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[Mar 08 2007] Trends in Teen Athletes' Steroid Use, Unhealthy Weight Control Behaviors
Trends in Teen Athletes' Steroid Use, Unhealthy Weight Control Behaviors March 8, 2007 Participation in sports with real or perceived weight requirements, such as ballet, gymnastics, and wrestling, is strongly associated with unhealthy weight control be...
[Mar 01 2007] Saying no to steroids
Saying no to steroids February 28, 2007 Teenagers trying to enhance either their body image or their athletic prowess often turn to steroids or hormonal supplements without realizing the potentially harmful consequences. That's why a new local public aw...
[Feb 27 2007] Groups target steroid dangers
Groups target steroid dangers, By: Chris Emery Campaign to educate teens about the risks of substance abuse to be launched today  February 26, 2007 Local hospitals, school officials, and politicians will launch a public awareness campaign today aimed a...
[Feb 15 2007] AD takes first step in right direction
AD takes first step in right direction, By: The New MexicanFebruary 14, 2007 Martinez secures funding for drug tests at PojoaqueMatt Martinez wants what the Major League Baseball Players Association can't accept.Responsibility.Martinez, like so many athle...
[Feb 10 2007] Steroid proposal is back in play
Steroid proposal is back in play, By: Peter WongCourtney's plan targets the use by student athletesFebruary 8, 2007Senate President Peter Courtney is making a second try at curbing the use of steroids and performance-enhancing supplements by Oregon youths...
[Feb 08 2007] Bigger, Stronger, Faster: Recruiting Pressure Drives Some To Steroids
Bigger, Stronger, Faster: Recruiting Pressure Drives Some To SteroidsFeb 7, 2007Bigger, stronger, faster... it's become the mantra for high school sports. And for many young athletes, It's the key to going pro. But in reality, only two percent of high sch...
[Jan 22 2007] Deadly side of steroids revealed
Deadly side of steroids revealed, By: Lisa HoukParents share tragedies, arm Madera students with information 1/20/07MADERA — Gabriela Carreon noticed a change in her classmate after Christmas break. The boy in her third-period biology class just looked...
[Jan 07 2007] Performance-enhancing drugs and your teen athlete
Performance-enhancing drugs and your teen athleteJanuary 5, 2007Is your teenager involved in athletics? If so, you need to know about the dangers of performance-enhancing drugs and supplements.Are you the parent of a student athlete? If you are, your life...
[Dec 02 2006] Teen athlete assists in steroid probe
Teen athlete assists in steroid probe, By: Sylvain Metz A high school football player got a pass on Friday for cooperating with the police. Jared Foster, 18, who was arrested Nov. 11 on two counts of alcohol possession by a minor and 13 counts of contri...
[Nov 20 2006] Education for athletes, coaches among solutions
Education for athletes, coaches among solutions, By: Alan GustafsonNovember 20, 2006 It will take local and statewide action -- new policies, surveys, legislation and education -- to root out performance-enhancing supplements and steroids from Oregon's h...


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