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Hello Everyone. As promised on the last article, this week we will discuss when to increase the weight on each exercise, training to failure and aerobics.

No Time To Get In Shape Part III, By: Hugo Rivera

Hello Everyone. As promised on the last article, this week we will discuss when to increase the weight on each exercise, training to failure and aerobics.

The first topic that I would like to discuss is the one of training to failure. Training to failure is basically doing a set of a particular exercise until the point at which performing one more repetition WITH GOOD FORM becomes impossible. In order to get the maximum results from the time that you spend working out, training to failure is a must. Think about it. If you choose a weight that allows you to do 40 repetitions but as soon as you reach 10 you stop, then why should the muscle respond to such stimulus? Yes, you are right, it shouldn't. The only way to enable the body to respond with a limited amount of sets is to train to failure. Doing so will set all of the mechanisms in the body to repair and remodel the muscle cells inside of you creating as a result a better looking and firmer you. For the purposes of our routine, set 1 should be more like a warm up set where you select a weight that you could do 15-20 times but only do 12 times. Sets 2 & 3 should be taken to failure.

The topic of training to failure brings us immediately to our next point: what weight to choose and when to increase it. Per our routine, you should do sets of 10-12 repetitions; therefore, except for the first set (which is a warm up set) choose a weight that enables you to fail between that number. If you can only do 8 repetitions, then you chose a weight that is too heavy. If you can do more than 12, then your weight is too light. It takes some practice to know what is the correct weight to choose. After the first week of workouts, you should have a pretty good idea. If at first you see that the weight you chose is wrong, then don't worry about it. Reach failure with that weight and record the number of repetitions that you were able to do with it. On the next set, you can adjust the weight. If the weight was incorrectly chosen for the 3rd set, then correct the weight on the next workout. Here is where a training journal becomes an invaluable aid to your workouts. A training journal does not have to be anything fancy. Just a sheet of paper with the exercises that you are using as well as the weight and the amount of repetitions that you did per set should be sufficient. Since we already know how much we need to rest in between sets, and for this routine this always stays the same, then we do not need to go ahead and record this in the log. This log is a priceless piece of information as it will help you determine what weights to use. You can always look back at what weights you used last week by referring to your log. If you see that in both sets that were taken to failure you were able to use a weight that enabled you to do more than 12 repetitions, then you know that it is time to increase the weight. The log also gives you a goal to go by. If last week you did 20 pounds in the dumbbell curls (when I say 20 pounds I am referring to 20 in each hand) for 10 repetitions, then this week challenge yourself to see if you can surpass that amount IN GOOD FORM. Not always will you be successful as muscle strength does not go up in a linear and constant fashion. However, by constantly challenging yourself to do more you are sending your body the signal to improve and re-shape itself, which after all is the purpose of the workout. After you reach a point with a weight where you can consistently do more than 12 repetitions IN GOOD FORM, then you know that is time to increase the weight. However, remember to never increase the weight or the amount of repetitions at the expense of good form. Only repetitions done with perfect form should be counted and logged in the journal as these are the ones that stimulate the target muscle.

The final topic of this week's article is the one of Aerobics. Aerobic exercise is a great way to accelerate the fat burning process, as long as it is not overdone, and as long as it is only used in addition to a good weight training program. Aerobics should never be used as a substitute for weight training. In the first Part on this series we talked about doing three 30 minute sessions of aerobic exercise on days that we do not weight train. The question now is how intense perform them, at what time to do them for most effectiveness, and what types of aerobic exercise are best.

In order for Aerobic work (i.e.. Walking) to be effective in burning fat, then you have to be in what is called your Fat Burning Zone. Your Fat Burning Zone is determined by how fast your heart rate is beating in one minute. You can easily determine how fast your heart rate is going by taking your pulse for ten seconds and multiplying that number by 6. That will give you how fast your heart is beating per minute. In order to determine what your individual Fat Burning Zone is, use the following formula: (220 - Age) x .75 = Low end of your Fat Burning Heart Rate). To determine the high end: (220 - Age) x .80 = High end of your Fat Burning Heart Rate). As long as you stay in between those numbers for at least 20 minutes of your 30 minute aerobic session (5 minute warm-up, 20 minute fat burning, 5 minute cool down), then you know you will be burning fat.

