Roadmap To A Lean 2004, By: Hugo RiveraOnce again the Holidays come and go. Along with the Holidays, the waistline (along with plenty of money), seem to be items that also leave as well. The question now is how do we get back in shape after gaining all th...
Roadmap To A Lean 2004, Part 2, By: Hugo RiveraRules For Maximum Fat Loss With Maximum Muscle Retention So having said all of this what is the best way to diet for maximum fat loss and muscle retention? The steps below provide you with the answer to this ...
The Common Dieters' Mistake: Thinking That Eating Less Is Better!, By: Hugo RiveraWhen people think of a diet they think of pain, hunger and food depravation. Before we continue, lets stop right here and explain what is going on inside the body.When peopl...
The Secret to Consistent Fat Loss, By: Hugo Rivera The secret for consistent fat loss is divided into three items: a) Caloric CyclingLast week we talked about the steps that we can follow over the course of ten weeks that would enable us to ease into a di...
What You Need To Know About Caloric Cycling!, By: Hugo RiveraThis week I will give you the secret for getting consistent results (e.g. fat loss and increase in muscle tone). This secret will really put the icing on the cake as you will avoid the nasty pla...
Fitness While Traveling, By: Hugo Rivera This past week has been very challenging for me. I had to travel to New Mexico for a job interview with Intel (the company that makes the Pentium Processors) in Albuquerque. In order for me to maintain my bodybuild...
Hormonal Manipulation Through Macronutrient Intake!, By: Hugo RiveraIn order to achieve large gains in muscle mass along with significant body fat decreases, many hormonal events need to occur in the body. The amount of success that that can be achieved i...
Low Carb Diets, By: Hugo RiveraOften I am asked what do I think about Low Carbohydrate diets. Before, I go into what my thoughts are, I will first define what a Low Carbohydrate diet is. Low Carb (less than 50 or even 30 grams a day), high protein, high f...
Macronutrient Management for Enhanced Muscle Gain and Fat Loss, By: Hugo RiveraMany of you that read my articles know that for most people I tend to recommend a macronutrient ratio of 40% Carbs, 40% Protein and 20% Fats. Since I started bodybuilding I hav...
Making New Gains With The Anabolic Diet!, By: Hugo RiveraOften I am asked what do I think about Low Carbohydrate diets. Before, I go into what my thoughts are, I will first define what a Low Carbohydrate diet is. My Definition Of A Low Carb DietLow Carb (...
Nutrition During Pregnancy, By: Hugo Rivera Nutrition becomes even more important than ever before during these 9 months. You health and that of your baby depend on it. Do you know that the following conditions are caused by a lack of good nutrition durin...
Prescription For Fat Loss!, By: Hugo RiveraOne thing that I notice in all the e-mails that I get from trainees is that people are really confused about the way to get rid of their body fat. Many factors contribute to this confusion but the main one, in my...
How To Get Nice Abs!, By: Hugo RiveraBefore I answer the two questions above, lets examine the conditions that enable us to see our abdominal muscles. 1. In girls a percentage of body fat of 12-13% and in guys a percentage in the 6-8% range enables ...
Implementing The Cycling Principle, By: Hugo Rivera Last week we discussed the merits associated with cycling one's routines and the fact that there is more than one way to cycle your routines. This week I will present how my routine currently looks like ...
HUGO'S MASS BLAST ARM WORKOUT, By: Hugo Rivera(Triset)Triceps Pushdowns 6 sets of 10-12 repsConcentration Curls 6 sets of 8-12 repsOverhead Triceps Extensions 6 sets of 10-12 reps(Rest 1 minute between trisets) (Triset)Incline Dumbbell Curls 6 sets of 6-8...
MASS BLAST BACK ROUTINE, By: Hugo RiveraHUGO'S MASS BLAST #4Who is ready to get a wide, thick and striated back?! I am looking for a few good BACKS to join me for this week's Back Mass Blast. My lats are still cursing me (and my next generations) for it. ...
MASS BLAST CHEST #3, By: Hugo RiveraHUGO'S MASS BLAST # 3Here it is everyone! Mass Blast Chest # 3 I am in some serious pain after performing this 30 minute workout for Chest. (My back is very sore too since I work Chest and Back together; the workout for...
