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Multi-Directional Acclimatization Program

Multi-Directional Acclimatization Program, By: Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS II


Important Notice
Tony Reynolds, Progressive Sporting Systems Inc, and their associates
and affiliates are not affiliated with Anabolic Steroids in anyway and
do not promote or encourage the use of these drugs. His articles within this section of our site are published to offer a broad range of fitness and nutritional knowledge that will help you to achieve your health and fitness goals without the use of Anabolic Steroids.

The following 24 workouts are designed to prepare your athletes for heavier and more dynamic loading variables.  This protocol can be utilized as on acclimatization program for any sport that is multi-directional. 


This program can be used as a 6-week 4-day a week program, or as an 8-week 3 day a week program.  There should be a minimum of 3 days between upper body workouts and a minimum of 3 days between lower body workouts.   This is a progressive overload protocol, so do not skip or add workouts.


This program assumes that the athletes have had at least a minor introduction to weight training.  If this is not the case, take a few sessions to teach them proper lifting techniques prior to undergoing this program.  If technique issues still exist, continue to work on technique before starting this program.


Any exercise that has a pre-prescribed load is designated as percentages of a predetermined max.  For instance, the first box squat lift has the load at 65% of the athletes max.



This is a list of non-standard equipment need for this protocol.


1. Adjustable squat box: One that allows the athlete to break parallel

2. Bench Boards: These are 2x6’s nailed or screwed together in increments of 1, 2, 3, and 5 boards thick.  These will be used on upper and lower days.

3. Chains and bands.  If you are not familiar with chain and band training please refer to article Hybrid Training by Tony Reynolds

4. Agility Ladder

5. 3-5 different size and style medicine balls
6.  A heavy towing rope that is about 20 feet long and at least an inch thick

7. Stability Ball


The Exercises-Lower Body

1.       Squatting

a.   Box Squats-Sit back to a position that allows the lower limb to be perpendicular to the ground.  Use a wide sumo stance, and push the knees wide.  Bands and chains are added to the existing percentages when prescribed.

b.    666 drill.  6 seconds down, 6 seconds up, for 6 reps

c.   Multi Board Squat- 5 reps off a low box place a one board onto the box, 5 reps off the one board, replace the one board with the 2 board, etc.  Use a 1, 2, 3, and 5 board.  Have and extra spotter handle the boards, and replace them in a way that does not disrupt the squatters rhythm.

d.   Speed squat- Use a light weight for maximum velocity.  If your athlete cannot comprehend what 100% effort against a light weight is, this lift will not accomplish its goal.  Every rep needs to be maximally explosive.

e.   Zercher Squat- Hold either an Olympic bar or a camber squat bar in the crooks of your arms.  Using a sumo stance, squat down as low as you can, bend at the waist and back, and touch the barbell to the ground.  Return to the top.  If the athlete is using small plates, has an ankle, hip, knee, back injury, or suffers for tightness, squat in a rack with the pins in place.  Adjust the pins for the functional ROM of the athlete.  Have the athlete touch the pins and return.

f.     1-leg squat- Standing with one leg on a box and the other leg out in front of the body, push the hips back and drop down into a squat.  Return to the top. 

g.   V-Handle Squat- Attach a give load to a V-Handle by running chain through the middle of the plates and attaching each end to the handle hole via a clip.  Place two benches in a V.  Stand with one foot on each bench with the open end of the V to the front.  Keeping the arms against the thighs, squat down until the plates touch the ground (should be parallel or slightly below).  Return to the top.  Try to perform 1 rep per second or faster.

2.       B-Good AM/Pull through: Using a jumpstretch band (referred to as band), stand with both feet on the band and bring the other end up around your shoulders.  Perform the give number or good ams.  Pull through-Attach two bands to a solid low object that is well anchored to the ground.  Grasp a band in each hand and walk forward so your arms are through your legs.  Continue forward until all of the slack is out of the bands.  Reach through your legs as far as possible at the beginning of the movement.  Extends at your hips and stand up pulling the bands through your legs.  (Keep your arms straight and against your body to protect your investments!)

3.       Lunges

a.   Lunge and Twist: step forward into a lunge holding a weight in both hands with arms straight in front and at shoulder height.  Twist fully over top the knee that is in front.  Return to the center and stand back up.

b.   Lateral Lunge-Step to the side keeping the trail leg straight and bending the lead leg at the hip knee and ankle.  As you are descending, perform a front raise with the designated weight of dumbbells.  Push the hips back until the thigh reaches parallel.  Push through the heal to stand up and step back to the starting point.

c.   Backwards lunge.  Step back and drop into a lunge.

