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Sports Supplement Review - MyoZene - The Ultimate Muscle Protein Synthesizer

Sports Supplement Review - MyoZene - The Ultimate Muscle Protein Synthesizer

®-RFA-1, which is undoubtedly one of the industry’s most1 Four different solutions of 600-milliliter


blood insulin. In fact, protein hydrolysates stimulated an increase in blood insulin that was

two and four times greater than that produced by the intact (non-hydrolyzed) milk protein

solution and glucose solution, respectively.

 Ingestion of glucose and protein hydrolysate results in synergistic and fast increases in


milk proteins, as reflected by the rapid increase in the blood concentration of branchedchain

amino acids (BCAA) in peripheral blood.

 Protein hydrolysates are absorbed at a faster rate from the small intestine than are intact


postprandial (occurring after a meal) period. This difference was attributed to the

rapid increase in blood amino acids evoked during the first 40 minutes of the digestive

period, during which the increase was about 37 percent greater after the ingestion of

whey protein hydrolysate solution than after ingestion of the intact milk protein solution.

 Whey protein hydrolysate elicited the greatest availability of amino acids during the threehour


insulin might explain a superiority of protein hydrolysates over intact proteins in promoting

better nitrogen utilization (i.e., greater anabolism), especially when administered in

combination with high-glycemic carbohydrates.

Dr. Boza and co-workers compared the effects of whey protein hydrolysate to the free

amino acid mixture in starved rats.

intake in both groups. The parameters studied included bodyweight gain, nitrogen retention,

blood amino acid concentration and muscle glutamine concentration. The results revealed that

the weight gain was higher in the whey hydrolysate group than in the free amino acid group and

this difference was associated with higher nitrogen retention. In addition, researchers observed

that the blood and muscle glutamine concentrations were higher in rats fed the whey hydrolysate

than those in rats fed the free amino acid mixture, even though the glutamine intake was higher in

the latter group. The authors concluded that whey protein hydrolysate was more effective than a

mixture of free amino acids in the nutritional recovery of the starved rat.

MyoZene provides the correct ratio of whey protein hydrolysate and high-glycemic

carbohydrates for maximal post-exercise muscle anabolism and rapid glycogen re-synthesis.

A Large Dose of Extra Leucine to Boost Muscle Anabolism

In addition to the high-grade hydrolysates and carbs, MyoZene is also fortified with a

large dose of the key branched-chain amino acid leucine, which acts as a nutrient signal to

stimulate muscle protein anabolism. After exercise, recovery of muscle protein synthesis requires

dietary protein or branched-chain amino acids to increase tissue levels of leucine.

study by Dr. Koopman and colleagues examined post-exercise muscle protein

synthesis and whole body protein balance following the combined ingestion of high-glycemic

carbohydrate with or without whey protein hydrolysate and/or leucine.

the co-ingestion of leucine further increases the net protein balance, compared with carbohydrate

and whey protein hydrolysate ingestion (Figure 1). The authors concluded that, "The additional

ingestion of free leucine in combination with protein and carbohydrate likely represents an

effective strategy to increase muscle anabolism following resistance exercise."

[Insert Figure 1]

More recently, Dr. Crowe and co-workers investigated the effects of leucine

supplementation on the exercise performance of well-trained athletes.

testing before and after six weeks of supplementation with either leucine or placebo. The results

revealed that leucine supplementation significantly improved endurance performance and upper

body power. Researchers suggested that the performance-enhancing effects of leucine were

likely related to a reduction in skeletal muscle damage with training and/or an increase in skeletal

muscle protein anabolism.

Glutamine Peptides to Prevent Immunosuppression and Anaerobic Stress

MyoZene is enriched with glutamine peptides, which are absorbed more readily than free

form glutamine. Glutamine is an important fuel for some cells of the immune system and may

have specific immunostimulatory effects. The body’s blood glutamine concentration is lower after

rigorous exercise and this may contribute to impairment of the immune system. A 1997 study by

Drs. Castell and Newsholme showed that glutamine supplementation after exercise had a

beneficial effect on the level of subsequent infections.

glutamine peptides protect cells from anaerobic stress in a dose-dependent fashion. However,

free-form glutamine doesn’t show this positive effect. Finally, glutamine peptides enhance

glycogen resynthesis.

