[Mar 05 2008]
New steroid test uses oil exploration technique
Now researchers at The University of Nottingham have developed a steroid test using hydropyrolysis.
[Jan 31 2008]
Del. to consider high school steroid testing
Task force to study issue; New Jersey already has program
[Oct 16 2007]
Faster, More Efficient Method For Detecting Illegal Steroids In Urine
New method, which takes only a few seconds and involves no time-consuming sample preparation.
[Sep 17 2007]
Auctions study tests for steroids
Auctions study tests for steroids, By: Gregory A. HallSept. 16, 20072 Kentucky firms consider change amid perception of abuse in horses LEXINGTON, Ky. -- The two major thoroughbred auction companies in Kentucky are moving toward allowing buyers to have th...
[Sep 13 2007]
Random tests reveal little steroid use in high school sports
Random tests reveal little steroid use in high school sports, By: Bev McCarron
September 12, 2007
Only one out of 500 high school athletes screened last school year for steroids tested positive, according to results released this morning by the stat...
[Sep 13 2007]
Random screenings show one N.J. high schooler using steroids
Random screenings show one N.J. high schooler using steroidsSeptember 12, 2007 TRENTON, N.J. - New Jersey's school athletic association says just one in 500 high student athletes screened for steroids tested positive for the performance enhancers. The Gar...
[Sep 09 2007]
Biggest question won't be answered in NJSIAA steroids testing report
Biggest question won't be answered in NJSIAA steroids testing report September 8, 2007 The summer of Barry Bonds is over, but here in New Jersey the steroid issue is just beginning to hit stride. On Wednesday, the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic...
[Sep 07 2007]
State Law Requires Random Steroid Testing
State Law Requires Random Steroid Testing Sept. 6, 2007 Tonight, Local 2 Investigates the one drug most parents never think to warn their kids about. A new state law requires all student-athletes to submit to random steroid testing. KPRC Local 2 invest...
[Sep 05 2007]
Steroid testing waste of money
Steroid testing waste of money, By: Brian McCallumSept. 4, 2007One-hundred thousand dollars from the Florida legislature for steroid testing in six high school sports. One-hundred thousand dollars, right down the drain.Give me the money. Nobody will miss ...
[Sep 02 2007]
State Mandated Steroid Testing Still Not In Place
State Mandated Steroid Testing Still Not In Place8/31/07Hundreds of high school athletes are on football fields across the South Plains this Friday night. But none have been tested for steroids despite the fact Governor Perry signed a law back in June, ma...