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The Secret To Building Big Muscles Quickly!

The Secret To Building Big Muscles Quickly!


Hopefully by now, you know that the most important part of your nutrition program as a bodybuilder is "protein".

In Hollywood, the studios used to send most of their actors who had to build muscles in a matter of a few weeks to Vince Gironda. Why? Because Vince would get them the most muscular in the shortest possible time!

He had a great many opinions, some of which you may agree with and some of which you might not. For example, he used to think that the Bench Press was a useless exercise and that it should be replaced with Dips!

He was right on with his views on Positive Nitrogen Balance. He used to train the butts off the actors who used to be sent to his gym, but he also made sure that they were not in any way over-trained or in a catabolic state. He made sure that they had abundant protein in their bodies at all times.

So taking a tip from the late, great Vince Gironda, if you want serious muscles and quickly...train hard, but more importantly, eat and drink LOTS of protein.

Pour a pint of milk in a blender, add 4-5 scoops of a quality Ionic Exchanged Whey Protein powder, add a dozen egg whites and sip it throughout the first part of the day. Do the same for the rest of the day with a new drink of the same ingredients. This should be in addition to your normal high protein diet! Follow this for a few weeks and see yourself get huge big time!

Other articles by Dan Gallapoo


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