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How to Prioritize Fitness for a Successful Journey

How to Prioritize Fitness for a Successful Journey
Part One, By: Dave DePew

The success I have with my clients is largely due to my ability to coach them not only on what and how to eat for their body or how to exercise, but also how to implement these strategies into their specific lifestyle. The change must be considered a lifestyle change in order to be successful long term. I for one have always been sought after as a trainer for the level of results my client achieve with my system, but have realized over the years that what is even more important than how quickly someone can get results is the understanding of how to see what they are doing as a journey rather than the destination.

As a coach I help my clients to create the right mind set along with how to implement and organize the necessary fitness and proper eating habits into their already busy lives.

Before I can take a person on as a client they must truly want to get fit, really understand their reason why. Only when a person has a deeply rooted emotional reason why to change can I help them to see the need to re-organize their priorities.

Most people don’t prioritize fitness and nutrition until they have let there body get out of shape or worse they have compromised their health. In some cases something as serious as a heart attack may not be enough for a person to know the importance of making changes for their health. In most cases they find it more effective to relate the importance of their health to something more powerful. Recognizing that why is what we do together to begin the journey.

If you are like most people putting all kinds of hours a week into your work, business and raising your children, but don’t feel you can manage one more hour a week let alone one more hour a day than you need to make some changes to your belief system.

Don’t hold to the belief that you don’t have time because you haven’t yet achieved the necessary negative results that help you to make the exercise and better nutrition a priority. For example don’t wait until your Doctor says to you that your current lack of activity, poor nutrition and inability to manage your stress will cause you to have a heart attack or a stroke in the next year.

Get up, Get fit and create a live worth living instead of living life based on what doesn’t kill you.


Other articles by Dave DePew


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