[Aug 26 2006]
China school caught injecting teens with steroids
China school caught injecting teens with steroids 08-24-06 BEIJING — Students at a sports school in northeastern China were caught using performance-enhancing drugs in a doping raid, state media said Wednesday. It's the latest scandal to hit the coun...
[Aug 15 2006]
Steroid-use rules up for debate in Moreno Valley school district
Steroid-use rules up for debate in Moreno Valley school district, By: Imran Vittachi August 14, 2006The Moreno Valley school board on Tuesday, Aug. 15, will consider toughening its policy on steroids so the district can comply with a policy of the Califo...
[Aug 09 2006]
IHSA stepping up efforts to halt steroid use
IHSA stepping up efforts to halt steroid use, By: Jan DennisAugust 8, 2006BLOOMINGTON, Ill. -- The Illinois High School Association will ramp up educational programs to halt steroid use as it mulls possible mandatory testing of student-athletes for perfor...
[Aug 05 2006]
Teacher Accused Of Distributing Steroids
Teacher Accused Of Distributing Steroids
CHIPPEWA FALLS, Wis. -- State agents checked computer records at Chippewa Falls Senior High School following the arrest of a former teacher accused of distributing steroids.
Investigators are recomm...
[Aug 05 2006]
Preventing Steroid Use in High School
Preventing Steroid Use in High School, By: Jessica Aspiras 8/3/06According to the Partners for Substance Abuse and Prevention, steroid use among high school students has increased by 50 percent in the last 25 years. And the National Institute for Drug Ab...
[Aug 01 2006]
Steroids are not just a pro sports issue
Steroids are not just a pro sports issue, By: Matt Schoch08/1/06Ever get sick of hearing about Barry Bonds and Floyd Landis? Think that a steroid discussion is something between Karl Ravech and John Kruk on ESPN's Baseball Tonight? Most do, and I was on...
[Jul 13 2006]
Use of supplements a slippery slope for high school athletes
Use of supplements a slippery slope for high school athletes, By: Kyle BurchJuly 12, 2006When any athlete mentions using supplements to enhance a workout routine, Loveland High School strength and conditioning coordinator Casey Thomas is quick to speak up...
[Jul 07 2006]
Students pass steroid testing with flying colors
Students pass steroid testing with flying colors, By: Danielle Deaver Local school officials not surprised that all 150 tested were negative 07-05-06During the spring sports season, student athletes in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools had someth...
[Jul 04 2006]
AIA unlikely to implement steroids tests
AIA unlikely to implement steroids tests, By: Richard Obert N.J. state high school policy stirs debate of costs, privacy July 3, 2006, The Arizona Republic Arizona Interscholastic Association Executive Director Harold Slemmer said he doesn't expect to ...
[Jul 02 2006]
York County coaches back PIAA stance on steroids
York County coaches back PIAA stance on steroids, By: Steve HeiserRandom testing will not be done 06-28-06 Education -- not random testing -- is the best way to prevent steroids use by high school athletes. That's the position of the PIAA. And it's a ...