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[Apr 19 2007] Effortless Protection My Butt
Effortless Protection My Butt, By: Jacqui Detwiler 4/18/07  I'd like to take this moment to be thankful that I didn't go to Duke as an undergrad. Now before you take up rakes and shovels against me, listen to my reasoning. Since I moved here, I've been ...
[Mar 08 2007] Nautilus, Inc. Joins NFL Legend Dick Butkus in Fight Against Steroid Use
Nautilus, Inc. Joins NFL Legend Dick Butkus in Fight Against Steroid Use Butkus Educational Campaign Endorses Texas Legislative Initiative Introduced Today March 7, 2007 Nautilus a pure fitness company, announced it has joined forces with NFL Hall of ...
[Dec 12 2006] Stopping Steroids
Stopping Steroids, By: Ray Paulick12/12/06Progress in racing's war on drugs started with a report in August 2000 from the National Thoroughbred Racing Association's Task Force on Racing Integrity and Drug Testing at The Jockey Club Round Table in Saratoga...
[Aug 29 2006] Prep athlete-oriented lecture on steroids set for Thursday
Prep athlete-oriented lecture on steroids set for Thursday, By: Joshua LindensteinAugust 29, 2006 With a new steroids or doping scandal seemingly every week for the past few years, Ryan Hale gets plenty of calls from athletes or parents of athletes wonder...
[Aug 29 2006] Local trainer living healthy after giving up steroids
Local trainer living healthy after giving up steroidsAugust 28, 2006KNOXVILLE (WATE) -- Despite illegal steroid use ruining the careers of some sports stars, it's still too tempting for some to pass up. And it's a decision one man living in Knoxville now�...
[Aug 26 2006] Discover the Truth About Eating Too Much Protein
Discover the Truth About Eating Too Much Protein, By: Gary MatthewsAugust 24, 2006Lets face it protein is an essential nutrient, and is vital to your health and is used to build muscles, skin, hair and nails. However, many people put their health at risk ...
[Jun 25 2006] Man's fight to eliminate steroid use is awarded
Man's fight to eliminate steroid use is awarded, By: Julie Kay 06-22-06 Ever since 19-year-old Efrain Marrero abruptly took his life in 2004, his parents, Brenda and Frank, have spearheaded a passionate effort to eradicate steroid use, which they believ...
[Jun 21 2006] LL: I'm Steroid and Surgery Free
LL: I'm Steroid and Surgery Free, By: Jeff DavidsonJune 20, 200638-year-old LL Cool J still has the looks of a twenty-something.  His sculpted abs are nearly as famous as his rhymes. But, some have accused the Long Island born rapper of cosmetically or o...
[Jun 04 2006] Building a body of faith
Building a body of faith June 1, 2006It can often be hard to relate to young people, to earn their respect and to influence their choices in life, but a group of ex-East End hardmen aim to do just that. NEETA DUTTA speaks to Tough Talk founder Ian McDowa...


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