How Young Athletes Can Prevent Injury with Fat Loss, By: Dave DePewIn today's world, kids don't play as much as they did 10 and 20 years ago. This combined with poor nutritional habits has resulted in a major increase in the number of over weight kids. Th...
How Young Athletes Can Get the Most from Their Sports Nutrition, By: Dave DePewOnce our kids have built good nutritional habits, we must then focus more closely on creating meals that support the demands of their sports and the intensity they put into the...
How to Fit Your Child's Nutritional Program into a Busy School Day, By: Dave DePewOnce you understand the roll nutrition plays in your child's sports performance, it is simply foolish for you to neglect those nutritional needs if you expect them to be com...
Variable Resistance, By: Dave DePewThe conflict of free weights versus machines still battles on. Added to the mix of things is a method of training called variable resistance. Simply put variable resistance is a change in the amount of resistance placed ...
10 Tips for Forming an Exercise Habit, By: Dave DePew
Right now you might have some unhealthy habits, but you can change things! I have 10 ways for you to get started on your journey.
1. Make it easy!
Make it as easy as possible to everyday do some ty...
10 Ways to Fit Exercise into Your Busy Schedule, By: Dave DePewMost people know the benefits of exercise and yet are still so inactive. To be successful you have to find that time in your day that you think you lack! Notice I said, “The time you think you...
Exercise Doesn’t Need to Be Painful to Be Effective, By: Dave DePewI think people often see exercise as something that needs to be difficult or down right painful. Such as the no pain, no gain mind set. I don’t necessarily subscribe to this philosophy wit...
How to Prioritize Fitness for a Successful Journey Part One, By: Dave DePewThe success I have with my clients is largely due to my ability to coach them not only on what and how to eat for their body or how to exercise, but also how to implement these str...
3 Quick and Easy Ways to Exercise the Mind for Positive Change, By: Dave DePewLet’s face it, we all have negative thoughts. It is important that we understand what these thoughts are and where they come from in order to gain more from life. I have found t...
Why Your Kids Should Never Eat French Fries and What You Can Give Them Instead, By: Dave DePewAs Americans and as parents are we willing to trade the health of our children for the convenience that fast food offers? Are the lives of our children worth the...
Understanding Your Resting Metabolic Rate and 10 Things that Affect Your Metabolic Rate, By: Dave DePewYour Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) is... RMR is the rate at which you burn energy or calories at rest. Lean Body Mass is the main contributing componenen...
10 Reasons to Train Athletes in the Water, By: Dave DePewTen years ago if you used the term “aquatic fitness”, many within the fitness industry would have associated images of senior citizens practicing synchronized swimming moves or individuals performin...
Athletes Training with Logs, By: Dave DePewNot everyone has access to weights and even if they do the reality is that weight training outdoors in a large group just does not always work when attempting to combine resistance training with a variety of ener...
How to Properly Fuel Sports Performance and Recovery through Nutrition and Supplemental Use, By: Dave DePewAre you lacking recovery between games? Have the results you achieved during your off-season training vanished? Is your current training regiment p...
Six Tips To Combat Food Cravings!, By: Dave DePewRecently I was asked by a client what she could do about her food cravings. Right away I gave her a few ideas, but as I had a little more time to think about it I realized this would be a great topic for a ...
Understanding Your Body Type And How To Train And Eat For Results!, By: Dave DePewA quick look around will tell you that we are all “packaged” differently. Everyone has a natural body type or shape. In this article, we will examine the three basic body t...
10 Body Fat Reducing Resolutions for the New Year, By: Dave DePewMillions of Americans begin each New Year considering a number of possible resolutions. These goals can range from finding love, to starting a family, to making a career change, to increasin...
How To Keep Your Head In The Game For Playoff Season!, By: Dave DePewYou have either made it this far in the season with minimal injury or you have managed to push through the pain even as the gridiron pressure mounts, and your body develops a sort of con...
Five Steps on How to Eat Healthy at School, By: Dave DePewRecently, parents have begun to take more notice of the poor nutrition in the schools. Here in California, our Governor has gone as far as to create legislation to force changes in our school syste...
3 Major Reasons Not To Dine Out!, By: Dave DePewWhat could be wrong with occasionally dining out? I can give you three major reasons why it’s best that you don’t dine out. #1 The Fat! The US Department of Agriculture's recommended daily intake for a n...
The Ultimate Body Transformation Challenge: FAQ, By: Dave DePewWhat is the Ultimate Body Transformation Challenge?A: The Ultimate Body Transformation Challenge is a 12-week, comprehensive fitness and weight-loss challenge that will change your life...
10 Success Tips for Your 2007 New Years Resolution, By: Dave DePewTop 10 Ways to have a Successful 2007! A resolution is a decision, but a decision to do something only has power if you act on it. How do we move into action?Do we jump right in or take the...
Making The Time To Start, By: Dave DePewWe always seem to find some type of excuse for delaying the start of a new weight loss or fitness routine. It’s easy to justify our actions with phrases like, “Since the week is half over, I’ll wait Monday to start ...
Building Bigger Stronger Calf Muscles, By: Dave DePew and James T. Bell
At the posterior surface of the medial and lateral epicondyles of the femur (thigh bone).
Into the Achilles te...
The Quest for More Muscle... Separating Nutritional Fact from Fiction, By: Dave DePew and Jeff KottermanIt is in every gym in the world. it has found its way into every type of person. People are trying to increase muscle. It could be for size and appeara...
A Sports Nutritionist’s View on Supplementation, By: Dave DePew and Jeff KottermanIn an environment of skeptics and critics supplementation, specifically sports supplementation has been scrutinized since Vitamin C was isolated and put in tablet form. Why ...
A Sports Nutritionist’s View on Getting Lean, By: Dave DePew and Jeff KottermanA large portion of the sports nutrition industry is devoted to getting rid of unwanted fat. That extra few pounds of flab (maybe its not just a few) is a rising concern in Amer...
10 Tips for Parents of Overweight Children, By: Dave DePewChildren eat what they get! If it crosses their lips it comes from you, a friend or the school. As parents we take the ultimate responsibility for the health of our children. It is up to us to set ...
No Time to Exercise? Well, Just Sandbag it!, By: Dave DePew
The one thing I hear the most from people is just how little time they have to exercise. How we spend our time is just a reflection of where our priorities are. If there is the wil...
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