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[Sep 16 2007] Steroid abuse out of control in young offender’s institute
Steroid abuse out of control in young offender’s institute, By: Ben RossingtonSept 14, 2007A YOUNG offenders institute housing Merseyside youths has been flooded with steroids.A new report says inmates at Thorn Cross, an open correctional facility in Wa...
[Aug 01 2007] Tragedies of Steroid Use
Tragedies of Steroid UseJuly 30, 2007 Students who are using steroids probably aren't going to admit it, but one coach says he knows firsthand what can happen when athletes turn to drugs to improve their performance. In his freshman year at New Mexico Hig...
[Jul 21 2007] Nowhere to hide, Selig opts to show for Bonds
Nowhere to hide, Selig opts to show for Bonds, By: Peter SchmuckFunny how things work out. Bud Selig would not commit to being in attendance when Barry Bonds breaks the all-time home run record, so Bonds has brought the mountain to Mohammed.The San Franci...
[Jul 20 2007] Anabolic Steroids Have Unintended Effects In Women
Anabolic Steroids Have Unintended Effects In WomenOne User Says She Has Developed Mannish FeaturesJuly 19, 2007Many more women are abusing steroids, and the results can be both dangerous and disturbing to see. Peggy, who did not want to provide her real n...
[Jul 13 2007] Steroids: They're all the rage
Steroids: They're all the rage, By: Thomas Grant, Jr. July 12, 2007 Printed in bold letters on page two of a booklet detailing the NCAA's drug-testing program is the sentence "Ignorance is no excuse.'' It's a message the nation's largest govern...
[Jul 02 2007] With lives on the line, records not a priority
With lives on the line, records not a priority, By: David Steele 7/2/07 A famous and popular wrestler murdered his wife and son, then killed himself. He is only the latest in a long line of performers in that sport to die at a young age of very unnatura...
[Jun 30 2007] Texas high schools get tough on steroid abuse
Texas high schools get tough on steroid abuse, By: Christopher Lawlor Texas high school athletes have been warned: Using anabolic steroids will result in suspensions and permanent bans from athletics. This fall, athletes will be subject to random steroid...
[Jun 29 2007] Steroid Abuse Carnage
Steroid Abuse Carnage, By: Steve Simmons Just another graduate of Stampede Wrestling gone The wrestlers of my youth didn't die young. The Sheik, after all the fire, the gouging and the biting, lived to 76. Bobo Brazil, whose head suffered no damage fr...
[May 29 2007] Free Latest Information About Steroids For Bodybuilders And Athletes Of All Levels From
Free Latest Information About Steroids For Bodybuilders And Athletes Of All Levels From Steroid-abuse.orgMay 28, 2007Steroid abuse ( newly launched website provides latest Information about Steroids for bodybuilders and athletes of a...
[May 21 2007] ‘It’s Still Happening’
‘It’s Still Happening’, By: Julie ScelfoA sports medicine expert discusses steroid abuse by teens and whether state laws on testing could help to solve the problem.May 20, 2007 Steroid abuse by high school athletes remains a national concern. Earlie...


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