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The Three Conditions Necessary for Optimal Results

The Three Conditions Necessary for Optimal Results, By: Hugo Rivera

There are three conditions that you must have in balance for optimum results. The first is desire. How can you think of obtaining anything at all, if you don't want it badly enough? Desire is that fire you feel in your belly when you so badly want something, creating the drive and determination to achieve. The stronger your desire, and the more sustained it is, the more certainty you add to reaching your goals quickly. In order for you desires to become powerful, you have to feed them with the intense fire of your will and imagination. How? By thinking about them on a daily basis and imagining that your goal has already come true.

Remember; act as if your goal has already been achieved! By doing this, you will be in the optimum situation for making your goal reality. From this, your mind will attract the events that are capable of producing the results you seek.

The next component in the model is discipline, the essential condition for all personal development and accomplishment. Without this component, you cannot expect to achieve or accomplish great things. In order to become fulfilled, your mind needs discipline. In fact, how can you expect to accomplish or receive anything at all, if you're not able to fix your attention on the goal you have set out to achieve? Do you really want to lose weight and get into great shape? The disciplined individual possesses a strong and confident attraction to their goals. The disciplined person succeeds where most fail, and always ends by conquering the obstacles blocking their path. The person who fails to create, or who could care less to create discipline, is constantly prey to failure. For this person, no matter how many other great qualities they may possess, success is the exception rather than the rule. Most of the time this person ends up where he/she is by chance; certainly not by choice. So how do you learn and practice discipline? By tirelessly repeating exactly what it is you want to achieve in your life. In our case, it is body perfection. You must constantly remind yourself of what it is you are out to achieve (more muscle? less fat? better tone? more definition? or them all) from your fitness plan. Discipline your mind, apply the principles we've outlined here, and you will realize wonderful results.

The last of the components in the model, needed in order to excel, is action! Even if you possess the devoted desire and mighty discipline, without action, you will never obtain what you want. Combining action with desire and discipline creates the three musketeers of achievement. Many people have great ideas, foolproof plans and creative knowledge, yet everything falls apart for them. Why? Because they never act or they never act persistently enough. The difference between a person who knows and a person who succeeds, resides in the individual's action and ability to put into use what such person has learned.

Everything that you read in this article is the fruit of experience born of practice. If you apply the techniques and principles that we have discussed above (whether in the weight room or in life), then your goals will be met with astonishing success. To put action into use, we should reiterate something we discussed earlier, the premise of application and putting knowledge into practice. Many people if not most, are filled with prejudices and principles that anything that doesn't fit their way of thinking must be false. Unfortunately for them, these people are terribly limiting themselves by thinking that they are always correct. They never put their own beliefs into question, instead relying only on their own opinions and therefore significantly inhibiting success. Whatever you do, never allow yourself to become this type of person. Always question your own beliefs, gather and objectively analyze those of others, and most importantly, act as often as possible by putting your knowledge to good use!



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