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The Best Weight Lifting Exercises To Do

The Best Weight Lifting Exercises To Do

Here's a list of the best weight lifting exercises to do for muscle and strength gain.

Depending on which muscle groups you are training, pick 2-3 of these weight lifting exercises for each muscle group from among the following list.

Chest -----

Flat bench press with bar, Flat bench press with dumbbells, Incline bench press with bar, Incline bench press with dumbbells

Back -----

Dumbbell one arm row, Cable lat pulldowns to front, Seated back row on machine, Deadlifts, Bent over back rows w/ bar, Lower back extension, Chin-ups (Pull-ups), Shrugs for Traps (Dumbbells or barbell)

Shoulders --------

Seated military press with bar, Seated dumbbell shoulder presses, Dumbbell side lateral raises, Bent-over dumbbell raises, Front dumbbell raises,

Legs ----- Squats, Leg press, Hack Squats, Leg curls, Leg extension, Stiff-leg deadlifts, Lunges with bar or dumbbells, Calf-raises/presses,

Biceps ------ Standing Alternate dumbbell curls, Standing Straight bar curls, Standing Cable curls, Hammer curls (forearms and biceps), Ez curl bar curls,

Triceps ------

Lying Triceps extension (Skullcrushers), Close-grip bench press, Cable triceps pushdowns, Dumbbell kickbacks, Weighted dips,

Abdominals ------

Lying crunches, Leg raises, Cable crunches, Stability ball crunches, Crunches on incline bench,

There is a list of some of the best weight lifting exercises to perform for muscle building and strength gain.

Other articles by Shawn LeBrun


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