MASS BLAST LEG ROUTINE, By: Hugo RiveraHUGO'S MASS BLAST #1I hope you are all ready for a 30 minute Leg Workout GUARANTEED to fry your legs and prompt them to grow in record time.The workout is only 30 minutes long but it elevated my heart rate to 180 bea...
MASS BLAST SHOULDER ROUTINE, By: Hugo RiveraHUGO'S MASS BLAST SHOULDER ROUTINEIn my opinion, cannonball delts are one of the most beautiful muscles a bodybuilder can have (after abs, of course). Like the back, big, thick well developed delts give an appea...
Mass Training Tactics - Part 1!, By: Hugo RiveraLast month we talked about how to gain muscle and lose fat the natural way. In that article, I discussed how in order to continually make gains, training parameters need to be cycled. This month I will start...
Mass Training Tactics - Part 2!, By: Hugo RiveraIn my last article we talked about how to properly cycle your training in order to assure continuous gains in muscle size and strength. We discussed the importance of having Active Recovery Phases coupled wi...
My Personal Get Ripped in 8 Weeks Program, By: Hugo RiveraHello Everyone.Here is the first four weeks of my proposed 8-week plan (including diet as a bonus):(Week 1)Monday: LegsTriset:Lunges 3 sets of 8-12 reps (no rest)Leg Curls 3 sets of 8-12 reps (no r...
My Personal Get Ripped in 8 Weeks Program Part II, By: Hugo RiveraHere is the second four weeks of my proposed 8 week plan (including diet as a bonus):(Weeks 5-8)Monday: LegsModified TrisetLunges 3 sets of 12-8 reps (1 minute rest)Leg Curls 3 sets of 12-8...
New York Workouts, Part 1, By: Hugo RiveraAs many of you already know, I went to New York a few weeks ago and did the photo shoots for the exercise descriptions of the upcoming Body Sculpting Bibles. Everything went great but it was alot of hard work! I l...
New York Workouts, Part 2, By: Hugo Rivera As I mentioned on the last article, after that crazy leg workout that we had, we headed to a nice steak restaurant. It just so happens, however, that we ended up eating at around 11pm as the restaurant was packed...
No Time To Get In Shape, By: Hugo RiveraThe biggest excuse for not getting in shape is that there is no time to workout. Think about this for a minute. How many hours do we have in one day? Unless I am wrong, I believe there are still 24 hours in one day ...
No Time To Get In Shape Part II, By: Hugo RiveraLast week we discussed the excuses for not getting in shape and we also presented a solution to the problem: A routine that can be performed at home with minimum equipment and in a short amount of time. This...
No Time To Get In Shape Part III, By: Hugo RiveraHello Everyone. As promised on the last article, this week we will discuss when to increase the weight on each exercise, training to failure and aerobics. The first topic that I would like to discuss is the...
No Time To Get In Shape Part IV, By: Hugo RiveraHi there. This week in our final Part of the series No Time to Get In Shape we will discuss what to do when you can easily do more than 12 repetitions of pushups, as well as the best diet to use in order to ...
Soreness, By: Hugo Rivera There are several degrees of soreness that we need to be aware off: a) Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. b) Typical Mild Muscle Soreness c) Injury-Type Muscle Soreness The first type of soreness is delayed onset muscle soreness (DOM...
The Cycling Principle, By: Hugo Rivera This is the key to consistent and rapid increases in muscle mass and strength for the bodybuilder. This principle states that in order for the body to respond optimally, it cannot be trained in the same manner all th...
The Magnificent 7 Ab Routine!, By: Hugo RiveraThe Spring rapidly approaches with no one to stop it. As Frank Zane well states in his book Fabulously Fit Forever, "Spring is a time of rebirth for my muscles with getting back into good shape as its the...
The Science Behind Calf Training!, By: Hugo RiveraCalves besides being one of the most neglected body parts in the gym are ones whose training is most misunderstood. Some people claim that you need to hit them every day with high reps while others claim t...
