Nutrition Performance - Colostrum: The Ultimate Source of Protein? Athletes engaged in heavy training need more protein than sedentarypeople.1,2,3 Protein supplements may be a convenient means for some busyathletes to secure additional protein in the diet...
Supplement Performance – Creatine Loading Strategies Creatine is a nitrogenous amine. Normal daily dietary intake ofcreatine from an omnivorous diet approximates one gram. Exogenous dietarysources of creatine include meat, fish and other animal products, ...
Supplement Performance - Ephedrine, Caffeine and the Combo Effects on Muscular EnduranceEphedrine is classified as a sympathomimetic drug and central nervoussystem stimulant. Its ability to act as a sympathetic agonist and increasethermogenesis (fat burni...
Nutrition Performance - Pre- and Post-Exercise Amino Acid Supplementation The importance of protein in nutrition and health cannot beoveremphasized. Proteins are essential nutritionally because of their constituentamino acids, which the body must have to ...
Nutrition Performance - The Effects of Amino Acid Supplementation On Muscular Performance During Resistance Training Overreaching Protein and amino acids are an important part of an athlete´s diet and assuch, have been the subject of a great deal of discu...
Nutrition Performance - The Effects of Amino Acid Supplementation On Muscular Performance During Resistance Training Overreaching Protein and amino acids are an important part of an athlete´s diet and assuch, have been the subject of a great deal of discu...
Octopamine: Alternative for Ephedra or the Latest Snakeoil?, By: Annsi Manninen
Obesity drugs act by a variety of mechanisms, but all must either reduce energy intake and/or increase energy output. Energy intake may be curbed by reducing hunger or appe...
Nutrition Performance - Capsiate: The Latest Thermogenic The poor regulation of supplements and sports foods allows athletes and coaches to be the target of marketing campaigns based on exaggerated claims and hype rather than documented benefits. However...
Nutrition Performance - Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet: Friend or Foe? The first law of thermodynamics describes one of the most important principles related to biological work. The basic tenet states that energy cannot be created or destroyed but, instead, tra...
Supplement Performance - Creatine Plus Phosphate Creatine Supplementation Creatine is a naturally occurring amino acid that is obtained from the dietand/or synthesized endogenously (within the body) from the amino acids glycine,arginine and methionine. Cr...
Nutrition Performance - The Ultimate Amino Acid Formula for Post-Workout Recovery Drinks Today, we have four ways to get amino acids into the bloodstream: 1) whole food protein; 2) intact protein supplements; 3) free form amino acids; and 4) protein hydr...
Supplement Performance - Does Selenium Affect Thyroid Hormone Metabolism? Basic Facts about Thyroid Hormones The principal hormones secreted by the thyroid are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). T3 is also formed in the peripheral tissues by deio...
Nutrition Performance - “Physicians” Committee for Responsible Medicine and Anti-Protein Propaganda "Most Americans are too smart to knowingly take dietary advice from PETA [People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]. But when animal rights activi...
Nutrition Performance - Low-Carb Diets: The Truth… the Whole Truth PEN: A New High-Carb/Low-Fat Mafia The Partnership for Essential Nutrition (PEN) is purportedly dedicated to providing guidance regarding the important contribution all three macronutrien...
Supplement Performance - ATP, NAC, Protein Hydrolysates A Sports Supplement Update ATP and Exercise Performance The energy in food does not transfer directly to the cells for biological work. Rather, energy from macronutrient burning becomes harvested a...
Supplement Performance - GAKIC: The Ultimate Anti-Fatigue Agent? “These findings reinforce the notion that GAKIC supplementation may be a useful aid for strength-power athletes, similar to creatine supplementation.” Drs. Britini Buford and Alexander Koch...
Supplement Performance - Nitric Oxide Boosters Cutting-Edge Data from ISSN Conference Proceedings In humans, multiple cardiovascular regulatory mechanisms have evolved. These mechanisms increase the blood supply to active tissues. Circulatory adjustments...
Nutrition Performance - Latest Findings on High-Protein/Low-Carb Diets “I do not feel this topic [low-carb diets] should be studied at all.” Dr. David Katz Yale University Thermodynamics and the High-Protein/Low-Carb Diet The first law of thermodyna...
Ultimate Nutrition - There’s a New Sheriff in Town: Mr. High-Pro High Protein Diet is Best for Weight Loss, Fat Loss and Weight Maintenance ”Until 500 generations ago, all humans consumed only wild and unprocessed food foraged and hunted from their envir...
