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[Jan 29 2007] 10 Tips for Forming an Exercise Habit
Exercises Category

10 Tips for Forming an Exercise Habit, By: Dave DePew Right now you might have some unhealthy habits, but you can change things! I have 10 ways for you to get started on your journey. 1. Make it easy! Make it as easy as possible to everyday do some ty...

[Jan 21 2007] Plyometrics and Plyometric Exercises
Exercises Category

Plyometrics and Plyometric Exercises, By: Brad WalkerPlyometric Exercises are great for Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation!What are Plyometric Exercises?In the simplest of terms, plyometrics are exercises that involve a jumping movement. For example, sk...

[Jan 07 2007] Which Exercises Are The Best For Fast Results?
Exercises Category

Which Exercises Are The Best For Fast Results?, By: Hugo RiveraIn weight training, there is a variety of exercises that one can choose from to sculpt the body of your dreams. Results in bodybuilding or body sculpting are generally measured in body composi...

[Dec 31 2006] The Best Weight Lifting Exercises To Do
Exercises Category

The Best Weight Lifting Exercises To DoHere's a list of the best weight lifting exercises to do for muscle and strength gain. Depending on which muscle groups you are training, pick 2-3 of these weight lifting exercises for each muscle group from among th...

Exercises Category

THE FIVE CORE EXCERCISES, By: Adam SherrattBeing a natural born "hard-gainer", here's a programme I found useful recently for increasing both strength and mass. It was suggested to me by a fellow member of my local gym who has in the past compet...

Exercises Category

LYING DUMBBELL CURLSTo help target the long head of the biceps, try Lying Dumbbell Curls. This exercise is performed lying down on a flat bench with dumbbells in hand. I prefer to do a very light warm-up set before pumping out one or two more intense sets...

Exercises Category

The "Yukon Hercules"Use on any Non-Apparatus bodyweight only exercise:Chin-upsCrunchesDipsLeg raisesPushupsSquats (one-legged) Sissy SquatsSTAGE 1Using the 1-legged squat as an example, begin by performing this exercise for as many ultra-strict ...

[Jul 17 2006] Are Aerobics Slowing Your Muscular Gains?
Exercises Category

Are Aerobics Slowing Your Muscular Gains?Dear Friend, I get questions all the time from people asking why they aren't making gains. It usually goes something like this… "I train with weights 4 days a week and also do 30 to 45 minutes of aerobics 5 ti...

[Jul 13 2006] Chins For Your Back
Exercises Category

Chins For Your Back, By: Christopher Phelps Sometimes it is important to remember that being fit came way before barbells and fitness equipment. Basic movements were used for centuries to create sculpted bodies. The chin up or pull up some people call it ...

[Apr 18 2006] Trust Your Gut
Exercises Category

Trust Your Gut, By: Clark BartramThe more ab exercises you have in your repertoire, the better you’ll be at using your instincts to build and maintain that six pack. Training abs requires a lot of hard work and imagination. Of all the body parts, abs are ...

[Apr 05 2006] Plyometrics and Plyometric Exercises
Exercises Category

Plyometrics and Plyometric Exercises, By: Brad WalkerPlyometric Exercises are greatfor Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation!What are Plyometric Exercises?In the simplest of terms, plyometrics are exercises that involve a jumping movement. For example, ski...


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