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Post Workout Secrets For Faster Growth!

Post Workout Secrets For Faster Growth!


I’m going to share a couple little known post-workout secrets to help you grow even faster.

Here's a HUGE mistake I see most bodybuilders making.

They don’t take advantage of the most important "window of opportunity" to build muscle mass - the post workout meal.

You've probably heard the importance of taking a post-workout meal before. Many "experts"say that as long as you take a meal containing carbohydrates and protein within 90 minutes after your workout you'll be using this "window of opportunity" for muscle growth.

Why would you wait so long for the most critical time of your recovery and muscle growth?

Cortisol is rapidly rising right after the workout and if you don't do something about it... it's going to eat away at your muscle gains.

To stop cortisol from rising here’s what you need to do:

Immediately after your last set, grab your bottle of water and down at least 10 to 15 capsules of Nitrobol. Take 20 capsules if you’re over 200 pounds.

The Nitrobol will hit your bloodstream within 8 to 12 minutes and will be rushed to the areas pumped with blood you trained. This will contribute to faster recovery which means faster size and strength gains.

About 10 to 15 minutes after the Nitrobol you should drink your post-workout shake. This shake should contain high glycemic carbohydrates and protein.

Why high glycemic carbs? Actually there are two reasons:

The first is scientists have figured out insulin and cortisol are antagonistic, meaning when your insulin levels are high, cortisol is driven out of your body. This tilts your testosterone to cortisol ratio in favor of testosterone. This is a good thing.

The second reason is this: If you’ve done a hard workout, your muscles will be depleted of glycogen because you used it for energy during your workout. Your muscles are literally screaming for some carbohydrates right after the workout. They will quickly absorb the carbs so it’s important to get them into your body as fast as possible. High glycemic carbs do just that... get to your muscles quickly to replenish glycogen stores.

While your body is in this quick uptake mode, you can use the insulin release from the high glycemic carbs to shuttle other anabolic nutrients like Nitrobol into your muscle cells exactly when it is needed most... right after your workout.

Here's what I do 10 to 15 minutes after taking the Nitrobol for my post-workout drink...

I drink something called "kefir". It's basically a drink made of yogurt.

I like it because it has some high glycemic carbs as sweeteners and some good high quality protein.

And even better... since it is fermented that means it's partially digested. So the protein is quickly and more easily digested than milk products. I think it's a great post-workout drink and it comes in some really delicious flavors.

I find it at every Publix grocery store but you may have to go to specialty-type health food stores to find it in your area.

I think a combination of the Nitrobol taken immediately after your workout, and a half to full quart of kefir chugged down post workout will provide all the muscle-building nutrients you need... at just the right time... to grow as quickly as possible.


Other articles by Dan Gallapoo


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