[Jan 09 2007]
Middleweight fails dope test
Middleweight fails dope test January 10, 2007MARIANO Carrera has been stripped of his World Boxing Association middleweight title after testing positive for the banned steroid clenbuterol, Argentinean newspaper Clarin reported overnight.The Argentinean b...
[Jan 09 2007]
Too much information
Too much information January 09, 2007 When major league baseball players agreed to be tested four years ago to gauge the prevalence of steroid use in the game, it was done with assurances from the league that the tests would be anonymous and the results...
[Jan 07 2007]
Coaches & players glad to see steroid testing
Coaches players glad to see steroid testing, By: Randy Kindred01/05/07 BLOOMINGTON -- Illinois High School Association’s proposal to ban steroids and start testing players in finals in some sports was welcome news to some area players and coaches.The...
[Dec 30 2006]
Fehr Vows To Fight Court Ruling On Steroid Tests
Fehr Vows To Fight Court Ruling On Steroid Tests December 29, 2006 Washington Post - MLB Players Association Executive Director Donald Fehr said in a statement yesterday he would consult with legal counsel to determine how to keep the records of 100 pos...
[Dec 30 2006]
Eight of BALCO ten failed steroid test
Eight of BALCO ten failed steroid test December 29, 2006 It was revealed Wednesday that eight of the 10 players implicated in the BALCO investigation failed steroid tests in 2003.According to his attorney, Bonds wasn't one of the eight. My response to ...
[Dec 12 2006]
Regulation of Steroids to be Recommended
Regulation of Steroids to be RecommendedDecember 7, 2006Members of the Racing Medication and Testing Consortium (RMTC) are expected to recommend regulation of anabolic steroids in racehorses, but the timetable for the regulations remains up in the air.RMT...
[Dec 06 2006]
N.J. Begins Testing High School Athletes for Steroids
N.J. Begins Testing High School Athletes for Steroids, By: Michael Benjamin12/5/06 New Jersey, after an executive order from former governor Richard Codey, will be the first state to test high school athletes for banned substances, starting with the 2006...
[Nov 19 2006]
Naval Academy Admits to Delay in Drug Tests
Naval Academy Admits to Delay in Drug Tests Nov 18, 2006BALTIMORE - U.S. Naval Academy officials waited more than two months to give urine tests to five football players who admitted early last year to using steroids, a disclosure prompting lawmakers to c...
[Nov 13 2006]
Tour is in no hurry to start drug testing
Tour is in no hurry to start drug testing, By: Thomas Bonk Pro golfers figure it will happen at some point, but no action is expected at a meeting this week. PGA Commissioner Finchem says he will clarify position. November 12, 2006 The hot-button ...
[Nov 05 2006]
Big UFC Fighter Suspended For Drug Test Failure, Full Details
Big UFC Fighter Suspended For Drug Test Failure, Full Details, By: Stash Capar November 04, 2006 BONNAR SUSPENDED FOR NINE MONTHS AFTER STEROIDS ADMISSION UFC light heavyweight competitor and The Ultimate Fighter season one finalist Stephan Bonnar was ...