. The American Heart Association has announced o...
[Mar 16 2006]
The Secret Weapon Of Successful Weight Loss
The Secret Weapon Of Successful Weight Loss, By: Gary Matthews http://www.maximumfitness.comAre you sick and tired of being fat and unable to lose weight!! There is an answer! Please listen; if you want your weight loss regime to work you will have to per...
[Mar 15 2006]
Why You Shouldn’t Be Using These Exercises In The Gym
Why You Shouldn’t Be Using These Exercises In The Gym Have you ever imagined using potentially dangerous exercises in your workout? You have to be very careful with strength training equipment because it may not be the most effective or functional availab...
[Mar 15 2006]
Why Aren’t You Using Online Fitness Coaching?
Why Aren’t You Using Online Fitness Coaching?, By: Gary Matthewshttp://www.maximumfitness.comIf I were to tell you that you could burn away as much fat as possible by sitting at your computer twiddling your fingers and toes, would you believe me? Well I ...
[Mar 15 2006]
Want To Workout Without a Gym
Want To Workout Without a Gym, By: Gary Matthews http://www.maximumfitness.comIf you are like me, then you will probably know that using free weights and machines is the fastest and most efficient way there is to improve your metabolism and strength but f...
[Mar 15 2006]
Want To Stop Over Training In The Gym
Want To Stop Over Training In The Gym, By: Gary Matthewshttp://www.maximumfitness.com Let me tell you a quick story, twenty years ago I was very influenced by the bodybuilders and the training systems of the day. Hitting the weights five or six times a we...
[Mar 14 2006]
Unique Muscle Building, Fat Loss Training Technique...Exposed
Unique Muscle Building, Fat Loss Training Technique...Exposed, By: Gregg Gillies Whether you are feeling stale on your current routine or just looking for a way to improve your workouts and start making progress again, unilateral training is a perfec...
[Mar 14 2006]
6 Simple Steps To Catapult Your Muscle Gains
6 Simple Steps To Catapult Your Muscle Gains: By Gary Matthewshttp://www.maximumfitness.comWhat if I were to tell you that throughout the years there has been a growth of strength training techniques that have no scientific proof to back them up. Well the...
[Mar 14 2006]
4 Sure-Fire Tips For Effective Weight Loss
4 Sure-Fire Tips For Effective Weight Loss, By Gary Matthewshttp://www.maximumfitness.comAre you just plain fed up because you haven't lost weight for a long time now on that latest fad diet, well please stop! Don't even think about trying another diet, b...
[Mar 14 2006]
A Guide To Muscle Gain Visualization
A Guide To Muscle Gain Visualization, By: Gary Matthewshttp://www.maximumfitness.comHave you ever imagined how visualization can play an important part in gaining weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle? Gaining muscle can be difficult for many pe...
[Mar 14 2006]
Guide To Positive Imaging For Weight Loss
A Guide To Positive Imaging For Weight Loss, By: Gary Matthewshttp://www.maximumfitness.comHave you ever imagined how visualization can play an important part in losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle that keeps it off. Losing weight can be dif...
[Mar 13 2006]
The FITT Principle
The FITT Principle...in relation to injury preventionWhat is the FITT Principle?The FITT Principle (or formula) is a great way of monitoring your exercise program. The acronym FITT outlines the key components of an effective exercise program, and the init...
[Oct 10 2005]
Ultimate Mass Routine
Are you looking to build some serious size, but can't find much time to train due to a hectic, busy lifestyle? Then look no further, I have the routine for you!Muscle mass comes from hard work on the basic exercises, heavy weight, lower reps, taking each ...
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