The Secret to Muscle Stimulation, By: Hugo Rivera and James Villepigue Learning proper exercise technique is the backbone of every fitness program in existence, for if you train improperly you will not stimulate the intended muscle, risk major injury and ...
The Value of Super Slow Lifting; Fact or Fiction?, By: Hugo RiveraMany people have asked me about the truth behind super slow lifting. As a matter of fact an excellent objective article written by Karen Springen titled "Going Super Slow" that ap...
The Zone-Tone Technique, By: Hugo Rivera and James Villepigue Note: The article below is an excerpt from the upcoming books (The Bodysculpting Bible for Men and The Bodysculpting Bible for Women written by Hugo Rivera and James Villepigue).IntroductionObv...
Training Protocols For The Anabolic Diet!, By: Hugo RiveraIn my last article we discussed what I feel is the best way for a bodybuilder to implement a high fat (good fats)/high protein/low carb diet. This week I will discuss the training protocol that I u...
Training Recommendations For A Lean Summer Body – Part 2!, By: Hugo RiveraThe Two Ideal Times For Aerobics Another important point is that in order for aerobic exercise to be an optimally effective fat burner it needs to be performed at the appropriate ti...
Training Recommendations For A Lean Summer Body!, By: Hugo RiveraLast month we covered nutrition to develop the lean look. This month let's focus on training. After all, training and nutrition need to go hand in hand in order to get the results that you a...
Training While You Are Sick, By: Hugo Rivera Happy New Year to Everyone!!! In an effort to wish you all good health for this year and those to come, I decided to dedicate this week's article to answering questions concerning training while you are sick. A...
What Causes Hypertrophy?, By: Hugo RiveraThe article below was really an answer to a post from my friend John Oneschak in Dave Draper’s Irononline group. I decided to share the questions and the answers with all of you for your benefit as I think these ar...
Which Exercises Are The Best For Fast Results?, By: Hugo RiveraIn weight training, there is a variety of exercises that one can choose from to sculpt the body of your dreams. Results in bodybuilding or body sculpting are generally measured in body composi...
Winter Training, By: Hugo Rivera Winter Growth Spurt Cycle RoutineAre you ready to embark on a Cycle that is guaranteed to pile pounds of muscle in your frame? If so, this is the plan for you. Here I will detail a training routine guaranteed to put pounds...
Characteristics Of A Good Nutrition Program!, By: Hugo Rivera
Nutrition is what gives us the raw materials for recuperation, energy, and growth. Without a good diet, your dreams of achieving your ideal body will never be reached.
We'll now discuss the ...
Dietary Recommendations For A Lean Summer Body!Summer is just around the corner. Along with it comes the time to get in your bathing suits and go to the beach. But, wait a minute! Do I hear that can't do because some of the flab gained over the holidays i...
Easing Into a Diet Program, By: Hugo Rivera This week I want to address those of you that need help easing into a diet program. First I would like to start by clarifying what the word diet means. Even if you don’t think you that you are on a diet, guess w...
Eating on The Run!, By: Hugo RiveraSince we don't live in a perfect world, sometimes for one reason or the other we either don't prepare all of the food we need for the day in the morning or we run out of food because maybe we did not prepared enough. Wha...
From Lard To Hard: A 14 Page Guide To Get In Shape!, By: Hugo RiveraMy story begins when I was a teenager that was seriously overweight (80 pounds plus to be accurate), and extremely unhappy with the way I looked. I had dreams of being fit and muscular on...
Home Gym Equipment, By: Hugo RiveriaThere are many reasons why one may decide to have a home gym in addition to a commercial gym membership: 1) Variety 2) In case you miss your training at the commercial gym, you always have your home gym available. 3) No...
Home Gym Equipment Training Routines!, By: Hugo RiveriaThis week we will discuss how you can set up different routines by using the minimum equipment of a bench with a good leg extension/leg curl attachment and a pair of adjustable dumbbells. There are ma...
How to Choose a Good Personal Trainer, By: Hugo RiveraPersonal training is becoming a hot profession these days. As a matter of fact personal training is the fastest growing profession in the health and fitness industry! So it is a fair assumption that if...