 The authors suggested that the association of high levels of blood amino acids and25 The experiment was designed to provide the same energy2 A wellcontrolled3 The results revealed that4 The subjects underwent7 In addition, there’s some evidence that12

KIC to Decrease Muscle Protein Degradation

11 Thus, the anticatabolic24 which22 Simply put, seven-day taurine supplementation resulted in a2 max23

LCTL to Attenuate the Biochemical and Structural Stress and to Increase Fat Utilization

5 The authors concluded that, "LCLT supplementation is effective in assisting6 Finally, Dr. Giamberardino and colleagues reported14 According to the authors of this study, this effect is mainly attributed to the


German Creatine to Boost Athletic Performance

8 Also, there’s rock-hard9 Ingestion of10

Considering the huge numbers of athletes using creatine monohydrate over the past 10

years and the absence of reported problems, it’s very likely that any purported long-term adverse

effects are false, exaggerated or completely unrelated. The aim of the recent study by Dr. H

Schoder and colleagues was to investigate the long-term effects of creatine monohydrate

supplementation on clinical parameters related to health.

players of the first Spanish Basketball League participated in this longitudinal study. The subjects

ingested five grams of creatine daily during three competition seasons. Blood samples were

collected five times during each of the three official competition seasons of the first National

Basketball League. The authors concluded, "Supplementation with creatine did not alter clinical

indices related to hepatic [liver] or renal [kidney] pathology or muscle injury." In fact, the recent

study by Dr. R. Santos and co-workers demonstrated that creatine supplementation reduced cell

damage and inflammation after exhaustive intense exercise.

19 Eighteen professional basketball20

Finally, Dr. Greenwood and colleagues reported that the incidence of cramping or injury

was significantly lower or proportional for creatine users compared with nonusers.

these studies indicate that creatine is safe at normal usage levels (i.e., 5 grams four times daily

for five to seven days, followed by up to 5 grams daily indefinitely).

Note: Some sadly misinformed individuals have claimed that about 90 percent of

ingested creatine monohydrate will be hydrolyzed to creatinine by stomach acids. True, the rate

of formation of creatinine is increased in the presence of acid and therefore accelerated

degradation is possible in the lower pH of the stomach. However, creatine degradation to

creatinine occurs at its maximal rate at pH 3-4.

creatine to creatinine at pH values 1.4, 3.7 and 6.8 are 5.5, 7.5 and 40.5 days, respectively.

these rates, less than 0.1 gram of a 5-gram dose would be lost in one hour. Thus, conversion to

creatinine in the gastrointestinal tract is minimal.

A High-potency Multivitamin/Mineral/Antioxidant Complex

Finally, MyoZene contains a high-potency multivitamin/mineral/antioxidant complex,

including high doses of vitamin C and alpha-tocopherol. A recent study demonstrated that

supplementation with vitamin C and alpha-tocopherol ameliorates muscle functional decrements

subsequent to strenuous exercise.

recovery from muscle damage.

prevent the common cold in physically active individuals; five trials found a statistically significant

45 to 91 percent reduction in common cold incidence in the vitamin C group.

enriched with sodium and potassium to facilitate effective rehydration (restoration of fluid balance)

following exercise.

Bottom Line

BioQuest´s MyoZene is formulated from the latest, cutting-edge research, the highestgrade

ingredients available, rigorous testing protocols and produced in state-of-the-art

manufacturing facilities. For these, and all the reasons and studies cited throughout this article, I

highly recommend that every serious bodybuilder should make MyoZene post-workout recovery

drink an immediate staple to your supplementation regimen.

21 Collectively,10 The degradation half-lives for the conversion of10 At16 Also, vitamin C can reduce muscle soreness and improve18 Furthermore, there’s compelling evidence that vitamin C can15 MyoZene is17 Cellular hydration promotes protein anabolism and glycogen synthesis.

No post-workout formula would be complete without a high-quality creatine. MyoZene

provides 100 percent pure, pharmaceutical grade German creatine monohydrate. Scientific

studies have demonstrated that creatine monohydrate supplementation improves maximal

power/strength (5 to 15 percent), work performed during sets of maximal-effort muscle

contractions (5 to 15 percent), single-effort sprint performance (1 to 5 percent), and work

performed during repetitive sprint performance (5 to 15 percent).

evidence showing that creatine monohydrate enhances muscle size responses to resistance

training. For example, a recent scientific paper concluded that, "Creatine supplementation

[creatine monohydrate] in combination with strength training amplifies the training-induced

increase in satellite cell number and myonuclei concentration in human skeletal muscle fibres,

thereby allowing an enhanced muscle fibre growth in response to strength training."

MyoZene results in a fast increase in blood insulin, which maximizes creatine transport into the

skeletal muscle.

The MyoZene formula is further enhanced with pharmaceutical grade L-carnitine Ltartrate

(LCLT). Scientific studies indicate that LCLT attenuates the biochemical and structural

stress responses to high-intensity exercise. For example, a recent study by Dr. Volek and

colleagues provided compelling evidence of a favorable effect of LCLT supplementation on blood

flow regulation during and after moderate-intensity squat exercise, as evidenced by significantly

less accumulation of markers of purine degradation, free radical formation, tissue damage and

muscle soreness.

recovery from high-repetition squat exercise."

