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[May 20 2007] Steroid use 'on par with heroin'
Steroid use 'on par with heroin' Steroid use may be more than twice as common as official figures suggest, a leading expert has told the BBC.  March 20, 2007According to the British Crime Survey there are 42,000 regular anabolic steroid users in the UK....
[Apr 11 2007] To reduce steroid abuse, start targeting suppliers
To reduce steroid abuse, start targeting suppliersApril 11, 2007Investigators in Florida and New York believe that tens of thousands of people across the country bought steroids and growth hormones illegally over the Internet from an Orlando pharmacy.Auth...
[Apr 07 2007] Someone must deal with steroid abuse
Someone must deal with steroid abuse, By: Terry O’Neill April 5, 2007 Charles Keegan's March 22 letter to the editor is one of numerous negative comments that have been aired on District Attorney David Soares' taking the lead in the interstate steroid...
[Mar 26 2007] When steroid cheats become steroid addicts
When steroid cheats become steroid addicts, By: Robin Parisotto March 26, 2007 An expert highlights the dangers of steroid abuse in sport. The message is clear - addiction can have life-threatening consequences. Part 1 of a three-part series. Steroid ab...
[Feb 21 2007] Steroids abuse concerns WIAC
Steroids abuse concerns WIAC, By: Don WalkerRaid at UW-Stout a wake-up callFeb. 19, 2007In the 11 years Gary Karner has been commissioner of the Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference, he has never run into a case of an athlete being caught or usin...
[Jan 22 2007] Banned steroids in use
Banned steroids in use January 20, 2007  Drug abuse has become the buzzword in Kerala as more and more young men are resorting to injectable steroids and are openly using it, which are banned in the country. Drug abuse is not only going unnoticed, but it...
[Nov 22 2006] More girls abusing steroids
More girls abusing steroidsNov. 21, 2006 A rising number of young girls are abusing steroids to try to boost athletic performance or physical appearance, says a U.S. endocrinologist. Girls who take steroids often are unaware or misinformed of associated h...
[Sep 17 2006] Many young men 'abusing steroids'
Many young men 'abusing steroids'09/13/06The use of anabolic steroids is becoming mainstream as young men turn to the drugs to boost self-confidence and improve body image, experts warn. The charity DrugScope found steroid abuse was a significant problem ...


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