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[Aug 27 2006] Steroids Found At Chinese Sports School
Steroids Found At Chinese Sports SchoolAugust 23, 2006 Christopher Cornell - All Headline News Staff WriterBeijing, China (AHN) - The use of performance enhancing drugs has expanded beyond professional sport and is now affecting youth sports across the gl...
[Aug 26 2006] Vanity drives rising steroid abuse
Vanity drives rising steroid abuse More and more of us take drugs just to look good. But the risks are huge, finds Peta Bee  August 26, 2006FIVE years ago, Caroline, 32, a TV researcher, joined a local gym with the aim of getting fit for her summer holi...
[Aug 24 2006] News sources need protection
News sources need protection 08/23/06Two more reporters are facing jail time for refusing to reveal confidential sources in matters of great public concern.Meanwhile, legislative bills that could keep them out of jail languish in congressional committees...
[Aug 23 2006] HYDE: Steroids' taint creeps into senior power lifter's saga
HYDE: Steroids' taint creeps into senior power lifter's sagaAugust 22, 2006Maybe you remember my charming column about an aging antiques dealer who offered some fresh air in a sports summer suffocating under the drug-addled angst of Barry Bonds, Floyd Lan...
[Aug 23 2006] ASADA moves on records of doctor who prescribed steroids
ASADA moves on records of doctor who prescribed steroids, By: Jacquelin MagnayAugust 23, 2006DE-REGISTERED Glenmore Park doctor Wallis Lam, who prescribed steroids and human growth hormone to a boxer and scores of body builders, has been investigated by o...
[Aug 18 2006] Steroid clinics scheduled next week
Steroid clinics scheduled next week, By: The Garden IslandThe county’s anti-drug office and Laulima Hawai‘i invite Kaua‘i’s coaches and athletes to a series of clinics to discuss steroids.Tom Janette and Scott Duva, experts from the Connecticut Na...
[Aug 16 2006] Judge says reporters must testify in steroids probe
Judge says reporters must testify in steroids probeTue Aug 15, 2006 SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. federal judge ordered two San Francisco Chronicle reporters on Tuesday to name sources who gave them grand jury testimony from professional athletes invol...
[Aug 16 2006] A kindergarten in southern Vietnam has been cleared of charges made by a state-run health center that it used a hazardous steroid to boost students’ weight.
A kindergarten in southern Vietnam has been cleared of charges made by a state-run health center that it used a hazardous steroid to boost students’ weight. August 16, 2006The Binh Thuan province people’s committee – the local government – issued ...
[Aug 09 2006] Inventor of 'the clear' steroid sentenced
Inventor of 'the clear' steroid sentenced  08/07/06 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The chemist who created the clear, a previously undetectable steroid, was sentenced to three months in prison and three months' home confinement on Friday for his role in the BAL...
[Aug 05 2006] Face it, steroids belong in same ballpark as other performance enhancers
August 2, 2006The names are coming fast and furious these days.Jason Grimsley, Floyd Landis, Justin Gatlin.Another day, another athlete stitched with the Scarlet S. Meanwhile, the quest to bag Barry Bonds continues. The feds play Captain Ahab. Bonds, doe...


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