Nutrition Performance - Fat Makes You Fat, Right? From a health standpoint, dietary fat is the nutrient of greatest concern to a variety of health organizations. However, we need some fat in our diet. And research shows that the total amount of fat in th...
Supplement Performance - Omega-3 Fatty Acids, CLA and Olive Oil
Which Ones Really Work for Bodybuilders?
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Protect the Heart
The human body needs fatty acids and it can make all but two of them: linoleic acid (omega-6 fatty acid)...
Supplement Performance - Nutrient Timing
The Fruit of Cutting-Edge Scientific Insights into
Exercise Metabolism, Physiology and Nutrition
“Sports nutrition is skewed toward two ends of the information spectrum. At one end are the nutritionists and...
Nutrition Performance - Protein Requirements of Bodybuilders: A 2004 Update “Athletes need the same amount of protein foods as non-athletes. Protein does not increase strength." —Journal of the American Medical Association in 1978 Historically, bodyb...
Nutrition Performance - Metabolic Advantage: A Calorie is Not a Calorie “Four stages of acceptance: 1) This is worthless nonsense; 2) This is an interesting, but perverse, point of view; 3) This is true, but quite unimportant; 4) I always said so.” —J.B....
Supplement Performance - Protein Supplements: A Story Beyond Swedish Meatballs "One could not be a successful scientist without realizing that, in contrast to the popular conception supported by newspapers and mothers of scientists, a goodly number ...
Supplement Edge - CLA: Control Body Fat, Enhance Immunity Monica Brant’s beautiful physique is a product of excellent genetics, long-term training, sound nutrition and a committed attitude. Clearly, these factors cannot be replaced by the use of sports s...
Supplement Performance - GAKIC – Advanced Muscle Fatigue Toxin Reducer
Sports Supplement Product Review
"Perhaps the only thing that saves science from invalid conventional
wisdom that becomes effectively permanent is the presence of mavericks
in ...
Supplement Performance - Post-Exercise Nutrition & Supplementation: Research Update
“[To a student] Dear Miss ---, I have read about 16 pages of your manuscript ... I suffered
exactly the same treatment at the hands of my teachers who disliked me for ...
Nutrition Performance - Nutrition Update A Conventional High-Carb/Low-Fat Diet is News of Yesteryears ”The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping the old ones, which ramify, forthose brought up as most of us have been, into every corner of...
Nutrition Performance - Bodybuilding Nutrition Update
“I literally called up my editor and said, ‘I just got off the phone with so-and-so,
and he's [taken] credit for getting Americans to eat less eggs and less fat. This
guy's one of the worst scient...
Nutrition Performance - Low-Carb Diets: A Research Update "The view that the sun stands motionless at the center of the universe is foolish, philosophically false, utterly heretical, because it is contrary to Holy Scripture. The view that the earth ...
Supplement Performance - Bodybuilding Supplement Update "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth." —Albert Einstein Our first and foremost pledge is our commitment to respect your intelligence and never bullshit the read...
Nutrition Performance - Macronutrient Update
“A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”—Maxwell...
Supplement Performance - Glutamine and Gym Rats: A Critical Review “I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to a...
Nutrition Performance - Nutrition and Body Lardness Just the Facts, Man “That it took so many years to get a low-carbohydrate diet accepted as a possible thing to experiment on and talk about was a shock to us. The scientific community absolutely stonewa...
Supplement Performance - Ergogenic Aids Separating Facts from Hypocritical Nonsense Warning: These statements have not been evaluated by the hypocritical Anti-Ergogenic Camp. This article is intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent anti-ergogenic idi...
Supplement Edge - The Most Effective Supplements for Fat Loss Obesity results from an excess of energy intake over energy expenditure. So, if the obese individual wants to shred extra lard, the solution is extremely simple: Energy expenditure must exceed...
Nutrition Performance - How to Get Ripped to the Bone While Maintaining Muscle Mass A Scientific Approach If you’ve studied exercise physiology or nutrition, you have probably heard the old biochemical mantra “fats burn in a carbohydrate flame.” I also ...
Supplement Performance - Fat Loss Supplements Update DHEA, Nicotine and Usnic Acid “Be very, very careful what you put into that head, because you will never, ever get it out.” — Thomas Cardinal Wolsey (1471-1530) Hot babes prefer guys with ripped abs, ...
