[Sep 27 2006]
Steroid use linked to brain cell death
Steroid use linked to brain cell deathSeptember 26, 2006NEW HAVEN, Conn., -- A high level of testosterone caused by the use of steroids to increase muscles can lead to a catastrophic loss of brain cells, a U.S. study finds. Next time a muscle-bound guy...
[Sep 15 2006]
Adolescent steroid use can stunt growth
Adolescent steroid use can stunt growth09/14/06Steroid use among adolescents can result in permanently stunted stature, says an official of the Indiana Prevention Resource Center at Indiana University. The pressure to perform on the sports field can lead ...
[Aug 28 2006]
Steroids and your mind
Steroids and your mind, By: Allan J. Comeau, Ph.D. After reading about the steroid-abuse controversies surrounding baseball slugger Barry Bonds and, more recently, Tour de France winner Floyd Landis, I feel it is a good idea to bring this topic, and its ...
[Aug 23 2006]
Secret life of rotten eggs and shrunken testicles
Secret life of rotten eggs and shrunken testicles, By: Martin Kelner If you were looking for a single phrase guaranteed to deter men from taking anabolic steroids testicles the size of peanuts would appear to fit the bill Monday August 21, 2006If you...
[Aug 12 2006]
OAP faces losing sight after buying steroids online
OAP faces losing sight after buying steroids onlineAugust 11, 2006A PENSIONER is in danger of losing her sight after buying medicine over the internet. The 64-year-old bought steroids from Thailand to treat chronic fatigue syndrome, which she diagnosed he...
[Aug 05 2006]
Officer involved in fatal shooting faces steroid charge
Officer involved in fatal shooting faces steroid charge8/3/06 Posted: 6:40:07 AM- SALT LAKE CITY - A former West Valley police officer who shot an unarmed man to death last year has been indicted by a federal grand jury on one count of importing anabol...
[Jul 07 2006]
Steroids harm gum tissues
Steroids harm gum tissuesJuly 6, 2006Turkish researchers have found that prolonged use of anabolic androgenic steroid is closely associated with significant levels of gingival enlargement. Gingival overgrowth is a condition in which the gum tissues become...
[Jul 07 2006]
Vietnam scrutinizes animal-feed steroid
Vietnam scrutinizes animal-feed steroid07-06-06The Vietnamese Government has launched a widespread investigation into a hazardous growth-promoting drug used in livestock feed, Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development announced at a conference Thursd...
[Jul 02 2006]
Steroids not worth hype, fascination that goes with them
Steroids not worth hype, fascination that goes with them2006-07-02I was asked the other day why I hadn't weighed in on the whole Barry Bonds affair.It probably has more to do with the fact that I've never been much of a professional baseball fan -- at lea...
[Apr 09 2006]
Steroid investigation shows danger in apathy
Steroid investigation shows danger in apathyApril 6, 2006 Last week the Northern Star published a three-part investigative piece about steroids. The extensive, two-month research turned up many interesting scenarios, from NIU staff speculating about avail...