Goal Setting, By: Hugo RiveraWithout goals we are like a ship on the middle of the see just drifting away with no sense of direction. It just goes with the flow, so to speak, and if it ever gets anywhere it is just by mere accident. In order to achieve su...
How to Gain Muscle and Lose Fat the Natural Way, By: Hugo RiveraMuscle mass is the most valuable asset of a bodybuilder. While symmetry and definition are very important qualities as well, without muscle mass such qualities would have no meaning. In a bod...
The Blue Prints to a Perfect Body, By: Hugo RiveraThe method below is an extremely powerful tool that can help you to accomplish any of your goals (both in and outside the gym). People don't realize how incredibly happy and successful they can be with jus...
The Power of Goal Setting, By: Hugo RiveraWithout goals we are like a ship on the middle of the see, just drifting away with no sense of direction. It just goes with the flow, so to speak, and if it ever gets anywhere it is just by mere accident. In order...
The Three Conditions Necessary for Optimal Results, By: Hugo RiveraThere are three conditions that you must have in balance for optimum results. The first is desire. How can you think of obtaining anything at all, if you don't want it badly enough? Desire...
The Importance of Applying Positive Pressure for Bodybuilding Gains, By: Hugo RiveriaEnhance Your Bodybuilding Gains By Using The Power Of Positive Pressure Positive pressure can be a great ally in your quest to making awesome bodybuilding gains. Positive...
Testosterone Boosting Supplements, By: Hugo RiveraIncrease Lean Muscle Mass By Boosting Your Testosterone LevelsTestosterone Boosting Supplements(Not Recommended for Teenagers - Except For ZMA)These are the type of supplements that you can take if you pla...
2004 Exercise Prescription For Abs Of Steel, By: Hugo RiveriaSummer is just around the corner. Along with it comes the time to get in your bathing suits, go to the beach and show off your abs. In this article, I cover what needs to be done in order to ens...
Creatine; Friend or Foe?, By: Hugo Riveria This week a report came from Paris originated by the French Agency of Medical Security for Food (AFSSA) indicating that there is a "potential carcinogenic risk" for creatine users "particularly in ...
Menopause and Hormone Replacement, By: Hugo Riveria This section I write in response to a whole bunch of questions that women have asked us about our stand in hormone replacement. After doing some research, we feel that we have come up with an answer to t...
Steroids: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, By: Hugo Riveria In this week’s article I decided to talk about steroids. The purpose of this article is not to teach you how to use them, nor to endorse or disapprove of their use. I mainly write it as an inform...
The Basics of Creatine, By: Hugo Riveria Last week we discussed the issue raised by AFSSA (the French equivalent of the American Food and Drug Administration) regarding the safety and efficacy of creatine. This week we will discuss what is creatine, what ...
The Facts on Androstenedione, By: Hugo Riveria The purpose of this article is to briefly touch on the subject of Androstenedione and pro hormones by defining what they are and why I believe that you should stay away from them.Pro Hormones are hormones tha...
The Maladies of Sleep Depravation, By: Hugo Rivera and James VillepigueThe Sleep Cycle When we deprive ourselves of sleep, there is a delicate cycle that we disrupt. Let us now share with you that cycle:Phase One: Phase one begins as soon as the sun sets,...
Abbreviated Holiday Routines, By: Hugo Riveria The Holidays are approaching, Thanksgiving leading the way with Christmas and New Years closely behind. They are a time of joy and happiness. However, unfortunately, it is during this time that most people te...
AbSculpting 101, Part I, By: Hugo Riveria and Marcy PorterIt seems like the most often asked question when it comes to the subject of getting in shape is: “What is the best exercise to get your abs?” Typically, such question may be followed by comments li...
Aerobic Training for Fat Loss, By: Hugo Rivera Aerobic training such as walking or running on a stationary bike is a good way to accelerate the fat burning process as long as it is not overdone and as long as it is used only in addition to a good weight t...
Body Sculpting During Pregnancy, By: Hugo Riveria It has been determined, after much research has been done in this area, that remaining active during pregnancy offers several benefits to the mother and to the future newborn as well. The key to reaping o...
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