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Who is ready to get a wide, thick and striated back?! I am looking for a few good BACKS to join me for this week's Back Mass Blast. My lats are still cursing me (and my next generations) for it.

I perform this workout only to shock my lats into growth. It's probably a good workout to do once every 6 weeks. When I do it, I use the chest workout that I posted last month (which is intended to shock the pecs into growth as well) right after I am done with my back. I also make sure that I take in more carbs than usual the day before in order to ensure that I can make it through.

This workout consists of two trisets. The first one hits the Upper and Lower Lats while the second one concentrates on the muscles located in the middle of the back. The lower back, however, is hit at the end of the Leg Day when I do 3 sets of deadlifts (Borrowed this idea from Dave Draper). Ready?! Alright, let's start:

Triset #1:
1. Wide Grip Pullups to Front
6 sets of 10-12 reps (no rest)
2. Pullups using a neutral grip
6 sets of 10-12 reps (no rest) You may need to use the handle from the low pulley rows on the chinup bar in order to do this one.
3. Close Grip Pullups
(palms facing you; inverted grip) 6 sets of 10-12 reps (1 minute rest)

Notes: If you are strong enough to use weight while doing the pullups, then by all means go for it. You will need to reduce the weight as you move along. Also, if you cannot do pullups, then use the pulldown machine. For the second exercise, use the same pulldown machine but using the handle from the low pulley row.

Triset #2:
1. T-Bar Rows
6 sets of 10-12 reps (no rest)
2. One Arm Dumbbell Rows
6 sets of 10-12 reps (no rest)
3. Low Pulley Rows
(palms facing you; inverted grip) 6 sets of 10-12 reps (1 minute rest)

Notes: If there are no T-Bar Rows in your gym, then do Bent Over Rows.

Deadlifts 3 sets of 10, 8, 6 reps (90 second rest)

Notes: Performed at the end of the Thigh/Hamstring workout (before the Calf Raises).

Follow this workout with a large protein shake (60 grams of protein and perhaps 100 grams of carbs), 1000 mg of Vitamin C, 5 grams of creatine, Multiple Vitamin and Mineral formula and if you don't like pain, perhaps some Tylenol. (no Tylenol for me; I like pain). Again, only use this workout SPARINGLY. If you don't, you'll pay the price.

Well, that's it. If you are still alive after you are done, send me an e-mail detailing your experience. Have a great pump!

Take Care and Train Hard!


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