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The Effectiveness of Bodyweight Exercises On Fat Loss

By Jimmy Smith

Bodyweight exercises can be effective for fat loss......

If you do them right

I know this seems like a cop out but I've seen so many bodyweight programs come out in the past 6 months that I have to set the record straight.

You see I think bodyweight exercises are effective. So effective that I'll be including one in the Physique Formula coming soon.

The problem with bodyweight circuits however is that they just aren't designed right. For bodyweight circuits to be effective they must include three characteristics:

1) They must include compound movements only. I see way too many single joint bodyweight circuits that cause zero caloric burn.

2) They must include tri and quad sets. Since we are just performing bodyweight circuits they must include three or four movements in a row.

3) They must challenge the body in multiple planes of motion. There's only so much that you can do with bodyweight circuits so the exercises have to take place in all three planes of movement.

Take a long hard look at your bodyweight programs they include all three?


Jimmy Smith is a workout program muscle building expert, and writes workout routines for Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, and magazines. For his Physique Formula workouts for the genetically average, visit

Other articles by Jimmy Smith CSCS


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