The Best Weight Lifting Exercises To DoHere's a list of the best weight lifting exercises to do for muscle and strength gain. Depending on which muscle groups you are training, pick 2-3 of these weight lifting exercises for each muscle group from among th...
Bodybuilding Supplements--Some of the BestMany people ask me time and time again which bodybuilding supplements they should be taking to help them reach their goals. After speaking with them, I realize often times that all the bodybuilding supplements in ...
4 Things You Must Do In Your Weight Training RoutineIf you want to achieve more muscle growth from your weight training routine, you'll definitely want to read this article. I once read a definition of insanity that explained it as "doing the same th...
How To Get Ripped And Shredded!I feel that the best approach to get ripped is a long term one. However, there are some simple things you can do to drop fat quickly. You primarily get ripped by increasing the amount, duration, or/and intensity of your card...
"How to Increase Weight On All Lifts in Your Weight Lifting Routines"
This article was taken directly from Shawn LeBrun's Simple Steps to Get Huge and Shredded” weight lifting routine and training program.
Want a me...
The Only Way To Gain MuscleThe only way to gain muscle or strength is to subject that muscle to overload. To continue making gains, you must continue to increase the amount of overload you place on each muscle group over time.This progressive increase in ...
The Most Important Thing In Your Weight Lifting ProgramThe other day, someone asked me what I thought was the "Most Important Factor" in their weight lifting program. They wanted to know if it was Cardio, Weight Training, or Proper Nutrition. I ...
How To Train For Muscle Gain!Are you training correctly to make sure that muscle gain will happen? Muscle grows only if you force it to grow. If muscle is not stressed and forced to respond (by getting bigger) -- it will not. So you must set up your weigh...
Learn How To Build Muscle Mass In Less Time!One of the most important things to do if you want to build muscle mass is to get enough protein in your diet, each and every day. It's no surprise that protein (amino acids) builds muscle and if you do not get ...
The Key To More Muscle in Your Body building RoutinesHas there ever been a time in your body building routines where everything seemed to just "click" and all your lifts were great? Where you just felt an extreme energy coursing through your bod...
The 2 Most Important Keys to Gaining Muscle!While working as a personal trainer, I spend most of my time helping people generally lose weight or get leaner for upcoming bodybuilding shows.But I also get many emails each week from people looking to gain mu...
The ONLY Way To Succeed In Your Workout Program!I've been a personal trainer for about 4 years now, so I've talked to a lot of people looking to improve upon their workout program. And after speaking with them, I realize that we're all so much alike. I'm ...
Eating To Build Muscle And Lose FatEating to build muscle and lose fat at the same time is tricky, but extremely possible.If you ask a 100 different people their opinions about what percentage of their daily calorie intake should consist of protein, what ...
A Quick Way To Lose FatIf you want a quick way to lose fat, this article will show you how.Did you know that the end result of all carbohydrates broken down by the body is glucose, also called blood sugar.So whether it’s a spoon of sugar, a piece of bread...
You're Being Lied To About Weight LossLet me show you why you're being lied to about weight loss.Here it is, late night TV and I'm flipping through the channels trying to find something good to watch.As I'm surfing the tube, I notice a huge amount of weig...
3 Ways To Build Muscle And Lose Fat Unhappy with your current fitness results? Want to build muscle and lose fat? Feel you can achieve so much more or be in much better shape?Well, chances are, the problem AND solution lie in one of three areas. I call th...
Build Muscle MassIf you want to build muscle mass, you first need to understand what causes a muscle to grow and become stronger. There is one and only one reason a muscle has for getting bigger and stronger.Progressively increased overload.I will repeat ...
The Basics Of Weight Training RoutinesWhen designing weight training routines, I try to keep two basic principles at the forefront of my mind. These two principles are "simplicity" and "efficiency." One of the reasons why I feel many p...
Muscle Building Tips to Get You Bigger, Leaner, and Stronger!Want muscle building tips you can use immediately to get you bigger and stronger? Well, did you know that how you live, day to day, determines the level of strength and muscularity you'll a...
The Many Benefits of Weight Lifting For WomenDespite the overwhelming benefits of weight lifting for women, why are so many women scared to lift weights? Because they're fearful of turning into raging hulks or gaining the muscle of an Arnold Schwarzenegge...
3 Easy Steps To Gain Muscle MassIf you want to gain muscle mass, the simplified basics of getting huge are this: 1. Eat big to get big. Gaining muscle and getting huge is calorie driven. To gain muscle mass, you have to eat more. But make it good stuff. S...
For Muscle Gain To Occur, You Must Pay Attention To Details!If you are one of those people who go to the gym dutifully, bang out the same routine, day after day, year after year and make very little muscle gain progress, then this is for you. Very few peo...
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