[May 01 2006]
Pitchers finding little benefit from steroid use
Pitchers finding little benefit from steroid use, By: Amy Shipley May 1, 2006, Washington PostWASHINGTON – Slightly more than half of the positive drug tests in professional baseball the past two years have come from pitchers, including nine of 10 this...
[Apr 04 2006]
What's wrong with steroids?
What's wrong with steroids?, By: Michael Hill April 2, 2006, Sun At one time, using coaches was prohibited in Olympic sports. Systematic training was frowned upon. They were thought to be against the spirit of the games.Now performance-enhancing drugs a...
[Feb 27 2006]
Study: Steroids Make Teens Aggressive For Years
Study: Steroids Make Teens Aggressive For YearsResearchers Say Characteristics Last Beyond Steroid UseFebruary 27, 2006, Internet Broadcasting Systems, Inc.A new study indicates teens who take steroids may have an aggressive personality for years, even if...