Nutrition Performance - Nutrition Update
High-Protein Intake, Kidneys and Liver
Scientific studies have shown that high-protein diets increase
thermogenesis (production of heat) and satiety and thus facilitate fat loss
and weight management. Furthermore, epidemiologic studies show a
significant relationship between increased protein intake and lower risk of
hypertension (high blood pressure) and coronary heart disease. However,
some well-meaning health authorities have told us that high-protein intake
may have adverse effects on kidneys.
The recent paper by Dr. Martin and colleagues at the University of
Connecticut reviewed the available evidence that increased dietary protein
intake is a health concern in terms of the potential to initiate or promote
kidney disease. While protein restriction may be appropriate for treatment
of existing kidney disease, the investigators didn’t find significant evidence
for a detrimental effect of high protein intakes on kidney function in healthy
persons. Other reviewers, including this author, agree with this conclusion.
However, some have recommended that all individuals should doublecheck
their kidney function before the initiation of a high-protein diet,
because kidney disease is often a silent disease.
There have also been some concerns that high-protein intake may
have adverse effects on liver function; however, there’s no evidence
supporting this notion. For example, Dr. Jorda and co-workers reported
that the liver responds to long-term (420 days) high-protein intake by a
proliferation of normally functioning mitochondria (powerhouses of cell).
The authors felt their results constitute a good example of how the liver
cells adapts to metabolic stress.
Based on the mean maximum rate of urea synthesis in normal
subjects, Dr. Cordain and colleagues calculated that the mean maximum
protein intake for an 80-kg (176 pound) human to be 250 grams per day.
For a 12552-kJ energy intake, the mean maximum dietary protein intake
would be 35.1 percent of energy (range: 29.7–40.9 percent of energy).
Higher intakes may result in hyperammonemia (elevated blood ammonia),
which may explain at least some of the clinical symptoms (e.g., vomiting,
weight loss, fatigue) responsible for the “rabbit starvation syndrome.”
Rabbit starvation reportedly occurred among explorers who would live for
very long periods of time on very-low fat small game animals (i.e., rabbits).
Long-term Effects of Popular Diets on Weight Loss
Dr. McAuley and colleagues at the University of Otago in New
Zealand reported a randomized trial comparing very-low-carb/high-fat (no
more than 20 grams of carbs per day) and high-protein diets (“Zone”) with
the conventional high-carb/low-fat approach (at least 55 percent of total
energy from carbs). A total of 93 overweight women received advice
following randomization to very-low-carb, Zone, or high-carb/low-fat
dietary regimes, to achieve weight loss followed by weight maintenance
over 12 months.
After six months, both “alternative diets” (i.e., very-low-carb and
Zone) had several advantages when compared to the conventional highcarb/
low-fat diet. Reductions in body fat, waist circumference and harmful
blood lipids were all greater in those on the high-protein and high-fat diet
than those recommended the high-carb/low-fat diet. Despite the initial
improvements in the very-low-carb group, during the final six months, this
group had an increase in fat mass and waist circumference, which was
greater than the increase seen in the Zone and high-carb/low-fat groups.
However, those following the Zone diet had a particularly favorable
outcome; the improvements were largely maintained so that at 12 months,
weight and fat mass were around six and four kilograms lower than at
According to the authors, “This study provides strong support for
the use of high-protein diets as an alternative to the conventional
approach. Bodyweight, fat mass and several major metabolic features of
[insulin resistance] were improved in the long-term and to the extent that
the benefit appeared to be comparable to the change seen on drug
It’s of some interest how the mainstream media manipulates the
results of popular diet studies. According to a recent news article, “Highprotein
diets were fine for short-term weight loss, but people should switch
to more balanced diets for the long term, McAuley said.” Obviously, this
statement disagrees with her study conclusion, so I contacted Dr. McAuley
and asked if she was trying to mislead the public. Well, I received an email
from her assistant and it’s now clear that Dr. McAuley isn’t the one
who misled the public: “The NZ news article you refer to in your e-mail
should have said 'High-fat diets were fine for short-term weight loss, but
people should switch to more balanced diets for the long term, McAuley
said.' Confusion arose when Dr McAuley was explaining to the reporter the
differences in the compositions of the three diets.”
Top 10 “Superfoods”
In her recent ”Health Telegraph” column, Lucy Hoe provided a list
of the top 10 health-boosting foods. Although this list is based on limited
scientific evidence, I tend to agree with Lucy:
Strawberries. Rich in disease-fighting antioxidants.
Blueberries. May help to reduce cholesterol and may also slow
down mental aging.
Oily fish. High levels of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and
high-quality protein. Also improves inflammatory conditions, such as
arthritis. Walnuts. According to the FDA, “Research shows that eating one
and a half ounces of walnuts per day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat
and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease."
Garlic. Protects the heart and may also help ward off the common
Mushrooms. Can help you avoid colds and other viruses.
Pineapples. The bromelain in pineapples acts as a potent
Broccoli. Contain substances that appear to act in the same way
as the drugs used to treat Alzheimer's disease.
Olive oil. Contains heart-healthy fatty acids and a compound with
the same pain-relieving effects as the popular over-the-counter drug
Tomatoes. One of the richest sources of the potent antioxidant
lycopene, which may lower the risk of prostate cancer and cardiovascular
New Book for Serious Gym Rats
Muscular Development´s Columnist Carlon Colker, M.D. is an
internationally recognized consultant in the area of fitness and health. His
recent book, ”Extreme Muscle Enhancement,” lays out the guidelines for
getting ripped and huge. This easy-to-read book tells you how to train,
what to eat, when to eat, what supplements work and which ones don't.
Dr. Colker recommends the following diet for serious strength-power
athletes. Obviously, he feels that gym rats don’t need to take in lot of
carbohydrates. Give it a try and let us know how it worked.
The Extreme Muscle Enhancement Diet: A Sample Day
Breakfast, 7 a.m.
5 scrambled eggs with cheese
1 cup tomato, cucumber and chive mixed with oil/vinegar or 1 cup
of pea and carrot mixture
2–3 8-ounce glasses of water
Supplements: Multivitamin/multimineral, zinc/copper, calcium,
magnesium, essential fatty acids (EFAs)
Mid-Morning Snack, 9:30 a.m.
1/2 cup almonds and/or macadamia nuts
Supplements: Basic protein shake or meal replacement shake,
Pre-Workout, 10:30 a.m.
Supplements: Creatine, arginine-alpha-ketoglutarate (A-AKG),
niacin/B-vitamins, phosphorus
Workout, 11 a.m.
Water or hypotonic hydration drink during the workout
Post-Workout, 12 noon
1–2 glasses water or hypotonic hydration drink
Supplements: Whey protein isolate drink branched-chain amino
acids (BCAAs), EFAs, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), zinc/copper,
Lunch, 1 p.m.
Large serving tuna salad or large plate of sashimi or large grilled
chicken breast
2–3 cups mixed green salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, and
dressing or 2-3 cups steamed broccoli or 2–3 cups of mixed vegetables
with 2 Tbsp. salad dressing
2–3 glasses water
Mid-Afternoon Snack, 3:30 p.m.
Supplements: Basic protein shake or meal replacement shake,
EFAs, calcium, antioxidants
Dinner, 5:30 p.m.
Ribeye steak
Creamed or steamed spinach
Mixed green salad
2-3 glasses water
Last Meal, 8 p.m.
Supplements: Basic protein shake, ornithine-alpha-ketoglutarate
(O-AKG), glutamine.