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Supplement Performance – Creatine Loading Strategies

Supplement Performance – Creatine Loading Strategies


Creatine is a nitrogenous amine. Normal daily dietary intake of

creatine from an omnivorous diet approximates one gram. Exogenous dietary

sources of creatine include meat, fish and other animal products, but it may also

be formed endogenously in the liver, kidney and pancreas from the amino acids

glycine, arginine, and methionine. One-half kilogram of fresh, uncooked steak

contains about two grams of creatine.3

Creatine has become a popular nutritional supplement among

athletes. In 1998, about $200 million was spent on creatine monohydrate. Of the

approximately 300 studies that have evaluated the potential ergogenic value of

creatine supplementation, about 70 percent report statistically significant results,

while remaining studies generally report non-significant gains in perfomance.1

However, studies that have reported no significant benefit of creatine often have

low statistical power, have evaluated performance tests with large test-to-test

variability, and/or have not incorporated appropriate experimental controls.1

Creatine supplementation is not banned by the International Olympic

Committee and with the exception of a small increase in body mass (about one

kilogram) over the initial three to six days, does not appear to have any adverse

side effects, at least with short-term use.2 Little scientific data is available for

more prolonged use, but considering the large numbers of athletes using creatine

over the past six-plus years, and the absence of reported problems, it may be that

the often discussed somewhat nebulous long-term adverse effects are presently

being overestimated.2

Creatine supplementation has been, and continues to be,

investigated as a possible therapeutic approach for the treatment of muscular,

neurological and neuromuscular diseases (arthritis, congestive heart failure,

disuse atrophy, gyrate atrophy, McArdles disease, Huntington´s disease,

miscellaneous neuromuscular diseases, mitochondrial diseases, muscular

dystrophy, neuroprotection, etc.).


Creatine Storage in the Body

Approximately 120 grams of creatine is found in a 70-kilogram (kg)

male (154 pounds), 95 percent in the skeletal muscle.3 Total creatine exists in the

muscle as both free creatine and phosphocreatine. About 60 percent of the total

creatine is phosphocreatine, and the remainder is free creatine.3 For creatine

supplementation to be effective, it must increase the amount of total creatine or

phosphocreatine within the muscle, and these increased stores must help rapidly

replenish phosphocreatine and adenosine triphopshate (ATP) during exercise.

Normal muscle creatine content approximates 125 mmol/kg dry matter, and

human muscle appears to have an upper limit of creatine storage of 150-160

mmol/kg dry matter.3

Various supplementation strategies have been used in attempts to

increase total creatine concentration, particularly phosphocreatine. The most

commonly used protocol is to ingest a daily total of 20 to 30 grams of creatine,

usually creatine monohydrate, in four equal doses of five to seven grams

dissolved in fluids over the course of day, for five to seven days.3


Rapid vs. Slow Loading

Dr. Hultman and coworkers employed several strategies, including a

rapid protocol involving six days of creatine supplementation at a rate of 20 grams

per day, and a slower protocol with supplementation for 28 days at a rate of three

grams per day.4 Following the rapid protocol, they also studied a maintenance

dose of two grams per day for 28 days. Both the rapid and slow protocols

produced similar findings, about a 20 percent increase in muscle total creatine

concentration. The elevated muscle total creatine concentration was maintained

when supplementation was continued at a rate of two grams per day.


Creatine, Carbohydrates and Protein

Dr. A.L. Green and colleagues reported that creatine ingested in

combination with simple carbohydrates substantially increased muscle creatine

accumulation compared with the ingestion of creatine alone.5 Furthermore,

ingestion of creatine in conjuction with carbohydrates reduced the inter-individual

variability in the magnitude of muscle creatine accumulation, such that all subjects

demonstrated an increase in muscle total creatine content greater or equal to 20

mmol/kg dry mass. It was proposed that the stimulatory effect of carbohydrates on

muscle creatine accumulation was due to insulin-enhancing muscle uptake,

probably by stimulating sodium-potassium pump. Recently, same laboratory has

confirmed that insulin can increase creatine accumulation in skeletal muscle, but

only when present at a concentration close to, or in excess of, 100 mU/l.6

On the basis of these findings, it’s clear that creatine supplements

would need to be ingested with very large quantities of simple carbohydrates to

achieve an insulin-mediated stimulation of muscle creatine transport. However, it