4.       Weight Hypers-Hyper extensions with a weight held behind the head.  Athletes with weaker lower backs may not need the added weight.

5.       Reverse Hypers.  Reverse from the traditional hypers in the sense that the upper body stays stationary and the legs and hips move.

6.       Banded walks- Double in half and figure 8 a mini band and place it around your ankles.  Step side to side in a skater step fashion.

7.       Knee push outs- Double in half a mini band and bring it up around your knees while sitting.  Place the feet a little wider than shoulder width, and press the knees out to the sides holding for 2-3 seconds.  Return to the center.

8.       Explosive Step Up: Perform a linear step up onto a box.  Drive the foot through the box on up into an explosive triple extension of the drive leg.

9.       Lateral Step up-Step laterally onto a box from approx. Shoulders width distance away.

10.      1-Leg Rdl: Hold a db in your right hand and stand on your left foot.  Bend the left knee slightly and drive the right foot backward as if trying to kick something (in slow motion).  Bend at the waist and push the hips back.  Take the db to the knot of the shoelaces on the left foot.  Return to the top.

The Exercise-Upper Body


1.       Bn Wrist Db Bench: Double and Figure 8 a mini band.  Place a wrist through each end of the figure 8.  Table top on a physioball with dumbbells in hand.  Press like normal dumbbell bench but push out to the sides trying to stretch the band during the full range of motion.

2.       Mb Hand Walk:  Place 4-5 medballs in an arch (each ball about 16 inches from the other).  Assume a push up position beside one of the end balls.  Step with the lead hand (closest to the ball) onto the ball followed by the trail hand.  Step with the lead hand off the ball followed by the trail hand.  Continue down and back as many times as prescribed.  Try to use balls of different characteristics to change the athlete.

3.       Band Push Up: Place a light or medium band between to stationary object about 1-2 inches off the ground and tight.  Have the athlete assume a push up position under either 1 or two sides of the band.  Perform as many push ups as possible

4.       Low Pull Row: Attach a straight bar to a low pulley.  Assume a static squat in front of the low pull with the straight bar in hand, arms full extend, and plates not touching.  Perform the prescribed number of rows holding the static squat position.

5.       Fig. 8 Plate Raise: hold a plate in your hands like a steering wheel except hands should be parallel to the ground at 9 and 3.  Draw a figure eight pattern with the plate that is about 2 feet tall.  Make sure to reverse the direction of the figure during the set or every other set.

6.       1 Arm Low Pulley Row: Attach a D-Handle to a low pulley.  Grasp the D-handle in your right hand and back away so the plates are not touching.  Stand on your left foot (opposite foot opposite hand) bend your knee slightly and push your hips back.  Perform the rows trying to maintain a good core rotation and balance.

7.       Prone Db Hand walk: Assume a push up position while grasping dumbbells in your hands with palms facing in.  Perform a hand walk forward while utilizing a stepping-over-the-elbow technique.  Try to keep the shoulder parallel to the ground and utilize a perfect pillar posture.  Use the ankles and toes to move the lower legs.

8.       Farmer Walks: Holding extremely heavy dumbbells in your hands walk for distances.  Try to maintain a good tall posture.

9.       Strongman Back: Use a firmly anchored squat rack with a chin-up bar. Place the end of a strong towrope through the middle of a predetermined number of 25 lb plates.  Tie the rope securely back onto itself so the plates are safely attached to the end of the rope.  Run the other end of the rope over the chin up bar.  Move the plates so the are directly under the rope where it crosses the chin up bar.  Sit in front of the squat rack placing a foot on each side of the rack to calk your feet.   Make sure your are not going to be hit with the plates during the exercise.  Using a hand over hand pull down technique, perform as many ups and downs as possible in the given amount of time.

10.    Prone MB bounce: Lye prone on a physioball with a light MB under one hand.  Bounce the MB in an arch side to side.

11.    Mini ext: Attach a mini band to the top of a squat rack.  Perform the give number of extensions.

12.    Beekers: This is a form of bench press using a close grip (shoulder width).  Using a predetermined weight, perform a full rep from chest to lock out, have a partner place a three board on your chest and perform a rep from the 3 board to lockout.  Repeat this pattern until 10 total reps have been performed.  Try to use a natural rhythm with each press.

