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Using Steroids to get a Fabulous Body

Using Steroids to get a Fabulous Body, By: Snehesh Alex Philip


July 29, 2007

New Delhi - With fitness along with well toned body being the focus for youth today, cases of youngsters taking steroids and harmful 'fat cutter' drugs among others to get in to shape is increasing. However, physical trainers and doctors say that using steroids among other performance enhancing drugs will have long term side-effects.

"The problem is that these youngsters now want to go in for short cuts. They want to get a well-toned muscled body within few months of joining the gym. Unfortunately, such shortcuts end up being very harmful in the long run," says Dr Gaurav Sharma, Sports Medicine Specialist who also runs a wellness centre dealing with management of lifestyle diseases and weight loss and a fitness centre in the capital.

With some Hollywood macho stars openly admitting to using steroids to get their bulging muscles and even reports of some of our Bollywood stars using steroids to keep up the image of being a 'muscle-man' doing rounds, there is no need to look beyond for inspiration for many gyming enthusiasts today.

"People who come to me often enquire about shortcuts that can be used to add mass and muscles to their lean structure. Not many really want to work out daily and follow a proper regime," says Abhishek Khattri, a gym owner in Janakpuri.

For most of the youngsters, it is their friends who introduce them to such practices. "When I started off working out in the gym, I noticed that some were building up muscles very fast. Even though I used to take supplements, I could see a vast difference among me and some friends who developed proper muscles even though I worked out as much as them.



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