Supplement Performance - Proteins Carbs Dominate the Field A Sports Supplement Update The importance of protein in nutrition and health cannot be overemphasized. Proteins are nutritionally essential because of their constituent amino acids, which the ...
Nutrition Performance - Low-Carb Diets and Exercise Performance A Story Beyond Carbo-Loading “When first thrown wholly upon a diet of reindeer meat, it seem inadequate to properly nourish the system, and there is apparent weakness and inability to perfor...
Supplement Performance - Ephedrine: Innocent Until Proven Guilty Ephedrine is classified as a sympathomimetic drug and central nervous system stimulant. Its ability to act as a sympathetic agonist and increase thermogenesis (production of heat) has led t...
Nutrition Performance - Low-Carb Diets and Extra Lard A Story Beyond Urban Legends “We can no longer dismiss very-low-carbohydrate diets… Dr. Atkins deserves credit for his observations that many persons can control their weight by greatly reducing carb...
Nutrition Performance - Metabolic Advantage: A Calorie is Not a Calorie “Four stages of acceptance: 1) This is worthless nonsense; 2) This is an interesting, but perverse, point of view; 3) This is true, but quite unimportant; 4) I always said so.” Cons...
Sports Supplement Product Review - MHP TRAC Extreme-NONitro-Loading Creatine FormulaEditors Note: Every month MD gives you get the most accurate, scientifically based information on building muscle and burning fat from drugs and supplements to training an...
Supplement Performance - Bodybuilding Supplements: Best of Research Ephedrine and Athletic Performance The purpose of the study by Dr. Douglass Bell and colleagues wasto investigate the effects of ingesting caffeine, ephedrine and theircombination on musc...
Nutrition Performance - Nutrition Update High-Protein Intake, Kidneys and Liver Scientific studies have shown that high-protein diets increasethermogenesis (production of heat) and satiety and thus facilitate fat lossand weight management. Furthermore, ep...
Supplement Performance - The Ephedra Ban: The Truth Before we start to analyze the scientific basis of the ephedra ban, let metell you an interesting story on health politics outside of the bodybuilding world.In 1874, a smart German cookie named Othmar Ze...
Supplement Performance - Sports Supplement Update: An Interview with Chris Lockwood Pull Quote: “Though protein is vitally important to obtaining a positive net protein balanceand thus, gaining muscle mass, protein isn’t the only nutritional determinant t...
Nutrition Performance - Bodybuilding Nutrition: Interview with Dr. Scott Connelly Pull Quote: The only well-documented supplement combination to significantlyincrease fat loss relative to energy loss— hence a true “supplement” effect— is theephedrine/caff...
Sports Supplement Product Review - EAS Muscle Armor The Ultimate Armor to Protect Muscle Mass and Power EAS is the world’s leading distributor of sports nutrition products. EAS iscommitted to providing the marketplace with scientifically based sports supp...
Nutrition Performance - Effects of Macronutrients on Body Composition, Anabolic Hormones and General Health: Best of Research “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” —Philip K. Dick Long-Term Effects of Atkins DietTwo stu...
Supplement Performance - Sports Supplement Update: Interview with Dr. Jeff Volek and Dr. John Berardi Experts: Jeff Volek, PhD, RD, Assistant Professor, Human Performance Laboratory,Department of Kinesiology, University of ConnecticutJohn Berardi, PhD, CS...
Supplement Performance - Bodybuilding Supplement Update “I subscribe to about 15 different magazines from Barron's to National Geographic toMuscular Development. The one magazine that is regularly stolen by the Postal Serviceis Muscular Development.” Anon...
Sports Supplement Products Review, By: Annsi Manninen, MHSMuscleTech Anator-P70Advanced Muscle Gene Activator“If an elderly, but distinguished scientist says that something is possible, he is almostcertainly right; but if he says that it is impossible, he...
Nutrition Performance - High-Protein Diets: Whatever Happened to Human Intelligence? “God purposefully made stupid people. Everybody needs something to laugh at." —LT Ebner,USAFPull quote: “I just try to take in a total of 600 grams [of protein] a da...
Supplement Performance - Sports Supplement Update: An Interview with Chris Lockwood Pull Quote: “Though protein is vitally important to obtaining a positive net protein balanceand thus, gaining muscle mass, protein isn’t the only nutritional determinant t...
