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Steroid Laws
Steroid Profiles
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[Mar 03 2008] Overlooking a real danger of steroids
Steroid abuse in the professional ranks was sending a terrible message to young people involved in sports.
[Oct 22 2007] Steroids seen as readily available
Recent raids prove that drugs are accessible to public
[Sep 14 2007] The Butler Did It: Steroids scare hits home hard
The Butler Did It: Steroids scare hits home hard, By: Dylan Butler 09/13/2007 Parents of high-school aged kids, I ask you this question: Would you let your children hang out at a bodega or a pool hall that is known to be a place where crack and heroin a...
[Sep 10 2007] Texas intends to end school steroid use
Texas intends to end school steroid use, By: Gabe SemenzaNot everyone is sure the state needs to spend $6 million September 09, 2007 At 17, Taylor Hooton had a bright future.The Plano high school baseball pitcher was athletic, popular and cheerful - unt...
[Sep 07 2007] Steroid policy an issue to watch
Steroid policy an issue to watch, By: Eileen FitzGerald Sept. 5, 2007 Any Connecticut high school athlete found using a performance-enhancing drug will be banned from state-sanctioned competition for one year, according to a new state policy in effect t...
[Sep 03 2007] Cracking down on academic steroids
Cracking down on academic steroids, By: Greg Crapanzano Using Adderall and other concentration-enhancing drugs should constitute cheatingSept. 3, 2007 AS HONEST as most students try to be with their academic work, many may be cheating without even realiz...
[Aug 29 2007] Father gave son steroids, probe finds
Father gave son steroids, probe finds, By: Stephen HudakJames Gahan, 41, pleads guilty in a case that also snares his child's personal trainer.August 28, 2007 Like many fathers of budding athletes, James Gahan sought an edge for his 13-year-old son, a rec...
[Jul 30 2007] Using Steroids to get a Fabulous Body
Using Steroids to get a Fabulous Body, By: Snehesh Alex Philip  July 29, 2007New Delhi - With fitness along with well toned body being the focus for youth today, cases of youngsters taking steroids and harmful 'fat cutter' drugs among others to get in to...
[Jul 19 2007] How to stop steroids
How to stop steroids, By: Chris Ziesat7/19/07 The youth of America have always been easily influenced by the media. Children and teenagers often feel compelled to buy clothing, music or even drugs after watching a new movie or music video. Clothing may b...
[Jul 15 2007] Bridge City Police Set the Record Straight About Steroid Investigation
Bridge City Police Set the Record Straight About Steroid Investigation, By: Ashley Rodrique July 13, 2007 - 9:30PM The Bridge City Police Department tonight wants to end rumors about an investigation into steroid use among local high school students. ...


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