There are two times where aerobic exercise is most effective (the first one being the most effective):

1) First thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

2) Right after a workout routine.

According to some Swedish studies (and to my own research) aerobic exercise performed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach can burn up to 300% more body fat than at any other time. The reason for this is glycogen stores (carbohydrates stored in both the liver and inside muscle cells). When we wake up our glycogen stores have been depleted thanks to the overnight fast (this is assuming you don't raid the refrigerator in the early morning hours; i.e. ):-) Therefore, if the body has no carbohydrates to burn for energy and you start doing aerobic activity, what will it use for fuel? If you said Fat then you got the right answer. The key to making aerobic exercise work in the morning is to have 16-20 ounces of water 5 minutes before you begin. There are three reasons for this:

1) When we wake up in the morning our bodies are dehydrated. Therefore, in order to prevent further dehydration during the training session, water is crucial.

2) In order for Fat burning processes to occur, plenty of water has to be available.

3) Water creates an anti-catabolic effect (protects the muscle tissue from being used for energy). Even though we are limiting the workout to 30 minutes to prevent the body from burning both fat and muscle, if we are not properly hydrated before a workout guess where the body will get the water from? The muscles of course, causing them to shrink in size (due to the reduced water content inside of the cell) and making them vulnerable to be used by the body for energy purposes. Therefore, remember, always keep hydrated.

The second time that aerobics are most effective at burning fat is right after a weight training workout. The reason for this is that weight training depletes the glycogen stores of the body. Therefore, since aerobics only burn fat once glycogen stores are depleted, then this time is an optimal time to sneak in the aerobic activity. Any other time is not practical, since you would need to perform 20-30 minutes of aerobic to burn the glycogen off, another 20 minutes to burn fat and 5 more minutes to cool down. Remembering the fact that when we go over 30 minutes of cardio we risk muscle loss, then you see why other times are impractical. Therefore, I recommend aerobics first thing in the morning on an empty stomach as soon as you get out of bed on non-weight training days. However, if for any reasons this is truly impossible, then you will need to modify the original routine and perform 30 minutes of aerobics after your 30 minute weight training workout. Just as a side note, weight training in the morning on an empty stomach also burns 300% more body fat. It also gives you a sense of accomplishment that makes you feel unstoppable for the rest of the day as well as a jolt of energy that will make people think that you are wired on caffeine.

As far as type of aerobic activity, any one that you enjoy and that takes your heart rate to the fat burning zone is OK. Examples of great aerobic activities are walking, stationary bike, stair master (hard on the knees though), treadmill, rowing, any cardio videotape, etc....The key is that you bring your heart rate up. Therefore, just choose an activity that you will enjoy and go for it!

With this article, you should have all of the knowledge required to implement a great workout routine from the comfort of your home in order to get in shape. No more excuses! In the final part of this series I will discuss what to do when you can easily do more than 12 repetitions of pushups, as well as diet and rest.

Before I go, for those of you out there that need something to motivate them to get in shape, former Mr. Universe Dave Draper and his wife Laree have a FREE e-mail discussion group where everybody has signed up to getting in shape for the month of May. We call it the "Get Ripped Challenge". The prize is the better body that you will have at the end and the attention that you will get at the beach. While one month may not be enough time for those of you that need to lose a significant amount of fat in order to get in shape, one month is enough to get into the good habits that will get you where you want to be. I feel that this group can provide the motivation that you may be looking for in order to get in shape as well as the answer to whatever questions you may have on the topics of weight training, diet, getting in shape, etc.... There are some really friendly and knowledgeable people there. As Dave says: "We don't bite". I have been a member of this group for over a year now, and I can tell you that since then my gains have sky rocketed just because of the motivation that I get from other members of the group. Check out the following link: to join the best e-mail group on the web for getting in shape. For those of you that are advanced and are in great shape already, then come and join us so that you can share your knowledge with the rest of us. It is really gratifying to help others reach their goals.

Well, that is enough information for one week.


Other articles by Hugo Rivera


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