has been reported that the ingestion of proteins in combination with carbohydrates

can result in a greater increase in serum insulin concentrations than would be

expected from the sum of their individual responses.7 Thus, the aim of a recent

study by Dr. G.R. Steenge and coworkers was to examine whether the ingestion

of creatine in combination with a solution containing about 50 grams of protein

and about 50 grams of simple carbohydrates could increase serum insulin

concentration to a level similar to that observed after the ingestion of about 100

grams of simple carbohydrates.8

The second aim was to determine whether this would facilitate

creatine retention toward that reported with large quantities of simple

carbohydrates. The results of this study indicate that the ingestion of creatine, in

conjunction with about 50 grams of protein and about 50 grams of carbohydrates,

is as effective in stimulating insulin release and whole body creatine retention as

ingesting creatine in combination with almost 100 grams of carbohydrates.

According to Dr. Steenge and colleagues, “This information will be

useful to individuals aiming to elevate their muscle total creatine store by

supplementing with creatine, particularly those that regularly ingest CHO-protein

[carbohydrate-protein] supplements after exercise or several meal replacement

supplements per day... The potentiating effect of insulin on creatine disposal was

less marked after the fourth oral challenge compared with the first. We would,

therefore, propose that ingestion of CHO alone, or in combination with protein, in

an effort to augment muscle creatine accumulation will probably only be highly

effective on the first day of supplementation.”



Creatine and D-Pinitol

D-pinitol is a plant extract that has been reported to possess insulinlike

properties. Thus, the purpose of a recent study by Dr. M. Greenwood and

coworkers was to examine whether co-ingestion of D-pinitol with creatine affects

whole body creatine retention.9 Results suggest that ingesting creatine with low

doses of D-pinitol (2 x 0,5 grams/day) may augment whole body creatine retention

in a similar manner as has been reported with co-ingestion of high levels of

carbohydrate or carbohydrate and protein. However, ingestion of a higher dose of

D-pinitol (4 x 0.5 grams/day) did not enhance retention. Clearly, more research is

needed before conclusions can be drawn.


Effervescent Creatine

Effervescent creatine products have been marketed as a more

optimal means of ingesting creatine because they theoretically enhance the

suspension and solubility of the creatine in liquid; optimize pH levels to prevent

degradation of creatine to creatinine; and reduce purported gastrointestinal

problems that may interfere with creatine transport in the gut.

According to FSI Nutrition, “Pilot studies using FSI effervescent

creatine demonstrated that the AWC [anaerobic work capacity] is significantly

enhanced compared to powder creatine monohydrate and a commercially

available creatine monohydrate/carbohydrate blend... The improvement in AWC

shown in the pilot study performed at Creighton University by Dr. Jeff Stout was

195 percent over a creatine monohydrate and 84 percent over a creatine

monohydrate/carbohydrate blend.”14

However, Dr. Greenwood and colleagues recently reported that

effervescent creatine supplementation (creatine citrate dextrose sodium

potassium) appears to be no more effective than ingesting creatine monohydrate


Creatine Serum

According to Muscle Marketing USA, ”A recent article in an

independent and widely-respected journal of naturopathic medicine has

acknowledged that Creatine Serum, manufactured by Muscle Marketing USA

(MMUSA), is the safest and most effective form of creatine for athletic

supplementation. The article appeared in the February/March issue of The

Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients... It outlines the different forms of creatine

available and details the rising safety concerns around supplementation with large

doses of creatine powder. These safety concerns include the osmotic effect of

dehydration resulting from creatine monohydrate’s insolubility and the

suppression of natural creatine production in the body... The article also points out

several other important concerns around creatine monohydrate powder

supplementation. For example, an unknown amount of powder remains

unaccounted for in the digestive system. Furthermore, it may cause complications

in stomach acid deficiency and an increase in the body’s production of

formaldehyde. Both of these could lead to potentially serious complications.

However, there is no scientific evidence supporting these claims and

the Townsend Letter is certainly not a peer-reviewed scientific journal. I just read

this paper (Gina L. Nick, Ph.D., N.D.: Creatine phopshate complex and creatine

serum) and I was stuck by the following statements:

Creatine monohydrate is less than one percent soluble in water (0.7

percent), and therefore most preparations come in powdered form or suspended

in a variety of viscous proprietary compounds. Only the soluble one percent is

absorbable through the stomach lining. Of the remaining 99 percent of the

ingested monohydrate, roughly 90 percent will be hydrolyzed to creatinine by

stomach acid, leaving about 10 percent to enter the bloodstream and be taken by

muscle cells.”

