[Feb 01 2007]
Possible Steroid Testing in Texas
Possible Steroid Testing in Texas, By: Scott SagerFebruary 1, 2007Through TV show's like NBC's Friday Night Lights and movies like Varsity Blues high school in Texas has become a breeding ground for football, where the Friday night lights burn a l...
[Feb 01 2007]
NFL, MLB steroid tests don't cut it
NFL, MLB steroid tests don't cut itJanuary 31, 2007, 3:55 PM ESTSAN FRANCISCO -- Olympic athletes soon will have their blood tested for human growth hormone, but the NFL and baseball officials instead are embracing the unproven concept of urine testing in...
[Feb 01 2007]
Dewhurst turns up heat on high school steroid testing
Dewhurst turns up heat on high school steroid testing, By: Jimmy Galvan If Lt. Governor David Dewhurst has his way, there will be a mandatory random testing program in public schools for steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs in the near future. ...
[Jan 30 2007]
Steroids Testing For High School Athletes
Steroids Testing For High School Athletes
January 29, 2007
Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst is making it his duty to clean up and keep out performance-enhancing drugs in public high schools across Texas. Currently Wichita Falls ISD is the only school ...
[Jan 29 2007]
VISD does not test for steroids
VISD does not test for steroids, By: Bill HatchCost the biggest factor in testing January 28, 2007Victoria school district has a drug-testing policy, but it does not include testing for steroids.Cost is the biggest obstacle. The cost of a single steroids...
[Jan 29 2007]
LPGA takes the lead in steroid testing
LPGA takes the lead in steroid testing, By: Kristen “Golf Chick” WilliamsThe best thing to enhance one's performance in golf hasn't been invented yet. It'll be some kind of chip implant or alteration to the brain to reduce distraction and augment the ...
[Jan 28 2007]
Dewhurst Calls For Mandatory Steroid Testing Of High School Athletes
Dewhurst Calls For Mandatory Steroid Testing Of High School Athletes January 26, 2007 Texas is a hotbed of high school football, where the Friday night lights burn brighter.Many of the Lone Star State's athletes are among the biggest, fastest and stronge...
[Jan 27 2007]
Lt. Gov. Wants Steroids Tests For Texas Prep Athletes
Lt. Gov. Wants Steroids Tests For Texas Prep AthletesJanuary 27, 2007 Texas is a hotbed of high school football, where the Friday night lights burn brighter. Many of the Lone Star State's athletes are among the biggest, fastest and strongest in the count...
[Jan 26 2007]
Steroid Testing in High School?
Steroid Testing in High School? AUSTIN (AP) - Texas is a hotbed of high school football. A key state leader is pushing to make Texas kids -- the cleanest athletes. Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst is proposing a sweeping program of mandator...
[Jan 14 2007]
Don't wait for finals to test for steroids
Don't wait for finals to test for steroidsI am all for the thought of steroid and other supplement tests in high school sports. I just believe that the tests should not just occur during the state finals of the sports.I think they also should occur during...