[Jul 14 2007]
Chris Benoit Ultimatum on Steroids, Marriage Sent Him Over the Edge
Chris Benoit Ultimatum on Steroids, Marriage Sent Him Over the Edge, By: Jim RobertsJuly 13, 2007Leading up to a scene that ended with such tragedy, his wife gave Chris Benoit an ultimatum: Back off wrestling, get off the steroids and stay home more o...
[Jul 07 2007]
Anabolic steroids don't lead to happy endings
Anabolic steroids don't lead to happy endings, By: Dr. Joe Guettler7/6/07 A steroid scandal has surfaced once again, only this time the consequences were much more serious than a suspension or a fine. Many of you have read or heard about the WWE wrestler ...
[Jun 27 2007]
Wrestler Chris Benoit Double Murder-Suicide: Was It ‘Roid Rage’
Wrestler Chris Benoit Double Murder-Suicide: Was It ‘Roid Rage’, By: Catherine Donaldson-Evans
June 27, 2007
Steroids were among the prescription medications found by investigators going through pro-wrestler Chris Benoit’s house, where he stra...
[Jun 27 2007]
Steroids Kill
Steroids Kill June 26, 2007 The latest news coming from the whole steroids buzz is not from baseball, but rather pro wrestling, WWE. I know you are shocked right now to here that wrestlers use steroids (sarcasm), but for any of you who haven’t heard, ...
[May 22 2007]
Woman On Steroids Reveals Dangerous Side Effects
Woman On Steroids Reveals Dangerous Side EffectsMay 21, 2007BALTIMORE -- More and more women are abusing steroids to get fit and the results can be dangerous and disturbing to see. One woman told her story to WBAL TV 11 News I-Team reporter Deborah Weiner...
[May 08 2007]
Anabolic steroid use risky, illegal
Anabolic steroid use risky, illegal, By: Scot E. Long
Q: What advice could you give a teenager considering using anabolic steroids?
A: First of all, they are illegal unless you have a medical prescription for them. Anabolic steroids are categorized as a...
[Apr 21 2007]
Bodybuilder knew dangers of steroids
Bodybuilder knew dangers of steroids, By: Amy Rabideau SilversPosted: April 19, 2007Whatever the death certificate lists as a cause of death, Norman Rocky Rauch knew what the real cause of death would be.A champion weightlifter and bodybuilder, Rauch lo...
[Apr 09 2007]
Lusardi preaches the dangers of steroids
Lusardi preaches the dangers of steroids, By: Bob Decker 04/08/2007 Owner of health and training center says big muscles fast is a ‘powerful lure’ for youths With all the news about testing as being a means to discourage drug use - especially illega...
[Mar 21 2007]
Why using steroids is not hunky-dory
Why using steroids is not hunky-doryMarch 20, 2007New Delhi: Rocky Balboa punches in a good sock, but he isn't so rocking with reports of the 60-year old Sylvester Stallone being caught up in a steroid scandal in Australia. He was found to be carrying via...
[Mar 14 2007]
Local man fights for his life after mom says he took steroids
Local man fights for his life after mom says he took steroids, By: Steve Ferenoe3/14/2007Barbara Kennedy said, They already warned me the kidneys are done probably. He's going to need dialysis for the rest of his life or a transplant. I offered one of my...