Although creatine is not subject to first-pass metabolism, other routes

are possible for decreasing systemic creatine exposure after oral administration.

The rate of formation of the degradation product creatinine, is increased in the

presence of acid and therefore accelerated degradation is possible in the lower

pH of the stomach. However, creatine degradation to creatinine occurs at its

maximal rate at pH 3-4.15 The degradation half-lives for the conversion of creatine

to creatinine at pH values 1.4, 3.7 and 6.8 are 55, 7.5 and 40.5 days,

respectively.15 At these rates, less than 0.1 gram of a five-gram dose would be

lost in one hour.

Therefore, conversion to creatinine in the gastrointestinal tract is

probably minimal regardless of transit time.15 Dr. Richard Kreider and colleagues

examined whether creatine serum supplementation has any effect on muscle

adenosine triphosphate (ATP) or creatine levels.13 Results revealed that creatine

monohydrate significantly increased muscle creatine content while no significant

differences were observed in liquid placebo or creatine serum in pre- and post-

ATP or creatine levels. These findings indicate that creatine serum has no effect

on muscle ATP or creatine stores even when taken at eight times the

recommended dosage for fivd days.


Caffeine and Creatine

Caffeine is the most commonly consumed drug in the world and

athletes frequently use it as an ergogenic aid. It improves performance and

endurance during prolonged, exhaustive exercise. To a lesser degree it also

enhances short-term, high-intensity athletic performance.11 It is relatively safe and

has no known negative performance effects, nor does it cause significant

dehydration or electrolyte imbalance during exercise.11

Vandenberghe and coworkers compared the effects of creatine

supplementation with creatine supplementation in combination with caffeine on

muscle phosphocreatine level and performance in healthy male volunteers.12

Creatine and creatine caffeine increased muscle phosphocreatine concentration

by four to six percent. Dynamic torque production, however, was increased by 10-

23 percent by creatine, but was not changed by creatine caffeine. Authors

concluded that creatine supplementation elevates muscle phosphocreatine

concentration and markedly improves performance during intense intermittent

exercise. This ergogenic effect, however, was completely eliminated by caffeine

intake. Additional research is needed to confirm these preliminary findings.


Bottom Line

Creatine ingested in combination with simple carbohydrates

substantially increases muscle creatine accumulation compared with the ingestion

of creatine alone. However, creatine supplements would need to be ingested with

very large quantities of simple carbohydrates to achieve an insulin-mediated

stimulation of muscle creatine transport. The results of a recent study indicate the

ingestion of creatine, in conjunction with about 50 grams of protein and about 50

grams of carbohydrates, is as effective in stimulating insulin release and whole

body creatine retention as ingesting creatine in combination with almost 100

grams of carbohydrates. However, authors proposed that ingestion of

carbohydrates alone, or in combination with protein, in an effort to augment

muscle creatine accumulation will probably only be highly effective on the first day

of supplementation.

Results of a pilot study indicate that co-administration of creatine with

low-doses of D-pinitol may offer a non-caloric means of augmenting whole body

creatine stores. Effervescent creatine supplementation appears to be no more

effective than ingesting creatine monohydrate alone. Creatine serum has no effect

on muscle ATP or creatine stores, even when taken at eight times the

recommended dosage for five days. Caffeine has been reported to adversely

affect the efficacy of creatine supplementation.

According to a recent review by Dr. A.M. Persky and coworkers, “A

short loading phase of two to three days taking 0.071 grams per kilogram body

weight (equivalent to five grams for a 70-kilogram person) four times a day is

suggested. Creatine should be taken with a high-carbohydrate meal or beverage,

but high-fructose components (e.g. fruit juice) should be avoided because fructose

does not elicit a significant insulin response. After the loading phase, creatine can

be taken once daily at a dosage of 0.029 grams per kilogram body weight to

maintain muscle levels. This regimen should cause rapid increases in muscle

creatine without overuse of the supplement.”15


Other articles by Anssi Manninen


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