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Bridge City Police Set the Record Straight About Steroid Investigation
Bridge City Police Set the Record Straight About Steroid Investigation, By: Ashley Rodrique
July 13, 2007 - 9:30PM
The Bridge City Police Department tonight wants to end rumors about an investigation into steroid use among local high school students. Police want parents to know while this is 'not' a widespread problem locally, steroid use is a problem across the country and parents should know how to discuss it with their children.
"Whether it's steroids or whether it's cocaine or whether it's marijuana or cigarettes for that matter, we're concerned about all health issues when it comes to high school students."
But the Bridge City Police Department wants parents there to know they should 'not' be concerned about an ongoing investigation into steroid use among some former and current high school students... including a well known athlete, as opposed to rumors of a 'ring' of steroid abuse in the area's schools.
Major Joey Hargrave said, "The situation that we're dealing with is a confined incident, but we don't have information regarding any widespread rampant use or anything like that."
In fact, the police department has been working on this investigation since it was brought to their attention back in April. The police department says it's still waiting on lab results to confirm that the drugs confiscated are steroids.
Hargrave said, "The biggest issue here I think is anytime you suspect a high school student of using any type of illegal narcotic it raises concern."
That concern is for both health and legal reasons.
"We look at it as the same we would with marijuana or cocaine or something along those lines as a drug and it falls within a certain range with a penalty," said Hargrave.
He says even though this is not a steroid ring... the best way to prevent that from happening is to have your child tested.
"It's better to be safe if your child gets mad or frustrated about it so what, they're gonna be alive and they'll get over it, have 'em checked, it's a good thing to do."
Major Hargrave says if you're caught with steroids... you can face anywhere from six months to ten years in jail... depending on the amount and type of steroids. And that doesn't include fines of up to 10-thousand dollars that can be added to that jail time.