[Feb 21 2006]
Man Charged In Steroid Operation
Man Charged In Steroid OperationPolice Say Man Ran Distribution RingFebruary 21, 2006, The Boston Channel.ComBOSTON -- A Canton man who police described as one of the biggest steroid dealers in the country faced charges on Tuesday. NewsCenter 5's Jack Har...
[Feb 21 2006]
KCK Raid Nets Illegal Steroids, Police Say
KCK Raid Nets Illegal Steroids, Police SayMan, Woman Taken Into CustodyFebruary 21, 2006, The Kansas City Channel.ComKANSAS CITY, Kan. -- Police said a raid at a metro-area home Tuesday netted some illegal steroids. KMBC's Donna Pitman reported that offic...