[Jun 11 2006]
Steroid testing gets bay area buzzing
Steroid testing gets bay area buzzing, By: Scott PurksAthletic officials and athletes seem to think New Jersey's plan to test athletes could be a good fit in Florida. June 9, 2006, Times New Jersey is the first state to test high school athletes for ster...
[May 07 2006]
Salk scientists untangle steroid hormone signaling in plants
Salk scientists untangle steroid hormone signaling in plants When given extra shots of the plant steroid brassinolide, plants pump up like major league baseball players do on steroids. Tracing brassinolide’s signal deep into the cell’s nucleus, res...
[Apr 09 2006]
Bill seeks high-school steroids testing
Bill seeks high-school steroids testing, By: Shannon J. OwensFlorida could become the nation's first state to require random exams of prep athletes.April 5, 2006, Sentinel Staff Writer A Miami legislator again is pushing a bill that could make Florida the...
[Apr 09 2006]
UI panel mulls steroid testing
The Baseball Column: Missing In Action, By: David ZinglerApril 7, 2006 The Bigger They Are, The Harder They FallThe 2006 baseball season is officially under way and Rafael Palmeiro and Sammy Sosa are nowhere to be seen. They're both on the wrong side of ...
[Apr 06 2006]
Hernando school district considers drug testing students
Hernando school district considers drug testing students, By: Isabel MascarenasApril 5, 2006Brooksville, Florida - Students in Hernando County may soon have another reason to stay off drugs. And if they don't, they could lose the right to play sports an...
[Apr 01 2006]
Schools to start testing athletes for steroid use
Schools to start testing athletes for steroid use, By: Danielle Deaver$800,000 grant will help expand existing drug-testing programApril 1, 2006Beginning Monday, some student athletes in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County school system will be pulled out of...