[Mar 11 2007]
Steroid bill calls for student athlete testing
Accompanied by Plano resident Don Hooten and NFL Hall of Famer Dick Butkus, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and Sen. Kyle Janek of Galveston presented a bill on Wednesday which would require random steroid testing of athletes governed by the University Interschol...
[Mar 08 2007]
Former NFL Great Butkus Backs Texas Steroid Testing Bill
Former NFL Great Butkus Backs Texas Steroid Testing BillMarch 8, 2007 AUSTIN, Texas -- With a publicity boost from Hall of Fame linebacker Dick Butkus, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst rolled out a Senate plan Wednesday to require mandatory random steroid testing...
[Mar 08 2007]
Bill filed for random steroid tests for Texas athletes
Bill filed for random steroid tests for Texas athletes3/7/07Texas public high school athletes would face mandatory random steroid tests in order to play sports under a bill to be filed Wednesday in the Senate. According to details in a draft summary of th...
[Mar 03 2007]
Steroid testing faces privacy, financial concerns
Steroid testing faces privacy, financial concerns, By: BENJAMIN HELFRICH AND MICHAEL KASIBORSKIAn Illinois High School Association regulation that would test athletes for steroids at all 2007-08 state finals is a front-burner issue that will undoubted...
[Feb 27 2007]
Md. drug tests for student athletes called unlikely
Md. drug tests for student athletes called unlikely, By: Edward Lee Grasmick helps launch effort to educate about steroids February 26, 2007 The state's top school official acknowledged that even though a public awareness campaign designed to discoura...
[Feb 25 2007]
Should Maryland test preps for steroids?
Should Maryland test preps for steroids? February 25, 2007 New Jersey recently became the first state to test prep athletes for steroid abuse, and the latest results showed no positives out of 150 tests.That's a good thing, seeing as how national studie...
[Feb 25 2007]
Drug tests are worth the price tag
Drug tests are worth the price tagState could help the IHSA ensure that all athletes compete on a level playing fieldFebruary 25, 2007The Illinois High School Association's push toward drug testing recalls the movie catchphrase, Show me the money! That's...
[Feb 22 2007]
Random Steroid Tests on N.J. High Schoolers All Negative
Random Steroid Tests on N.J. High Schoolers All Negative
February 18, 2007
New Jersey's first in-the-nation tests of high school athletes for steroid abuse showed no positive results among 150 random samples taken in the fall, according to the group tha...
[Feb 22 2007]
Legislator Wants Statewide Steroid Testing for High School Athletes
Legislator Wants Statewide Steroid Testing for High School Athletes 2/20/07 TALLAHASSEE, FL (AP) -- A state lawmaker is reviving his mission to create a statewide steroid testing program for high school athletes. This is the fourth year that Representat...
[Feb 22 2007]
Fall athletes pass steroid tests
Fall athletes pass steroid tests2/21/07TRENTON -- New Jersey's first in-the-nation tests of high school athletes for steroid abuse showed no positive results among 150 random samples taken in the fall, according to the group that administered the tests. A...