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Steroids Testing For High School Athletes
Steroids Testing For High School Athletes
January 29, 2007
Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst is making it his duty to clean up and keep out performance-enhancing drugs in public high schools across Texas. Currently Wichita Falls ISD is the only school that tests its athletes.
Steve HarrisCity View Superintendent]
" We have not had any problems with steroids here at City View and we watch for signs all the time," says City View Superintendent Steve Harris.
Signs that include acne, change in behavior or attitude, rapid increase in body mass, and voice change.
"We don't feel we've seen any of those signs, that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist," Harris says .
City View not only follows state law by having warning signs placed through out their athletic department, they even go as far as teaching steroid abuse in the class room.
Harris says," We do that as part of our health curriculum, we talk about steroids as well as any other drug use."
Although City View believes they don't have a steroid abuse problem, Superintendent Harris says they might consider adding steroid testing to their random drug testing requirement.
" Not saying that we would wait till we felt we had a problem, but City View's good about being preventive. We like to practice preventive maintenance and kind of be ahead of the curve of things like that so we don't have a huge problem," says Harris.
There is no word yet on when Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst plans to take his proposal to the Texas Legislature. If approved, this will be the nation's largest program of it's kind at the high school level.