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Here’s A Workout Tip To Help You Blast Through A Rut

Here’s A Workout Tip To Help You Blast Through A Rut

Dear Friend,

I appreciate all the reader’s tips I’ve been receiving lately.

If you’d like to blast through a sticking point, here’s an idea from subscriber Mike Belmonte.

Here's Mike's idea...

Hey my name is Mike Belmonte and I have got a explosive workout routine that's pretty close to the one you guys posted last week and this week.

What you do is get a weight that you can get 25 reps in the first set. When you hit 25 you want to be at complete failure. You rest for ten seconds (yes ten seconds) and hit the weights again until you hit failure(do as many as you can).  

Then you rest for ten seconds again and after the ten seconds is up you hit the weights again.  You do this until you hit 75 reps.  When you are done with the 75 reps you are done with that exercise and then you move on to the next exercise and repeat the steps.   

You want to do at least 4 different exercises for each muscle group, so a grand total of 300 reps for the day. There will be so much blood in the muscle that you work it's sick.  Your veins will be exploding.  I've have never got a more incredible pump like I did after this workout. 

 Of course you have to pick and choose the appropriate exercises. You probably don't want to do squats with this, or any other exercise that will put a huge amount of strain on your joints.  But when you hit your forearms, Bi's and Tri's, shoulders, back, calves, Hams, Quads you won't know what to do with yourself because it will feel like you are a rookie in the gym you'll hurt so bad. 

 If you are used to pumping heavy ass weight you feel kind of like a pussy using light weight, but just try it for one whole body part (one day at the gym all your exercises for that day) and you will not believe how pumped your muscles will get.  It will feel like your skin is about to rip because your muscles are so pumped.  You will see gains within a week of doing this routine.

Someone try this please and write back to the weekly tips because you will feel a difference.

- Mike Belmonte 

Mike, you’re a masochist! But thanks a lot.  I appreciate your contribution.  Keep 'em coming! 

I’d only recommend doing this workout occasionally on a lagging body part or when you want to break through a sticking point.

Try it on one of your stubborn body parts once or twice a week for 2 to 3 weeks and let me know how it works for you.


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