13.    Hand Walks: Hold the athletes feet in the air and perform wheelbarrow hand walks for distance or time.  Walk forward, side ways, hand over hand, backward, carioca hand, etc.

14.    Lunge Press: Attach a D-Handle to a pulley that is located at about waist height.  Face away from the pull and grasp the handle in your right hand.  Lunge forward with your right foot.  Keeping a perfect lunge posture with shoulder tall and D-handle located against the side of your chest, twist your shoulders back on the D-handle side.  This is the start location.  Rotate the shoulders forward and press the D-Handle to arms length keeping a good posture.

15.    Incline Db Row: Lie Prone on an incline db bench.  Holding dumbbells in each hand, perform the given number or repetitions.

16.    Shoulder Prehab Circuit:

a.   Scap Ele/Dep: Assume an arms slightly bent but static position on a dip rack.  Performing a shrugging motion, try to touch your shoulders together slightly behind your neck.  Reverse the motion and press your shoulders as far from your ears a possible

b.    Scap Pro/Ret: Lye supine on a bench with your right shoulder blade freely off the side of the bench.  With a moderately heavy db in your right hand try to squeeze your right shoulder blade to the center of your back.  Reverse the motion, pressing the db up, and try to wing your shoulder blade as far from the center of your back as possible.

17.    Squat Low Pull Row: See low pull row

18.    Rear Dealt Raise: Bend your knees slightly and push your hips back lowering your shoulders down until your back is slightly above parallel.  Raise the dumbbells to your sides creating a T with your body.

19.    Multi Pull Downs: Attach a straight bar and a V handle to a lat pull down machine.  Perform 5 reps wide palms away, close palms away, close palms facing, and 5 on the v-handle

20.    1 Arm Barbell Row: Place a Barbell perpendicular to the right side of your body.  Lunge forward with your right foot keeping your back leg straight and creating a straight line from your heel to your head on your left side.  Reach down with your right arm and grasp the end of the barbell.  Drive your elbow back in a row.

21.    Rotator Cuff Dribble: Stand facing a wall with a small light medball in your hand with your arm straight.  Bounce the medball off the wall using about a 3-6 inch stroke.  Keep the work in the shoulder.  Bounce the ball in an arc from parallel to perpendicular to the ground.

22.    Multi Band Ext: Attach 3-4 different size bands to the top of a squat rack.  Perform triceps extensions to failure starting with the strongest band and finishing on the easiest.

23.    PB Db Bench: Lye supine in a tabletop position on a physioball.  Perform db bench presses as if on a db bench.

24.    Hand Ladder: Set up an agility ladder on a soft floor.  Assume a push up position beside the ladder.  Perform the same agility drills you perform with your feet, with your hands through the ladder.

25.    Mb Push Up: Place a medball under one hand and perform a push up.  At the top, quickly roll the ball to the other hand and perform another push up.

26.    Face Pull: Attach a triceps rope to a high pulley.  Keeping the elbows high pull the rope to the forehead.

27.    3 Way Shoulder: Front raise, lateral raise, and rear dealt raise.  Perform all of one raise before immediately moving into the next.

28.    Incline Db Bench: Db benching on a slightly inclined bench with the elbows tucked to the side and the palms facing the centerline of the body.

29.    Lateral Dealt Raise: Assume a standing position with the knees bent slightly holding dumbbells in each hand.  Raise directly up to the side until the arms are parallel to the ground.

30.    666 Db Press:  Dumbbell bench press on a physioball.  Perform each rep for six seconds up, 6 seconds down, for six reps.

31.    Chain Push Up:  Perform pushups loading a chain across the shoulders each rep until no more reps can be performed.  Once failure is achieved, hold static position or continue to attempt to perform push ups until all the chain is unloaded (about one chain per second or per rep on the unload)

32.    Multi Board Press: A form of close grip (shoulder width) bench press.  Perform five full range of motion press.  Have your partner place a 1 board on your chest, perform 5 reps. Replace the 1 board with a 2 board perform five reps. Perform this all the way through full range of motion, 1, 2, 3, and 5 board performing 5 reps on each.

33. 4 Way Shoulder: Typo-should be 3 way shoulders.

Other articles by Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS Level II


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