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The Importance of Applying Positive Pressure for Bodybuilding Gains

The Importance of Applying Positive Pressure for Bodybuilding Gains, By: Hugo Riveria

Enhance Your Bodybuilding Gains By Using The Power Of Positive Pressure

Positive pressure can be a great ally in your quest to making awesome bodybuilding gains. Positive pressure can be created by giving yourself a clear deadline by when to achieve your bodybuilding goals. For instance, setting yourself a goal to lose 20 pounds of fat while maintaining, or even increasing, your muscle mass slightly in the next twelve weeks is a great way to create positive pressure.

Why Is Applying Positive Pressure So Effective For Enhancing Bodybuilding Gains?

Because by doing this, you create a limited timeline by which to achieve your goals. This increases your chances of achieving them since, provided that you wholeheartedly commit yourself to the set date, then every workout and every day that you stick to your diet counts; you can no longer procrastinate.

In addition, this forces you to use goal setting techniques and also to adopt the winning mindset of successful bodybuilders.

Make A Commitment

It is of utmost importance that you commit yourself to the set date by either setting up a photo shoot or just simply telling others about it. Once you share with others what your goals are, that makes you accountable, and thus more likely to follow through. You can even make a small friendly contest out of it with your training partner, or people at the gym, by taking before and after pictures, along with stats such as bodyweight and body fat percentage, so that you and whomever wants to participate can see the progress made, and thus, determine a winner.

In my case, I apply myself positive pressure by either setting up a photo shoot, signing up for a guest posing or even entering a bodybuilding contest.

Make sure that once your goals are achieved you reward yourself by going to a nice restaurant and perhaps having a less than healthy meal. As long as you get back on your program on the next day, such a cheat meal will not have any detrimental effects on your physique.


In a nutshell, choose whatever it takes to make you motivated and committed to a clear and definite date. In this manner, you need to deliver results by a certain date and you will no longer procrastinate and skip cardio sessions nor training sessions. As a result, you will achieve weekly results that will lead you to your bodybuilding goals faster than you ever thought possible.


Other articles by Hugo Rivera


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