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[Jan 21 2007] Missoula man accused of coordinating steroid ring
Missoula man accused of coordinating steroid ring  January 19, 2007 MISSOULA - A Missoula man has been charged with running a steroid smuggling ring.Jimmy R. Jones, 59, was arrested Sunday after police allegedly found pills, white powder, syringes, glas...
[Jan 17 2007] Marshfield, Stevens Point Men Held On Allegedly Selling Steroids
Marshfield, Stevens Point Men Held On Allegedly Selling SteroidsTwo men are arrested in Portage County for allegedly selling steroids.Sheriff's authorities say a 22-year-old man sold steroids to an undercover officer three times in Plover. Also, investiga...
[Jan 17 2007] Sheffield's book to shed light on steroids
Sheffield's book to shed light on steroids January 16, 2007 FREE PRESS NEWS SERVICESNEW YORK -- In an autobiography to be published this spring, Gary Sheffield, a player known for voicing his displeasure, describes his relationship with Barry Bonds, his...
[Jan 16 2007] 120,000 Steroid Bust in Portage County
120,000 Steroid Bust in Portage County Jan 15, 2007 The Portage County Sheriff's Department says a Marshfield man has been arrested after allegedly selling steroids to undercover officers. Authorities say they launched an investigation into the dis...
[Jan 14 2007] Mason City men named in alleged steroid ring
Mason City men named in alleged steroid ring January 12, 2007Two Mason City men have been charged in what police say was a two-state steroid-smuggling ring.Members of the North Central Iowa Narcotics Task Force searched homes in Mason City and Nashville, ...
[Jan 09 2007] TAMUCC professor concerned over growing steroid use
TAMUCC professor concerned over growing steroid useJanuary 8, 2007  CORPUS CHRISTI - A professor at A M University – Corpus Christi is growing concerned about the steroid use in the high school ranks in the Coastal Bend. Don Melrose hears the stories,...
[Jan 07 2007] Cop In Federal Corruption Case Told To Resign
Cop In Federal Corruption Case Told To Resign, By: Maggie Mulvihill January 6, 2007 Boston Police brass have told a veteran patrolman implicated in an ongoing federal corruption case to immediately resign as investigators continue to scrutinize his role...
[Dec 26 2006] U.S. court urged to jail reporters in steroids case
U.S. court urged to jail reporters in steroids case December 23, 2006 SAN FRANCISCO – Government lawyers urged a federal appeals court to jail two newspaper reporters who have refused to testify about who leaked them secret grand jury testimony from a ...
[Dec 25 2006] Report: Lawyer probed in sports steroids case leaks
Report: Lawyer probed in sports steroids case leaks  SAN FRANCISCO - A lawyer who worked for BALCO founder Victor Conte is being investigated by the FBI as the source of leaked federal grand jury testimony in the steroids case, according to a ...
[Dec 25 2006] San Francisco man charged with distributing steroids in Connecticut
San Francisco man charged with distributing steroids in Connecticut December 20, 2006A San Francisco man was indicted by a federal grand jury Wednesday on allegations he sold anabolic steroids over an Internet site to buyers across the country, including...


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