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Training Recommendations For A Lean Summer Body!

Training Recommendations For A Lean Summer Body!, By: Hugo Rivera

Last month we covered nutrition to develop the lean look. This month let's focus on training. After all, training and nutrition need to go hand in hand in order to get the results that you are looking for. Doing one and neglecting the other will ensure that you get half-way results.

Unless you are a competitive bodybuilder who needs to perform several sessions of 45 minutes of exercise a day (some sessions of cardio and some of weights) in order to achieve the results needed for a competition physique, the most you will need to be in the gym for this program is 3 weight training sessions of 45 minutes alternated with 3 cardiovascular training sessions of 20-40 minutes.

Why Not 2 Hours At The Gym?

Because after 45 minutes to 1 hour of training the muscle building/fat burning hormones of most people begin to deplete while cortisol levels (fat storing/muscle burning hormone) increase.

This routine is designed to be performed in the comfort of your home assuming that you have the following equipment:

  • Adjustable dumbbells.

  • Adjustable bench with a good leg extension/leg curl attachment.

  • Pulley that can be attached at the end of the bench to perform pull-downs or pull-up bar.

  • Determination to get things done.

If you have all that, then let's begin.

We will use two types of training in order to re-sculpt our physique:

Anaerobic work (i.e. weight training.) is the number 1 way to re-sculpt your body. (No ladies, weight training won't make you muscle bound as you girls do not produce enough testosterone to allow for such a thing to happen.) Why is weight training so important?

Weight training is far superior to any other type of exercise because it increases your metabolism (which in turn helps you burn fat) and gives shape to your body.

Aerobic work (i.e. walking) in your Fat Burning Zone (which is (220 - Age) * .75 = Fat Burning Heart Rate) is a good way to accelerate the fat burning process, as long as it is not overdone, and as long as it is only used in addition to a good weight-training program. Aerobics should never be used as a substitute for weight training.

Weight Training

Below is a description of the weight training part of the routine. You will alternate between Workout (A) and (B) every time that weight training day comes around.

Workout (A)

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
Wide Grip Pull-downs to Front (or Wide Grip Pull-ups to Front)

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
Reverse Close Grip Pull-downs (or Reverse Grip Chin-ups)

Incline Flyes
One Arm Dumbbell Rows

One Legged Dumbbell Calf Raises
Two Legged Dumbbell Calf Raises

Workout (B)

Dumbbell Curls
Lying Dumbbell triceps Extensions

Incline Curls
Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extensions

Bent Over Lateral Raises
Upright Rows

DB Squats
Lying Leg Curls

Leg Extensions

Abdominal Workout
Crunches (preferably performed on an Exercise Ball)
Lying Leg Raises

Training Notes

Do not rest more than 1 minute in between supersets. As a matter of fact, try to lower the rest down to 30-45 seconds in between.

This not only allows for a better pump and an even better cardiovascular workout, but it also builds endurance and will not affect the strength once your body adjusts since you are supersetting antagonistic muscle groups. Also, some evidence suggests that this type of training promotes the release of growth hormone; great for muscle building and fat burning.

As you will later see, the Abdominal Workout is to be performed before the cardiovascular workout. Abdominals should be treated as any other muscle, so use the same set and repetition scheme described above.

Put your ego aside and ensure perfect form in all exercises feeling the muscle contract and expand.

Alternate between Workout (A) and Workout (B) each weight training day. This means that one week Workout (A) will be performed twice while the other one will be performed once. The next week, Workout (B) will be performed twice while the other one will be performed once.

Take your sets to the point where performing another repetition with good form becomes impossible.

If you are a guy that is interested in gaining some muscle with this routine, do not fall for the myth that supersetting is only for getting ripped and that no muscle can be built while doing it. This is not true as most of my mass has been built through supersetting. In addition, great ones like Dave Draper and Arnold Schwarzenegger also built their physiques with plenty of supersets.

Take Care and Train Hard!


Other articles by Hugo Rivera


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