Sports Supplement Product Review - MET-Rx Xtreme Amped Up EnergyPre-workout Focus and Intensity Boosterıready to do battle in the gym or during competition. Heat Inducer— thermogenic properties raise your body temperature to get youıblister...
Nutrition Performance - Current ContoversyPost-exercise, High-glycemic Carb Ingestion: Friend or Foe?Pull Quote: post-exercise high-glycemic carb ingestion are worrying about a non-issue.It seems to me that the guys who are afraid about fat gain as a resu...
Supplement Performance - Search for the Ultimate Post-exercise Recovery DrinkPull Quotecrap about the minimum amount of protein necessary to sustain normal body functions.Rather, they are interested in maximal gains in muscle mass and/or strength.2 This i...
Supplement Performance - Anabolic Enzymes: An Interview with Dr. Mark TallonPull Quoteelite athletes must make, but you don’t build a 280-pound ripped body without the addition ofsome pharmacopoeia.".2need to balance the pro-inflammatory and anti-in...
Sports Supplement Review - MyoZene - The Ultimate Muscle Protein Synthesizer®-RFA-1, which is undoubtedly one of the industry’s most1 Four different solutions of 600-milliliterıblood insulin. In fact, protein hydrolysates stimulated an increase in bl...
Nutrition Performance - Creatine Monohydrate is Safe"Have no respect whatsoever for authority; forget who said it and instead look at whathe starts with, where he ends up, and ask yourself ‘is it reasonable?’" —Richard Feynman,What Do You Care W...
Supplement Performance - Low-Dose Ephedra/Caffeine Mixture is an Effective and Reasonably Safe Fat-loss Aid® big boss and he launched the first commercial ephedra-containing fat-loss supplement®) on food intake and®) for smoking cessation"While ephed...
Nutrition Performance - Very-Low-Carbohydrate Diets and Fat Loss: The Fat Truth® SynthaTrex) and a®). Also suggested is the branched-chain amino acid, leucine, to stimulate muscle"Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by ques...
Supplement Performance - KIC: The Ultimate Anti-Catabolic Agent?"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing." —Wernher Von Braun(1912-1977)Victor Martinez’s awesome physique is a product of excellent genetics, long-termtraining,...
Nutrition Performance - Current Controversy in NutritionCan High-protein, Very Low-carb Diets Lead to Ketoacidosis in Healthy Subjects?"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about theformer". —Albert Ei...
Nutrition Performance - Nutritional & Metabolic Aspects of Carbohydrate RestrictionAn Interview with Dr. Richard Feinman''What right has the federal government to propose that the American people conduct avast nutritional experiment [high-carbohydrate...
Supplement Performance - LeucineA Superstar of Amino Acids"A conservative is a man who sits and thinks, mostly sits." —Woodrow Wilson, 28thpresident of U.S. (1856-1924)The role of amino acids as substrates for protein synthesis (i.e., building b...
Sports Supplement Product Review - BSN NO-Xplode· Maximum power/strength (five to 15 percent)· percent)Work performed during sets of maximum effort muscle contractions (five to 15· Single-effort sprint performance (one to five percent)· Creatine supplemen...
Supplement Performance - Beta-alanine Supplementation and Athletic Performance:An Interview with Dr. Mark TallonPull Quote: for longer is our goal. The extent to which carnosine can delay acidosis (pH decline) is relative toits concentration in our muscle...
The Effects of Amino Acid SupplementationOn Muscular Performance During Resistance Training OverreachingProtein and amino acids are an important part of an athlete´s diet and as such, have been the subject of a great deal of discussion and controversy. ...
Pre- and Post-Exercise Amino Acid SupplementationThe importance of protein in nutrition and health cannot beoveremphasized. Proteins are essential nutritionally because of their constituentamino acids, which the body must have to synthesize its own varie...
Bodybuilding Nutrition: Interview with Dr. Scott ConnellyPull Quote: The only well-documented supplement combination to significantly increase fat loss relative to energy loss— hence a true “supplement” effect— is the ephedrine/caffeine protocol.While doi...
Sports Supplement Update: An Interview with Chris LockwoodPull Quote: “Though protein is vitally important to obtaining a positive net protein balance and thus, gaining muscle mass, protein isn’t the only nutritional determinant to gaining lean muscle…”P...
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