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[Jun 19 2007] High School Athletes Next for Steroid Tests
High School Athletes Next for Steroid Tests, By: Chris HambyJune 18, 2007A year after New Jersey became the first state to mandate random steroid testing for high school athletes, Texas and Florida are on the verge of launching their own testing programs,...
[Jun 18 2007] Steroids testing hasn’t affected HR totals
Steroids testing hasn’t affected HR totals, By: Michael Salfino June 17, 2007 Last week while proposing amnesty for players who used steroids, Fox Sports columnist Mark Kriegel said “there is no mathematical formula to factor out the influence o...
[Jun 18 2007] June 17, 2007: State's steroid testing bill meets with positive reaction
June 17, 2007: State's steroid testing bill meets with positive reaction, By: Len Hayward  06/17/2007It's not hard to turn on a sports television program, whether it's a news program or a game, and hear talk about steroids and performance enhancing drug...
[Jun 14 2007] NCAA-style steroid tests a possiblity for student-athletes
NCAA-style steroid tests a possiblity for student-athletes, By: Josh HixsonJune 14, 2007McKinney high school student-athletes could face a drug-testing program next fall similar to the NCAA’s, according to officials from the University Interscholastic L...
[Jun 13 2007] UIL adopts plan to suspend steroid users
UIL adopts plan to suspend steroid users, By: R. A. DyerJune 12, 2007AUSTIN -- A Texas public high school athlete could be suspended for 30 days for a first-time positive test for steroids, a year for the second and be permanently banned from playing the ...
[Jun 12 2007] Steroid testing not an option in Georgia
Steroid testing not an option in Georgia, By: Todd HolcombLegality, cost cited as determining factors06/12/07 Bills that would make steroid testing mandatory for high school athletes in Texas and Florida are waiting this week for their governors' signatur...
[Jun 12 2007] Educating prep students cheaper than steroids testing
Educating prep students cheaper than steroids testing, By: Tom KreagerHigh school athletes heading into the upcoming school year may have many concerns - conditioning, competition for a starting spot or even passing summer school classes to retain eligibi...
[Jun 09 2007] High school steroid testing a sad sign of the times
High school steroid testing a sad sign of the times, By: Ben MunroAdd one more test to the great high school experience, at least in Texas.Driving tests, scholastic aptitude tests … urine tests?Last week, lone star state legislators OK’d random steroi...
[Jun 05 2007] Steroid screening inconclusive at Cy-Fair schools
Steroid screening inconclusive at Cy-Fair schools, By: Sarah VirenJune 4, 2007Effectiveness in doubt in large-district programIf Cypress-Fairbanks' first year of random drug screening for athletes is any indication, Texas' impending foray into the steroid...
[Jun 05 2007] Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Announces Steroid Testing; Hires International Expert
Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Announces Steroid Testing; Hires International ExpertJune 4, 2007Redwood Toxicology Laboratory, Inc. (RTL) now offers a comprehensive laboratory steroid test. The RTL Steroid Test detects a full list of prescription androgeni...


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