Similarly, Dr. Kraemer and co-workers reported that LCLT supplementation reduced the

amount of exercise-induced muscle tissue damage, which was assessed via magnetic resonance

imaging scans of the thigh. According to the authors, "These data support the use of LCLT as a

recovery supplement for hypoxic exercise."

that L-carnitine supplementation has a protective effect against pain and damage from strenuous


vasodilatation property of the carnitine (i.e., blood vessels become wider), which both improves

energetic metabolism of the damaged muscle and enhances wash out of algogenic (painproducing)


In addition, LCLT may enhance fat utilization. Carnitine supplementation increases fatty

acid oxidation (burning) in skeletal muscle by a mechanism that includes increasing total carnitine

content in muscle mitochondria (powerhouses of the cell) and the total content of acetyl Lcarnitine.

MyoZene also contains pharmaceutical grade alpha-ketoisocaproic acid (KIC), which is a

keto acid of leucine. Branched-chain keto acids (BCKAs) are very similar to branched-chain

amino acids (BCAAs). In fact, the only difference is the presence of a keto group instead of an

amino group. Thus, BCKAs can be viewed as ammonia-free sources of BCAAs. KIC is clearly the

most important BCKA and some feel there’s every reason to believe that KIC will prove to be of

value to serious athletes, including bodybuilders. Although leucine can be converted to KIC

(transamination) and both tend to increase parallel in the blood when leucine is used, there’s

evidence that it has anti-catabolic (protein-sparing) properties separate from leucine. A 1984

study, published in Biochemical Journal, reported that leucine stimulated protein synthesis, but

didn’t reduce protein degradation when leucine transamination was inhibited.

effects of leucine, in contrast to its anabolic effects, required its transamination. In

addition, KIC stimulates insulin secretion, increasing transport of amino acids into the muscle


Taurine to Increase Cell Hydration and to Decrease Oxidative Stress

MyoZene is also fortified with taurine, the second most abundant free amino acid in

muscle after glutamine. Published research indicates that it has a role in cell hydration,

refers to the volume of fluid within the cell. Increasing fluid in the cell (i.e., cell volumization) has

been shown to decrease protein breakdown while stimulating protein anabolism. On the other

hand, a reduction in cell volume (i.e., cell dehydration) promotes protein breakdown and inhibits


Taurine supplementation has other benefits, too. A study by Dr. Zhang and colleagues

evaluated the protective effects of taurine supplementation on exercise-induced oxidative stress

and exercise performance.

significantly reduced DNA migration after exercise and also significantly increased VO

exercise time to exhaustion and maximal workload. The investigators concluded that, "Taurine

may attenuate exercise-induced DNA damage and enhance the capacity of exercise due to its

cellular protective properties."

Finally, there’s recent evidence suggesting that taurine supplementation may prevent

obesity by increasing resting energy expenditure.

BioQuest Pharmaceuticals first entered the field of sports nutrition after recognizing a

serious need still existed for a truly effective, natural diet supplement. With a focus on innovation

and relentless commitment to science-based technologies, their flagship product, Tetrazene ES-

50™, has ushered in a new era in the category, while quickly becoming the fastest growing diet

product in America today. It’s no wonder though, because the researchers at BioQuest are the

same ones who developed Xenadrine

effective and successful fat-loss supplements of all time.

Although BioQuest has demonstrated a keen knack for developing highly effective diet

products, their other specialty is hardcore sports nutrition. And their newest innovation is a

premier example. BioQuest’s MyoZene is scientifically designed to fuel rapid muscle growth

through a powerful matrix of anabolic nutrients proven to stimulate muscle protein synthesis

following resistance exercise. In fact, MyoZene is the most advanced product of its kind ever

formulated. This is a very important development because proper post-exercise nutrition is

absolutely critical for rapid recovery and maximal muscular gains. What makes MyoZene so

effective? Well, let’s examine some science behind its most important ingredients.

Fast-acting Di- and Tripeptides from Whey Protein Hydrolysate

MyoZene contains only the highest quality hydrolyzed (pre-digested) whey protein. The

hydrolysis process mimics our own digestive actions, thus making it an ideal way to process

dietary protein. MyoZene´s whey protein has been treated with proprietary enzymes to cut the

protein into di- and tripeptides, while the superior amino acid profile of whey is left intact. The diand

tripeptides from MyoZene are rapidly and effectively taken up by the gut and released into

the blood without digestion. Also, MyoZene´s whey protein hydrolysate increases insulin

secretion and insulin increases transport of amino acids into muscle cells. Obviously, these are

desirable traits for serious athletes who wish to maximize amino acid delivery to the muscle (e.g.,

immediately after exercise).

To highlight this point, a recent study at the Copenhagen Muscle Research Centre was

implemented to determine the effects different protein-containing solutions have on insulin

response and amino acid availability in healthy humans.

dosages were used in this study. The glucose solution (control) contained only glucose and the

three additional solutions contained the same quantity of glucose and protein, but the proteins

were derived from different sources. This study indicated that:

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