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Anabolic steroid use risky, illegal
Anabolic steroid use risky, illegal, By: Scot E. Long
Q: What advice could you give a teenager considering using anabolic steroids?
A: First of all, they are illegal unless you have a medical prescription for them. Anabolic steroids are categorized as a Schedule III class of drugs under the Controlled Substances Act of the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990. This makes possession of these drugs a federal crime punishable by up to seven years' prison time unless you have a legitimate prescription.
Anabolic (muscle-building) steroids are man-made drugs that mimic the hormone testosterone, largely responsible for the larger muscles and increased aggression seen in males. Anabolic steroids indeed do cause increased muscular strength and size in the user by increasing the rate of protein synthesis in the muscle cells. They were discovered in the 1930s and originally were intended to treating medical conditions such as cancer, some bone and muscle problems, and later AIDS.
Know that if you purchase and use these drugs you are not only committing a crime but you are dealing with drug dealers who may turn you in (if they get caught) or take retribution on you and your family for some reason.
Many of the anabolic steroids are fakes, as the dealers cut them just like they do cocaine. The filler they put back in may be safe or it may not be. Dirty needles, not knowing exactly what is in the drugs or how to safely use them, and what negative effects they produce are just a few of the many reasons not to use them.
Mild negative effects such as severe cystic acne and baldness to hypertension and higher cholesterol readings are likely for the user.
More severe problems include cardiovascular disease, stunted growth (due to premature bone maturation), testicular atrophy and even suspected cancers come into play.
And, no, despite what some may tell you, there is no safe dosage, and the results of increased strength and muscle mass simply will not last. When the user stops taking anabolic steroids, the gains are soon lost but the medical problems may persist.
Men also can get gynecomastia (development of female breast tissue) and females using anabolic steroids may get unwanted side effects such as facial hair, male-pattern baldness, deepening of the voice, acne and fetal development problems if pregnant.
The best course of action is to be safe and be smart by avoiding anabolic steroids altogether. Why end up in court, a hospital or jail? Why end up with a criminal record and risk your future or risk your life or the life of your family in dealing with drug dealers?
Eat wisely, start a good strength training program and get plenty of rest and you will be doing all you can do to build muscle safely, naturally and legally.
Scot E. Long, MSS, CSCS, is an exercise physiologist. He also is a doctoral candidate at the University of Southern Mississippi and an adjunct professor at Mississippi College in Clinton.