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Now let's talk about a new training technique that can help accelerate your muscle mass and strength gains.

You might find it extremely difficult to follow this advice. I know I did.

The special training advice I'm talking about is... a LAYOFF!

That's right. NO WEIGHT TRAINING OR CARDIO! Just sitting on your butt and taking it easy for a while.

Now if you've been sedentary the last couple years and you've just started working out again for your new year's resolution, then this advice doesn't apply to you.

But if you've been really busting your butt in the gym for a few months, a layoff can actually do you some good.

Just a few days ago, I realized that I've been training hard and consistently since August. I had also been dieting consistently from July through November.

My progress had leveled off over a month ago. Now I didn't have the energy I used to have. Workouts were a drag. I wasn't making any more strength gains. I'd feel lethargic during my workouts. My joints started aching.

I figured my body was trying to tell me something. So I'm taking a guilt free two week layoff. I deserve it. In fact I probably should have taken a layoff over a month ago.

If you've been training for 8 to 12 weeks, intensely and consistently, a one to two week layoff can do you a whole lot of good.

In fact, I've had guys who had been plateaued for months tell me that after a two week layoff, their muscles had grown in both size and strength. The layoff allowed their body to heal and grow and recover from an over-trained state.

So if you DESERVE a layoff, grab yourself some popcorn and a bunch of good videos (or whatever non-physical activity you like to do) and take it easy for a week or two. Your body will thank you and just may reward you with bigger and stronger muscles.



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